[CCF] Reminder: SAC SSB starts this Saturday at 12 UTC

Kim Östman kim.ostman at abo.fi
Tue Oct 6 14:00:34 EDT 2015


We would like to invite you to SAC SSB this weekend (10-11 October), starting at 12 UTC on Saturday and running for 24 hours on the 80m-10m bands. You can announce your upcoming operation and challenge your friends at http://www.sactest.net/blog/announce_form/.

Be sure to check the rules at http://www.sactest.net/blog/rules/, the special plaques at http://www.sactest.net/blog/rules/sac-sponsored-plaque-program/, and the useful propagation tips available at http://www.sactest.net/blog/propagation/. 

73 & CU!

SAC Contest Committee

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