[CCF] CQ WW 2012 CW raakatulokset

Jukka Klemola jpklemola at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 18:14:02 EST 2012

Katsokaa että skoorenne on oikeassa kilpailuluokassa.
Jos ei ole, minä voin auttaa suomeksi.

questions at cqww.com on myös toimiva osoite.

Jukka OH6LI

The raw scores for CQWW CW 2012 are now available at

These are scores calculated by the log checking software before any cross
checking is performed. Scores could change between 2-20% depending on the
accuracy of the operator.

Please check that your entry is in the correct category. Report any errors
or questions to questions at cqww.com.

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Director - CQ WW DX Contest

email: k5zd at cqww.com
web: www.cqww.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cqwwdx

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