[CCF] OH2HQ operaatioon ilmoittautuneet asemat – maanantaipäivän 5.7. tilanne (80, 40, 20 ja 10 SSB edelleenkin vapaat)
Janne Karresuo
janne.karresuo at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 01:38:29 PDT 2010
Varsinaista muutosta ei siis listalla ole tapahtunut. Lauantai-illalla
vaihdoimme Karin, OH4KA kanssa sähköpostia. Kari, OH4KA lupautui hoitamaan
osa-aikaisesti myös 20 SSB:n. Sitten kun 15 fonella loppuu wörkittävä. Hyvä
niin... Kuitenkin olisi siis hyvä, jos siihen löytyisi operaattori
kokoajaksi. Edelleenkin siis olisi tarjolla nuo allamainitut bandit ja
modet, edellisistä huolimatta siis* 80, 40, 20 ja 10 SSB. QRZ?*
Edelleenkin olisi tarjolla 40 CW:n jakaminen. Eli kyse olisi nyt
sellaisesta, joka aloittaisi ja eka tuuraus kestäisi suurinpiirtein 18.00
UTC saakka, eli ekat 6 tuntia. *Seinäjoelle asti ei tarvitse matkustaa
jakaakseen kyseisen moden, vaan operoinnin voi tehdä myös omalta asemaltaan,
kun kyseessä kerta on HQ-luokka.*
Samalla ilmoittelen, että OH6M hyppää sitten 40:n fonelle myös
osa-aikaisesti, kun "yövuorolainen" astuu remmiin...
Palaan tiistaina uudelleen asiaan.
*Tähän mennessä siis ilmoittauneet asemat
80 CW** OH2XX
*80 SSB
*40 CW OH6M, opr. OH6LBW* ja *OH5TS* 23.00 UTC->
40 SSB (OH6M) 23.00 UTC ->
*20 CW OH5Z, opr. OH5WH
*20 SSB* *(OH4KA)*
15 CW OH6AC, opr. OH6CS
15 SSB** OH4KA
10 CW **OH6BG at OH6QU
*10 SSB
73´de Janne, OH6LBW
*Samalla vielä tähän loppuun rautalangasta vääntäen*. Jamien NS3T:n
kirjoitus tuolla radio-sport.netissä. Kannattaa lukaista...
24 Hours of Mixed Mode Fun As IARU HF Returns; HQ Category Still Active
Despite ARRL Decision *By Jamie Dupree NS3T <ns3t%28at%29arrl%28dot%29net>
Posted July 2, 2010
After months of controversy about the judging of the 2009 IARU HF
Championships, the time for argument is over, and the time for switching on
the radio and contesting is here on the second weekend in July, 2010.
As for the verbal battle between AO8HQ and DA0HQ, which resulted in the ARRL
announcing that it would no longer judge the HQ category, a group of
European contesters from national societies have agreed to do that work
instead, urging HQ entrants to again be active this year.
"I think the ARRL, and specifically NN1N and the Awards Committee, did the
right thing," said Ron Notarius W3WN. "At worst, they could have handled it
a little better."
Despite the controversy, a number of HQ stations will be on again this year,
no matter who is going to judge the final results.
"Like every year, TMØHQ will be active for the 2010 IARU HF World
Championship," says the web page of the French Headquarters station.
TM0HQ will be on the air "in both CW and SSB from all 12 stations comprising
a team numbering 52 operators located in 14 different French departments."
Meanwhile, the Polish team SN0HQ will be dedicating their effort this year
to one of their team members who died soon after the 2009 IARU.
"IARU HF World Championship 2010 is dedicated to our late colleague Roman
SP6EKS," reads the SN0HQ web page.
Back on the air as well will be the German team DA0HQ, which has a time
countdown on their web page, as they get ready for another full scale
contest effort.
If you are looking for a favorite in the Single Operator categories, it
might be whatever category Jose Nunes CT1BOH decides to enter.
The veteran champ will be at his contest station CR3E on Madeira Island
handing out points in a contest that has become a highlight of his summer.
"IARU is my second favorite contest after the CQWW," Nunes said last month.
He holds the SOAB CW record in the IARU as CT3EN.
Contests Within The IARU Contest
Don't forget that also of great interest during the 24 hours of IARU is the
World Radiosport Team Championships, the "World Cup" of ham radio contesting
that is being run this year in Russia at the same time as the IARU.
Listen closely for these special R3 callsigns from Russia. All of the WRTC
competitors will only be using 100 watts.
There will be no public announcement before the contest as to which
callsigns have been issued to what teams. You can see a rundown of the WRTC
teams on the right sidebar of this story.
R31A R31D R31N R31U R31X
R32C R32F R32K R32O R32R R32W R32Z
R33A R33G R33L R33M R33Q R33U
R34C R34D R34O R34P R34W R34X R34Y R34Z
R36C R36F R36K R36O R36W R36Y R36Z
R37A R37G R37L R37M R37P R37Q R37U
R38F R38K R38N R38O R38W R38X
R39A R39D R39M R39R
The large number of high profile contesters who will be in Russia - either
as competitors, or as judges and referees - could certainly have an impact
on this year's IARU Single Op categories.
So while you are chasing those R3 calls, don't forget that you could well
have a chance to run yourself up high in the standings as well, with some of
the contest big shots out of the way.
IARU Logs Going Public In The Future?
Amid the dispute over the DA0HQ & AO8HQ teams from the 2009 contest, the
ARRL quietly let it be known that it was considering the public release of
logs from the IARU contest.
While other contests have talked about releasing logs, only CQ WW DX SSB &
CW have followed through and made logs available on the internet.
The new rule for the IARU reads, "By submitting a log to the IARU HF
Championships, the submitter agrees that the log may be made public, at the
discretion of the Contest Sponsor."
That same kind of language is not present in the rules for ARRL DX.
If you do make contacts with the R3 WRTC stations, WRTC organizers are
asking you to submit your logs to the WRTC judges as quickly as possible, so
that they can be used to determine the winner of the 2010 WRTC.
The deadline for those IARU logs is 1800z on Sunday July 11, six hours after
the contest ends. You can go to the WRTC home page of wrtc2010.ru to get
more details.
"Last time nearly 1,000 logs had been received by WRTC log-checkers within a
few hours of the end of the contest and this made scoring of WRTC competitor
logs so much more accurate," said Roger Western G3SXW on the UK-Contest
Western, himself a competitor in the 2000 WRTC, is one of five members of
the WRTC 2010 Judging Committee, which will have to quickly go through the
WRTC logs and determine a winner.
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