MY 160&10M Stories

Doug.Grant at Doug.Grant at
Tue Dec 15 18:58:00 EST 1992


Discovered that this contest conflicts with several events Mrs. DG had planned
(after all, she let me get away with 4 multi-op efforts at our house this
year) as well as a YCCC meeting on Saturday. Also used YCCC meeting as
opportunity to have the gang say goodbye to K1AR. Spent Sunday taking AR's
tower and antennas down (25 deg F, 20 MPH winds). Worked one guy. I will show
up as a unique...


My usual hired-gun (WZ1R) ran out of Mrs. R favors (after all, she did let him
come up to my place for 5 contests and several weekends of antenna work...),
so he couldn't make it. FIgured I'd get on and work the boys myself. Got stuck
in Chicago trying to get home. Spent ALL DAY Saturday getting booked on
flights that then got cancelled, and re-booking. Snow is bad. Anyway, got home
2AM SUnday, and Mrs. DG reminded me of several obligations on Sunday. Just as
well - I would probably have gone berserk the first time someone tried to
steal my frequency, considering my mood by that time. Worked VE7NTT, XE2/K9VV,
and W1RR in the last hour of the contest.

C U in ARRLDX Test.

Doug   K1DG

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