[CCF] Fwd: Assisted vs non-Assisted

Jukka Klemola jpklemola at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 09:49:37 EDT 2016

Hyvää pöhinää !
Kiitos Jormallekin viestistä.

Kaksi vastausta:

Ensin se äänestys.
Teidän ei tarvitse äänestää. Minä olen täältä päin maailmaa siinä porukassa
joka tuosta keskustelee.
Minä olen esittänyt luokkien yhdistämistä ja olen saanut jatkuvasti enemmän
positiivista resonointia, kuten Suurista Saavutuksista on joillakin tapana
superlatisoida. Tuota asiaa ollaan jappastu vatuloimiseen asti jo vuosia,
kuten Jorma kertoo.

Toisekseen se single band aseman workkiminen muillakin bandeilla.

"Q: I would like to work on several bands, but only submit a single band
entry. Is this allowed? How should I submit my log?

Yes, you may work other bands and still submit your log as a single band
entry. First, please make sure your log includes all QSOs made on all
bands. This helps us with the log checking. Second, make sure the Cabrillo
file header has your category set for the single band you want to enter.
(e.g., CATEGORY-BAND: 20M) Only the QSOs on the single band will be used to
compute your score.

Please enter only one log containing ALL QSOs! Each log that you submit
will overwrite the previously submitted log."

Ja kehoituksena, lukekaa tuota FAQ:ta niin saatte vastauksen muunmuassa
kysymykseen mitä saatte tehdä kun workitte yhdellä bandilla single bandia
ja kuulette sille kontestisuoritukselle hyvän uuden kertoimen jollakin
muulla bandilla .. Sekä saatteko tehdä skedin tai saatteko suoraan laittaa
kuson lokiin sillä single bandilla ilman että kusoa on ollutkaan.

Jos FAQ:hun on kysyttävää, kertokaa / kysykää.

Sillä listalla on Suomesta tulleita kysymyksiä joihin ollaan vastattu
komitean porukalla.

