Toni Lindén oh2ua at oh2u.com
Tue Oct 12 03:43:45 PDT 2010

Onnittelut hyvistä tuloksista kanssakilpailijoille ja kiitokset
hyvästä "väännöstä"!

73 de Toni

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <webform at b41h.net>
Date: 2010/10/12
To: 3830 at contesting.com, oh2ua at oh2u.com

                   Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB

Call: OH8X
Operator(s): OH2UA
Station: OH8X

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Radio Arcala
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  80:  255    55
  40:  434    64
  20:  975    75
  15:  391    68
  10:   10     8
Total: 2065   270  Total Score = 1,276,290

Club: Contest Club Finland


It was a lot of fun operating at OH8X once again. Propagation wasn't what I was
hoping for, but it made things even more interesting ;)

Before the contest my strategy was to try to stay in same QSO numbers with
Southern Scandinavian stations before hitting the low bands. Then go for low
band multipliers for a couple of hours and after that go back to 20M for some
nice NA runs and take the full advantage of station location up in North with
somewhat unique 20M propagation while others would be suffering on low bands.
And when 20M would fade out I'd head back to low bands for morning hours for
some more multipliers. That couple of hours late night NA-run would give me
enough advantage and it'd be rather easy job to take the trophy home ;)

That's what I thought... From the beginning of the contest it was clear that
propagation was lot worse that that I hoped for and most likely there would not
be 20M late night opening to NA. I knew that if I have to stick on low bands
with same strategy as Southern Scandinavian stations, I'd loose about 100 -
150Q's during the night time because of propagation difference. So I'd really
had to push for every QSO from the beginning of the contest. It wasn't enough
to hang on in QSO numbers but if no 20M night opening occurs, I had to gain 100
- 150Q's before 17Z.

Fortunately when I heard OH2BH(OH1WZ) and OH4A(OH6KZP) when hitting the low
bands, I had the advantage of 150Q I was hoping for. During the night time I
frequently checked the 20M but the band remained closed and I was struggling on
40 and 80 while OH2BH and OH4A were getting closer and closer. When sun rose we
were all practically equal in QSO's and now it was five hours on 20 and 15.

I tried to keep up the rate jumping between 20M and 15M and had 2nd radio on
10M practically all the time. 10M never opened and I had to hope that it'd be
the same in South also. Fortunately (from my point of view) propagation was
almost equal in North and South and I was able to gain some Q's in last hours.
But like on CW, we'll know the results only after log checking.

Thank you all for Q's! Each and every QSO is a lot appreciated! You can imagine
how good it felt to have someone calling especially in night time when rates
dropped close to 20Q/h ;)

I'd also like to thank Radio Arcala group for the support and possibility to
operate from Arcala!

73 de Toni, OH2UA

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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