[CCF] N1MM moving to a new PC

Ilmo Anttila ilmo.anttila at qualisys.fi
Fri Mar 25 05:45:08 PDT 2011

Tässä ohje itse ohjelman tekijältä, kun vaihdetaan PCtä. ( siepattu N1MM
reflektorilta Yahoosta)


The easiest approach is:

1. Copy your entire N1MM install directory (where ham.mdb is) and 
subdirectories to C:\N1MM on your new machine.
2. Run the full installer for V10 with C:\N1MM as the install directory.
3. Install the latest update.

Do not run N1MM Logger.exe until all three steps are complete.

This copies a bunch of files that do not need to be copied, but they 
will be overlaid by the latest files on the new machine.  The important 
thing, is you will not miss any files.

Tom - N1MM




Ilmo, OH2BO

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