Cheating et al.

ames at ames at
Thu Apr 29 18:25:32 EDT 1993

	All this discussion of cheating via K1DG's observation is 
certianly quite eye-opening to me.  Competition is good, but some
know no bounds.  If we could encourage more contester to submit their
logs, this might help.  At Visalia during the Contest Forum, the panel
asked who did not submit logs.  That survey indicated that 30% don't,
and these are people having enough interest to attend the conference
and a Contest Forum.  It is not a unique problem, however.
	CQ magazine (may, p.120) quotes the VHF/UHF DXer=
"2 Meter EME Cheats," by Tony Read, G0GMS, After a number of years ...
discovered that 2m EME is suffering from at lot of cheating.  I have 
now received far too many QSL cards for QSOs that I didn't even have.
... Some of these stations are very well respected on 2m EME. ...
I feel very sorry that 2m EME has fallen foul of such poor operating.
There are far too many people just wanting to add to the score...
	On the otherhand, making a false accusation would be just as
bad.  Perhaps it is part of the human condition.

alan, N2ALE

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