160 test

Derek Wills oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu
Mon Dec 7 14:03:39 EST 1992

	602 QSOs, 2 Countries, 72 Sections = 93,758    abt 15 hours
	Jay K0GU

Interesting that there was so little non-W/VE participation.  I called
CT1AOZ several times when nobody else was and the best I got was "QRZ?"
for my 100 watts.  I didn't hear YV1OB in there this time, and I was
rather surprised not to hear as much Caribbean participation as usual.
I only did 5 hrs on Saturday night, but the above score suggests that
there was very little else on.  Perhaps people were worn out from CQWW.

Derek aa5bt 

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