Latest CQWW.CTY (for use with WAE contest)

Jim Reisert AD1C 11-Aug-1993 1557 reisert at
Wed Aug 11 16:54:04 EDT 1993

Sov Mil Order of Malta:   15:  1A0:   1A0;
Spratly Island:           26:  1S:    1S;
Monaco:                   14:  3A:    3A;
Agalega & St Brandon Is:  39:  3B6:   3B6,3B7;
Mauritius:                39:  3B8:   3B8;
Rodriguez Island:         39:  3B9:   3B9;
Equatorial Guinea:        36:  3C:    3C;
Pagalu:                   36:  3C0:   3C0;
Fiji:                     32:  3D2:   3D2;
Conway Reef:              32:  3D2/c: 3D2CR;
Rotuma Island:            32:  3D2/r: 3D2XV,3D2XR,3D2RW,3D2DD;
Swaziland:                38:  3DA:   3DA;
Tunisia:                  33:  3V:    3V,TS;
Republic of Guinea:       35:  3X:    3X;
Bouvet:                   38:  3Y:    3Y;
Peter I. Island:          12:  3Y/p:  3Y1EE;
Malyj Vysotskij Island:   16:  4J1:   4J1FM,4J1FS,4J1FW;
Franz Josef Land:         40:  4K2:   4K2;
Sri Lanka:                22:  4S:    4P,4Q,4R,4S;
ITU, Geneva:              14:  4U1/i: 4U1ITU,4U2ITU,4U3ITU,4U4ITU,4U5ITU
&                                     4U6ITU,4U7ITU,4U8ITU,4U9ITU,4U0ITU;
United Nations HQ. NY:    5:   4U1/u: 4U0U,4U1U,4U43,4U44,4U45,4U46,4U47;
United Nations OE:        15:  4U1/v: 4U1VIC;
Yemen:                    21:  4W:    4W;
Israel:                   20:  4X:    4X,4Z;            AS
Libya:                    34:  5A:    5A;
Cyprus:                   20:  5B:    5B,C4,H2,P3;      AS
Tanzania:                 37:  5H:    5H,5I;
Nigeria:                  35:  5N:    5N,5O;
Madagascar:               39:  5R:    5R,5S,6X;
Mauritania:               35:  5T:    5T;
Niger:                    35:  5U:    5U;
Togo:                     35:  5V:    5V;
Western Samoa:            32:  5W:    5W;
Uganda:                   37:  5X:    5X;
Kenya:                    37:  5Z:    5Y,5Z;
Senegal:                  35:  6W:    6V,6W;
Jamaica:                  8:   6Y:    6Y;
Lesotho:                  38:  7P:    7P;
Malawi:                   37:  7Q:    7Q;
Algeria:                  33:  7X:    7R,7T,7U,7V,7W,7X,7Y;
Barbados:                 8:   8P:    8P;
Maldive Islands:          22:  8Q:    8Q;
Guyana:                   9:   8R:    8R;
Croatia:                  15:  9A:    9A;
Ghana:                    35:  9G:    9G;
Malta:                    15:  9H:    9H;
Zambia:                   36:  9J:    9I,9J;
Kuwait:                   21:  9K:    9K;
Sierra Leone:             35:  9L:    9L;
Western Malaysia:         28:  9M2:   9M2,9M4,9W2,9W4;       AS
Eastern Malaysia:         28:  9M6:   9M6,9M8,9W6,9W8;       OC
Nepal:                    22:  9N:    9N;
Zaire:                    36:  9Q:    9O,9P,9Q,9R,9S,9T;
Burundi:                  36:  9U:    9U;
Singapore:                28:  9V:    9V,S6;        AS
Rwanda:                   36:  9X:    9X;
Trinidad & Tobago:        9:   9Y:    9Y,9Z;
Botswana:                 38:  A2:    A2,8O;
Tonga:                    32:  A3:    A3;
Oman:                     21:  A4:    A4;
Bhutan:                   22:  A5:    A5;
United Arab Emirates:     21:  A6:    A6;
Qatar:                    21:  A7:    A7;
Bahrain:                  21:  A9:    A9;
