[CCF] EUHF Champ OH8X(OH2UA) Mixed HP

Toni Lindén oh2ua at oh2u.com
Sun Aug 7 04:36:04 PDT 2011

Kiitoksia OH QSOista. Aika vähän kuului suomalaisia bandeilla.

73 de Toni, 2UA

                   European HF Championship

Call: OH8X
Operator(s): OH2UA
Station: OH8X

Class: Mixed HP
QTH: Radio Arcala
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
 160:   89      0     39
  80:  180     51     57
  40:  169     98     58
  20:  232    208     60
  15:  151    101     56
  10:  158     87     58
Total:  979    545    328  Total Score = 499,216

Club: Contest Club Finland


It was fun! I was expecting a lot worse propagation, but fortunately this time
it was a positive surprise. Unfortunately low bands were really noisy up here
and made things somewhat slow. So I'm a bit low on QSO total. On the other hand
200+ Q's on 10M is something I wasn't even dreaming of ;)

Thank you all for QSO's and congratulations for great scores.

73 de Toni, OH2UA


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