Telephone Poles

g-taylor4 at g-taylor4 at
Fri Apr 2 08:42:44 EST 1993

> In reply to N0AX inquiry on using telephone poles for towers:
> W0AIH uses telephone poles with top section of towers mounted on the
> top.  This allows for standard hardware to be used for rotor and
> thrust bearing mounting, etc.  I believe that he trims the top of the
> pole so that the top section slides over the pole.

I seem to remember reference (Hint and Kink?) in an old QST to this using
standard plumbing hardware for mounts. Imagine this would be ok for your
standard mono or tribander but don't know about a monster array. Am at the
office so don't have access to my files but one of the bibliographies
should turn this up.

Greg, KD4HZ

Dr. Gregory S. Taylor               !MAIL:  110 Dairy Science Building
Extension Program Leader for        !       College Station, TX 77843-2124
  Community Development             !VOICE: 409-845-4445
Texas Agricultural Extension Service!FAX:   409-847-8744
Texas A&M University System         !EMAIL: Reply or g-taylor4 at

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