Pakistan:                 21:  AP:    AP,AQ,AR,AS,6P,6Q,6R,6S;
Taiwan:                   24:  BV:    BV;
China:                    24:  BY:    B,BY3G(23),BY3H(23),BY3I(23),BY3J(23)
&                                     BY3K(23),BY3L(23),BY9M(24),BY9M(24)
&                                     BY9N(24),BY9O(24),BY9P(24),BY9Q(24)
&                                     BY9R(24),XS,3H,3I,3J,3K,3L,3M,3N,3O
&                                     3P,3Q,3R,3S,3T,3U;
Nauru:                    31:  C2:    C2;
Andorra:                  14:  C3:    C3;
The Gambia:               35:  C5:    C5;
Bahamas:                  8:   C6:    C6;
Mozambique:               37:  C9:    C8,C9;
Chile:                    12:  CE:    3G,CA,CB,CC,CD,CE,XQ,XR;
Easter Island:            12:  CE0A:  CE0,XQ0,XR0,3G0;
San Felix Is:             12:  CE0X:  CE0X,XQ0X,XR0X;
Juan Fernandez:           12:  CE0Z:  CE0Z,CE0I,CE0MTY,CE0OGZ,XQ0Z,XQ0I,XR0Z
&                                     XR0I;
Cuba:                     8:   CM:    CL,CM,CO,T4;
Morocco:                  33:  CN:    CN,5C,5D,5E,5F,5G;
Bolivia:                  10:  CP:    CP;
Portugal:                 14:  CT:    CQ,CR,CS,CT,XX;
Madeira Island:           33:  CT3:   CQ3,CQ9,CR3,CR9,CS3,CS9,CT3,CT9,XX3;
Azores:                   14:  CU:    CU;
Uruguay:                  13:  CX:    CV,CW,CX;
St Paul Island:           5:   CY9:   CY9,CY0SPI;
Sable Island:             5:   CY0:   CY0;
Angola:                   36:  D2:    D2,D3;
Cape Verde:               35:  D4:    D4;
Comoros:                  39:  D6:    D6;
Germany:                  14:  DL:    D;
Philippines:              27:  DU:    DU,DV,DW,DX,DY,DZ,4D,4E,4F,4G,4H,4I;
Spain:                    14:  EA:    AM,AN,AO,EA,EB,EC,ED,EE,EF,EG,EH;
Balearic Islands:         14:  EA6:   EA6,EB6,EC6,ED6,EE6,EF6,EG6,EH6,AM6,AN6
&                                     AO6;
Canary Islands:           33:  EA8:   EA8,EB8,EC8,ED8,EE8,EF8,EG8,EH8,AM8,AN8
&                                     AO8;
Ceuta and Melilla:        33:  EA9:   EA9,EB9,EC9,ED9,EE9,EF9,EG9,EH9,AM9,AN9
&                                     AO9;
Ireland:                  14:  EI:    EI,EJ;
Liberia:                  35:  EL:    A8,D5,EL,5L,5M,6Z;
Iran:                     21:  EP:    EP,EQ,9B,9C,9D;
Estonia:                  15:  ES:    ES;
Ethiopia:                 37:  ET:    ET,9E,9F;
France:                   14:  F:     F,HW,HX,HY,TH,TM,TO,TP,TQ,TV,TW,TX;
Guadeloupe:               8:   FG:    FG;
Mayotte:                  39:  FH:    FH;
New Caledonia:            32:  FK:    FK,50USA;
Martinique:               8:   FM:    FM;
French Polynesia:         32:  FO:    FO,TO8K;
Clipperton Island:        7:   FO/c:  FO0CI;
Saint Pierre & Miquelon:  5:   FP:    FP;
Reunion:                  39:  FR:    FR;
Glorioso Island:          39:  FR/g:  FR7GL,FR/G;
Juan de Nova, Europa:     39:  FR/j:  FR4FA,FR/E,FR/J;
Tromelin:                 39:  FR/t:  FR7CG,FR/T;   
Saint Martin:             8:   FS:    FJ,FS;
Crozet Island:            39:  FT/w:  FT2W,FT4W,FT5W,FT8W,FT0W,FB8WZ;
Kerguelen I:              39:  FT/x:  FT2X,FT4X,FT5X,FT8X,FT0X;
