SOA Limited

John Montague montaguj at CCMSMTP.STPAUL.NCR.COM
Mon Apr 5 13:16:19 EDT 1993

> Other time-out periods of at least 30 minutes duration may be taken at 
> the operators discretion, but must be preceded by at least 2 hours of
> continuous operating time.

Alternate wording:

Operating periods, after the first 8 hour period, extend for a minimum of two 
hours from the ON time.  Time-out periods must be at least 30 minutes long.

This makes it clear that "10 minutes of real operation" followed by "2 Hours and
20 minutes of no contacts" results in 2 Hours of operating time and 30 minutes 
of off-time.  Also, less than "2:20 of no contacts" results in no off-time in 
the example above.


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