
Patty Winter winter at apple.com
Fri Dec 4 11:51:27 EST 1992

A few people have suggested that the General-class callsign I heard 
operating as /T in the last Novice Roundup might have had a guest
Tech operator.

My response to that is, why would a Tech not want to use his/her own
callsign during NR? After all, they're operating in the Novice/Tech
portion of the HF bands. They'd only be required to use the station
call if they were operating above their own privileges--which isn't
the case during NR.

Also, the QSL card was signed by the holder of the General callsign,
with no indication that there had been a guest op. Granted, that
doesn't prove much, although I'd think that a new ham guest operating
in a contest would want the fun of answering the QSLs instead of 
letting the station licensee do it.

I still think this one adds up to no good...


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