Amsterdam I:              39:  FT/z:  FT2Z,FT4Z,FT5Z,FT8Z,FT0Z;
Wallis & Futuna Is.:      32:  FW:    FW;
French Guiana:            9:   FY:    FY;
England:                  14:  G:     2,G,M;
Isle of Man:              14:  GD:    GD,GT,MA6,MB6,2A6,2D;
Northern Ireland:         14:  GI:    GI,GN,MA5,MB5,2A5,2I;
Jersey:                   14:  GJ:    GH,GJ,MA7,MB7,GC45LD,2A7,2J;
Scotland:                 14:  GM:    GM,GS,MA3,MB3,2A3,2M;
Shetlands:                14:  GM/s:  GM0VR,GM0CYJ,GM0ERM,GM3RFR,GM3SJA,GM3STU
&                                     GM3TSG,GM3TST,GM3WCH,GM3XFK,GM3XOQ,GM3ZET
&                                     GM3ZNM,GM4AGX,GM4DQD,GM4GPN,GM4GPP,GM4GQD
&                                     GM4GQM,GM4IPK,GM4JAB,GM4JVC,GM4LBE,GM4LER
&                                     GM4PXG,GM4SRU,GM4SSA,GM4SWU,GM4WXQ,GM4YEL
&                                     GM4ZET,GM4ZHL,GM0ILB,GM0DJI,GM4CAQ;
Guernsey:                 14:  GU:    GU,GP,MA8,MB8,2A8,2U;
Wales:                    14:  GW:    GW,GC,MA4,MB4,2A4,2W;
Solomon Islands:          28:  H4:    H4;
Hungary:                  15:  HA:    HA,HG;
Switzerland:              14:  HB:    HB,HE;
Liechtenstein:            14:  HB0:   HB0,HE0;
Ecuador:                  10:  HC:    HC,HD;
Galapagos Is.:            10:  HC8:   HC8,HD8;
Haiti:                    8:   HH:    HH,4V;
Dominican Republic:       8:   HI:    HI;
Colombia:                 9:   HK:    HJ,HK,5J,5K;
San Andres:               7:   HK0/a: HJ0,HK0,5J0,5K0;
Malpelo Island:           7:   HK0/m: HJ0M,HK0M,HK0TU,5J0M,5K0M;
South Korea:              25:  HL:    HL,D7,D8,D9,DS,DT,6K,6L,6M,6N;
Panama:                   7:   HP:    HO,HP,3E,3F,H3,H8,H9;
Honduras:                 7:   HR:    HQ,HR;
Thailand:                 26:  HS:    HS,E2;
Vatican City:             15:  HV:    HV;
Saudi Arabia:             21:  HZ:    HZ,7Z,8Z;
Italy:                    15:  I:     I;
Sardinia:                 15:  IS:    IS,IM0,IH9A,IW0,IY0;
Sicily:                   15:  IT:    IT,IL9,IO9,IR9R,IR9ITU,IU9;
Djibouti:                 37:  J2:    J2;
Grenada:                  8:   J3:    J3;
Guinea-Bissau:            35:  J5:    J5;
St. Lucia:                8:   J6:    J6;
Dominica:                 8:   J7:    J7;
St. Vincent:              8:   J8:    J8;
Japan:                    25:  JA:    J,KA2EX,7J,7K,7L,7M,7N,8J,8K,8L,8M
&                                     8N;
Minami Torishima:         27:  JD1/m: 7J1ACH,JD1YAA;
Ogasawara:                27:  JD1/o: JD1,KA2IJ;
Mongolia:                 23:  JT:    JT,JU,JV;
Svalbard:                 40:  JW:    JW;
Bear Island:              40:  JW7:   JW7;
Jan Mayen:                40:  JX:    JX;
Jordan:                   20:  JY:    JY;          AS
United States:            5:   K:     A,K,N,W,4U1WB;
Antarctica:               13:  KC4:   3G9A,3Y9WT(30),4K1,4K1A(39),4K1B(29)
&                                     4K1C(29),4K1D(38),4K1E(29)
&                                     4K1G(30),4K1H(32),4K1J,4K1K(29),4K1L(29)
&                                     4K1YAR(39),7S8AAA(38),7S8BBB(38),8J1RY(39)
&                                     AT0A(38),CE9A(13),FB8Y(30),FT0Y(30)
