[CCF] FW: RSGB International Sprint Contests

Timo Klimoff timo.klimoff at dnainternet.net
Tue Apr 5 09:42:54 EDT 2016

Hello contesters,

Please join us for the RSGB International Sprint Contests.  These are similar to the old EU Sprints, with four contests per year, two CW and two SSB.  

CW -- 9 April 2016 and 24 September 2016
SSB -- 16 April 2016 and 5 November 2016

Time -- 17:00 to 21:00 UTC.
Bands -- 80m, 40m and 20m

Rules -- www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2016/sprint.shtml

The format requires a frequent change of frequency!  This produces a very interesting and fast-moving contest.

Good luck -- see you on the air!


Ed Taylor, GW3SQX (GW7O)

RSGB HF Contest Committee

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