Jukka OH6LI

2016-04-05 16:36 GMT+03:00 Jorma Saloranta <jorma.saloranta at kolumbus.fi>:
> Kannatin näitten  kategorioiden yhdistämistä komiteassa 10 vuotta. Sain
> turpiini.
> Kysymys on siitä, haluaako CQWW miellyttää massoja vai noin 100
> rehelleistä kilpailijaa.
> Molempi hyvä, mutta jos pitää äänestää, äänestän yhdistämistä, mikä
> massoja eli massat saavat boostia siitä, että koneet hyppäävät dx-spotin
> perässä sekunnin kymmenesosassa. Se on tietysti ikävä kehitys, mutta
> se on saavutus kytkentöjen ja purkkien läpi.
> Olen seuraillut spotteja ja bandiesiintymistä silloin kun en ole ollut
> dx. Siinä näkee, ketkä loikkivat spottien perässä. Siitä on myös helppo
> nähdä kusettajat, niitä on vaikka kuinka paljon, mutta he eivät kilpaile
> oikeasti pokaaleista.
> Mutta CQWW on amerikkalaisten kisa, vaikka Eurooppa johtaa lokimääriä. He
> voivat tehdä ihan mikä heitä huvittaa tässä kysymyksessä. CQ:n omistajalla
> lienee viimeinen sana asiassa, on ainakin ollut. Se mikä palvelee lehteä,
> hyvä hänelle.
> Jos assisteeraus menee muuhunkin kuin ruokakupin tarjoiluun, ollaan
> metsässä.
> Jukka: hoida sitä toista asiaa, että sääntöihin saadaan single banderille
> ohje sisällyttää muidenkin bandien QSO:t singleband lokiin. Siinä asiassa
> järjen pitäisi vihdoin voittaa eli tehdä siitä sääntöpykälä. Ihmiset eivät
> sitä muuten ymmärrä. Jokainen, joka on jättänyt QSO:t pois lokistaan,
> ettei tiennyt ja ymmärtää aiheuttavansa pisterangaistuksia, mikä ei ole
> heidän tarkoituksensa.
> 73 de Sii-Bii-Tuu-Eks
> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
> Lähettäjä: CCF [mailto:ccf-bounces at contesting.com] Puolesta Kim Östman
> Lähetetty: 05 April 2016 16:11
> Vastaanottaja: ccf at contesting.com
> Aihe: Re: [CCF] Fwd: Assisted vs non-Assisted
> Moi,
> Saisiko tarkennusta: mikä alkaa olla julkista?
> Randyn lausahdus "It is only CQ, ARRL ..." on hieman erikoinen. Kyse on
> sentään "vain" maailman suurimmista ja merkittävimmistä kisoista :)
> 73
> Kim
> Lainaus Jukka Klemola <jpklemola at gmail.com>:
> > Nyt tämä alkaa olemaan julkista ..
> > Huomatkaa että SAC esitetään maailman foorumilla.
> >
> > 73,
> > Jukka OH6LI
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Randy Thompson K5ZD
> > ...
> >
> > There is another option...  Rather than continue to get twisted in
> > defining the separation, we could merge SO and SOA into one and remove
> confusion.
> > There could be an overlay category for the guys who want to compare
> > themselves to other "classic" ops.
> >
> > It seems only CQ, ARRL, and SAC maintain the assisted concept.  The
> > rest of the world has moved on.
> >
> > Randy, K5ZD
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf
> >> Of Paul O'Kane
> >> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:26 PM
> >> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> >> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] cqcontest.net
> >>
> >> On 05/04/2016 11:54, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
> >>
> >> > Sorry, Ron, but I totally disagree.  If it doesn't *assist* someone
> >> > to watch a scoreboard without band breakdown information (and it
> >> > doesn't), then it is not *assistance*.
> >>
> >> We're going round in circles here with everyone interpreting
> >> "assist", "assistance" and "Assisted"
> >> as they, personally, think it should be defined.
> >>
> >> All relevant technology assists.
> >>
> >> The main difference between the "Assisted" and "Unassisted"
> >> categories has always been whether you connect to external networks
> >> to improve your score or gain a competitive advantage.
> >>
> >> That's why, IMHO, the categories should change to Connected and
> >> Unconnected.  That would appear to remove most uncertainty and
> >>
> >>    * You use the cluster - you're Connected.
> >>    * You use the RBN - you're Connected.
> >>    * You use real-time scoreboards, or any other
> >>      networked technology, to influence or
> >>      modify your strategy - you're Connected.
> >>
> >> It's really simple - you're either Connected or Unconnected.
> >>
> >> I know and accept that local decoders and skimmer- like technology
> >> would continue to be "Connected".
> >> That's why I referred to "the main difference"
> >> above.
> >>
> >> 73,
> >> Paul EI5DI
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >
> >> > 73, Pete N4ZR
> >> > Download the new N1MM Logger+ at
> >> > <http://N1MM.hamdocs.com>. Check
> >> > out the Reverse Beacon Network at
> >> > <http://reversebeacon.net>, now
> >> > spotting RTTY activity worldwide.
> >> > For spots, please use your favorite "retail" DX cluster.
> >> >
> >> > On 4/5/2016 12:52 AM, Fco. Luis Delgadillo wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Enviado desde mi Huawei de Telcel
> >> >> Ron
> >> >> A couple of questions:
> >> >>
> >> >> Have you tried yourself the live scoreboard.
> >> >>
> >> >> The Best way to finding  out,  is perhaps, if you try the
> >> >> scoreboard and then have an informed opinion - to discern facts
> >> >> from gut
> >> feelings?
> >> >>
> >> >> -------- Mensaje original --------
> >> >> Asunto: Re: [CQ-Contest] cqcontest.net
> >> >> De: Ron Notarius W3WN
> >> >> Para: 'Pete Smith N4ZR' ,'CQ Contest'
> >> >> CC:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     But here's the thing Pete.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     When you receive that information. how did you get it? Where did
> >> >>     it come
> >> >>     from? You said yourself. "You must decide to post your score"
> >> >> and what
> >> >>     other information is to be posted for use by other operators.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     So ultimately, the answer is. it came from other operators who
> >> >>     posting
> >> >>     that information. How is that not assisted?
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     Look, I don't have a problem with the scoreboard or similar
> >> >>     exchanges of
> >> >>     information. I'm not saying that the software that provides the
> >> >>     capability
> >> >>     should be disabled.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     Just please don't tell me that it's not "assisted" and using it
> >> >>     doesn't put
> >> >>     you into an Assisted or equivalent operating category. It is.
> >> >>     to put
> >> >>     it in the vernacular, don't spill a drink on my slacks and then
> >> >>     tell me it's
> >> >>     raining.)
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     Sometimes I operate Single Op/Assisted. Sometimes I don't. The
> >> >>     reasons why
> >> >>     vary depending on the event in question and how I am choosing to
> >> >>     approach
> >> >>     it. I'm comfortable with either category these days. I just
> >> >>     pretend
> >> >>     one is the other. And I don't ask that the line between them be
> >> >>     blurred.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     Either you are assisted. or you aren't. It is that simple.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     73, ron w3wn
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     _____
> >> >>
> >> >>     From: Pete Smith N4ZR [mailto:n4zr at contesting.com]
> >> >>     Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 4:01 PM
> >> >>     To: Ron Notarius W3WN; CQ Contest
> >> >>     Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] cqcontest.net
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     Ron, at least in the case of cqcontest.net and users of MM+,
> >> >>     isn't
> >> >>     true. You must decideB to post your score, and you can decide
> >> >> (in
> >> >> MM+)
> >> >>     whether or not to include a band breakdown.B Without band
> >> >> information,
> >> >>     access to this resource is nothing but fun, and should not be
> >> >>     considered
> >> >>     assistance.B Perhaps the sponsors could voluntarily disable
> >> >> the
> >> band
> >> >>     breakdown display during contest weekends, and the whole issue
> >> >>     would go
> >> >>     away.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     73, Pete N4ZR
> >> >>     Download the new N1MM Logger+ at
> >> >>     . Check
> >> >>     out the Reverse Beacon Network at
> >> >>     , now
> >> >>     spotting RTTY activity worldwide.
> >> >>     For spots, please use your favorite
> >> >>     "retail" DX cluster.
> >> >>
> >> >>     On 4/4/2016 8:16 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>     ...The scoreboard is directly based on spotting information.
> >> >>     Therefore,
> >> >>     information derived from it is (IMHO) assistance for the
> >> >>     of most
> >> >>     contests that recognize this category.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>     ---
> >> >>     This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus
> >> software.
> >> >>     https://www.avast.com/antivirus
> >> >>     _______________________________________________
> >> >>     CQ-Contest mailing list
> >> >>     CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> >> >>     http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > CQ-Contest mailing list
> >> > CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> >> > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> CQ-Contest mailing list
> >> CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> >> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> >
> > _______________________________________________
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