&                                     FT2Y(30),FT4Y(30),FT5Y(30),FT8Y(30)
&                                     IA0PS(30),KC4AAA,KC4AAB,KC4AAC(13)
&                                     KC4AAD(12),KC4AAE(29),KC4USA,KC4USB(12)
&                                     KC4USC,KC4USD,KC4USE,KC4USF,KC4USG
&                                     KC4USK(29),KC4USL(29),KC4USM(30)
&                                     KC4USV(30),KC4USX(30),KC4USY(30),OR4
&                                     VK0CH,VK0DS(39),VK0JV,VK0KC(29),VK0LL(29)
&                                     VK0MN(29),VK0MP,VK0NE(39),VP8FAR,VP8GAV
&                                     VP8HAL,VP8SSW,ZL0AIC,ZL5(30),ZS7ANT(38);
Belau:                    27:  KC6:   KC6DX;
Guantanamo Bay:           8:   KG4:   KG4DD;
Baker, Howland Island:    31:  KH1:   AH1,KH1,NH1,WH1;
Guam:                     27:  KH2:   AH2,KH2,NH2,WH2,KG6DX,KG6JHC,KG6JJH
&                                     KG6DV,KG6RE;
Johnston Island:          31:  KH3:   AH3,KH3,NH3,WH3;
Midway Island:            31:  KH4:   AH4,KH4,NH4,WH4;
Palmyra Island:           31:  KH5:   AH5,KH5,NH5,WH5;
Kingman Reef:             31:  KH5/k: AH5K,KH5K,NH5K,WH5K;
Hawaii:                   31:  KH6:   AH6,KH6,NH6,WH6;
Kure Island:              31:  KH7:   AH7,KH7,NH7,WH7;
American Samoa:           32:  KH8:   AH8,KH8,NH8,WH8;
Wake Island:              31:  KH9:   AH9,KH9,NH9,WH9;
Mariana Islands:          27:  KH0:   AH0,KH0,NH0,WH0,KG6SL;
Alaska:                   1:   KL7:   AL7,KL7,NL7,WL7;
Navassa Island:           8:   KP1:   KP1,NP1,WP1;
Virgin Islands:           8:   KP2:   KP2,NP2,WP2,KV4AA;
Puerto Rico:              8:   KP4:   KP4,NP4,WP4;
Desecheo:                 8:   KP5:   KP5,NP5,WP5;
Norway:                   14:  LA:    LA,LB,LC,LD,LE,LF,LG,LH,LI,LJ,LK,LL,LM,LN;
Argentina:                13:  LU:    AZ,AY,L;
Luxembourg:               14:  LX:    LX;
Lithuania:                15:  LY:    LY;
Bulgaria:                 20:  LZ:    LZ;
Peru:                     10:  OA:    OA,OB,OC,4T;
Lebanon:                  20:  OD:    OD;          AS
Austria:                  15:  OE:    OE;
Finland:                  15:  OH:    OF,OG,OH,OI,OJ;
Aland Island:             15:  OH0:   OF0,OG0,OH0,OI0;
Market Reef:              15:  OJ0:   OJ0;
Czech Republico:          15:  OK:    OK,OL;
Slovakia:                 15:  OM:    OM;
Belgium:                  14:  ON:    ON,OO,OP,OQ,OR,OS,OT;
Greenland:                40:  OX:    OX;     NA
Faroe Islands:            14:  OY:    OY;
Denmark:                  14:  OZ:    OU,OV,OW,OZ,XP,5P,5Q;
Papua New Guinea:         28:  P2:    P2;
Aruba:                    9:   P4:    P4;
North Korea:              25:  P5:    HM,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9;
Netherlands:              14:  PA:    PA,PB,PC,PD,PE,PF,PG,PH,PI;
Sint Maarten:             8:   PJ8:   PJ1F,PJ5,PJ6,PJ7,PJ8,PJ0J;
Netherlands Antilles:     9:   PJ9:   PJ1,PJ2,PJ3,PJ4,PJ9,PJ0;
Brazil:                   11:  PY:    PP,PQ,PR,PS,PT,PU,PV,PW,PX,PY
&                                     ZV,ZW,ZX,ZY,ZZ;
Fernando de Noronha:      11:  PY0/f: PP0F,PQ0F,PR0F,PS0F,PT0F,PU0F,PV0F,PW0F
