Jouko Häyrynen jouko.hayrynen at kolumbus.fi
Sun Jul 18 03:52:33 PDT 2010

Terve kuomat,

This was a really interesting IARU Contest.
Working from Thorvaldur´s great station in the middle of mountainous
Westfjords was an experience itself for both eyes and ears. The site survey
of the antenna farm (literally) took alone ca. 2h by walk and car!

Due to schedules and some more than averagely serious fishing, I missed the
start of the contest.
However, it was a pleasure to hear far more stations than you actually
especially on top band and 80m - yes, in full daylight!

About spotting; I wkd in assisted class rather to do monitoring of the
contest than make a score. 
I found several selfspotters to pretend 
to do search and bounce, but actually staying within 5 kHz and fish from
their "pond".

About WRTC stations: huge differences in signal strengths. I wonder how much
time was given
to do the final fixing of each stations by the contesters. The biggest S
delta was found on
40 and 80m. Typical, easy to read, sharp compression of voice was found only
in half a dozen stations. Why so few?
QSYs - too few guys asked for QSY when (at least in TF) 2...3 bands were
open simultaneously.

About condx: I was hit by strong aurora burst, but luckily only 20 ... 40
mins long at a time. Since man made noise
was nil, all the bad stuff came to the bands as "act of god".
I was positively surprised to log few stations also on 15 and 10m, though
due to deep QSB one had to be patient - at both ends.

About OHs: OH4A and OH0Z came as cannon balls, OH0X as 10dB weaker. The rest
"as usual".

Great thanks to Thorvaldur / TF4M to let me have the Aurora Experience and
lending the nice TF4X contest call.
After contest dinner: tender, owen cooked lamb and new potatoes was just as
amazing as F/B of the rhombics next to the house !!

Thanks for the QSOs on IARU (QSL via Phil / G3SWH).
I workd off contest as TF/OH1RX (from Snaefellsnes and Blönduos, 2 nights
each). QSl via home call, tnx.

See more @;  http://tf4m.com/ 

Jouko OH1RX

Did we get any fish? ... Yes!

Contest         : IARU HF World Championships
Callsign        : TF4X
Mode            : MIXED
Category        : Single Operator - Assisted (SOA)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  : 17
Locator         : HP85FP
Operating time  : 18h08

  160     0    17   4  12      27  1.59 
   80    13    37   6  26      86  1.72 
   40    26   162  18  33     572  3.04 
   20   161   543  30  37    2312  3.28 
   15    15    76   7  19     235  2.58 
   10     0     5   1   1      13  2.60 
TOTAL   215   840  66 128    3245  3.08 
         TOTAL SCORE : 629 530

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