[CCF] HA-DX Contest

Jouko Häyrynen jouko.hayrynen at kolumbus.fi
Thu Jan 16 00:45:29 EST 2014

QSP HA -maasta.

Kas tässä pakkaspäivän ratoksi radiokisailu.

Jouko OH1RX

PS. Muista Tallinnan contest/dx -tapahtuma 1.2.2014 !


Dear Radioamateur YL/OM,

on behalf of the contest committe of HA-DX contest I would like to remind you
that the next HA-DX contest is going to be organized between 18th January 1200
GMT and 19th January 2014 1159 GMT.

We ask you to take part in the contest and propagate and popularize the contest
among your radioamateur friends.

The most important issues regarding the contest:
Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20,15 and 10 m.
Mode: CW and SSB.
Contest exchanges for non HA stations: RST + serial number from 001.
HA stations send their county abbreviations.

Cabrillo logs can be sent to hadx at mrasz.axelero.net as attachment
or can be submitted on the contest home page:http://www.ha-dx.com

The e-mail address above is only for submission of Cabrillo logs, if you have
any questions or remarks please send it to contestmanager at mrasz.axelero.net

If someone cannot create a Cabrillo log he/she also can type the QSOs into a
handy form on the home page.

Please publish and popularize this information among your radioamateur friends.

On behalf of the contest committee:
Tibor Finta

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