&                                     PX0F,PY0F,ZV0F,ZW0F,ZX0F,ZY0F,ZZ0F;
St. Peter & Paul Isl:     11:  PY0/s: PP0S,PQ0S,PR0S,PS0S,PT0S,PU0S,PV0S,PW0S
&                                     PX0S,PY0S,ZV0S,ZW0S,ZX0S,ZY0S,ZZ0S;
Trindade & Martim Vaz:    11:  PY0/t: PP0T,PQ0T,PR0T,PS0T,PT0T,PU0T,PV0T,PW0T
&                                     PX0T,PY0T,ZV0T,ZW0T,ZX0T,ZY0T,ZZ0T;
Surinam:                  9:   PZ:    PZ;
Bangladesh:               22:  S2:    S2,S3;
Slovenia:                 15:  S5:    S5;
Seychelles:               39:  S7:    S7;
Sao Tome & Principe:      36:  S9:    S9;
Western Sahara:           33:  S0:    S0;
Sweden:                   14:  SM:    7S,8S,SA,SB,SC,SD,SE,SF,SG,SH,SI
&                                     SJ,SK,SL,SM;
Poland:                   15:  SP:    HF,SN,SO,SP,SQ,SR,3Z;
Sudan:                    34:  ST:    ST,6T,6U;
Southern Sudan:           34:  ST0:   ST0,6T0,6U0;
Egypt:                    34:  SU:    SS,SU,6A,6B;
Greece:                   20:  SV:    J4,SV,SW,SX,SZ;
Dodecanese (Rhodes):      20:  SV5:   J45,SV5,SW5,SX5,SZ5;
Crete:                    20:  SV9:   J49,SV9,SW9,SX9,SZ9;
Mt Athos:                 20:  SY:    SY1MA;
Tuvalu:                   31:  T2:    T2;
Western Kiribati:         31:  T30:   T30;
Central Kiribati:         31:  T31:   T31;
Eastern Kiribati:         31:  T32:   T32;
Banaba Island:            31:  T33:   T33;
Somalia:                  37:  T5:    T5,6O;
San Marino:               15:  T7:    T7; 
Bosnia-Hercegovenia:      15:  T9:    T9;
Turkey:                   20:  TA:    TA,TB,TC,YM;      AS
Iceland:                  40:  TF:    TF;
Guatemala:                7:   TG:    TD,TG;
Costa Rica:               7:   TI:    TE,TI;
Cocos Island:             7:   TI9:   TE9,TI9;
Cameroon:                 36:  TJ:    TJ;
Corsica:                  15:  TK:    TK;
Central African Rep:      36:  TL:    TL;
Congo:                    36:  TN:    TN;
Gabon:                    36:  TR:    TR;
Chad:                     36:  TT:    TT;
Ivory Coast:              35:  TU:    TU;
Benin:                    35:  TY:    TY;
Mali:                     35:  TZ:    TZ;
European Russia:          16:  UA:    R,U,4K0,4K3,4K5ZI;
Asiatic Russia:           17:  UA9:   R8,R9,R0,U8,U9,U0,UA8T(18),UA8V(18)
&                                     RA8,RA9,RA0,RK8,RK9,RK0,RV8,RV9,RV0
&                                     RW8,RW9,RW0,RX8,RX9,RX0,RZ8,RZ9,RZ0
&                                     UA8,UA9,UA0,UK8,UK9,UK0,UV8,UV9,UV0
&                                     UW8,UW9,UW0,UX8,UX9,UX0,UZ8,UZ9,UZ0
&                                     4K4(19),4K5(19),4K6(19),4K7(19),4K4BEU(18);
Kaliningradsk:            15:  UA2:   R2,RA2,RK2,RV2,RW2,RX2,RZ2
&                                     U2,UA2,UK2,UV2,UW2,UX2,UZ2;
Ukraine:                  16:  UB:    EM,EN,EO,R5,RB,RR,RS,RT,RY,U5,UB,UR,US,UT,UY;
Belarus:                  16:  UC:    EU,EV,EW,R2C,RC,U2C,UC;
Azerbaijan:               21:  UD:    4J,R6D,RD,U6D,UD;
Georgia:                  21:  UF:    4L,R6F,RF,U6F,UF;
Armenia:                  21:  UG:    EK,R6G,RG,U6G,UG;
Turkmenistan:             17:  UH:    EZ,R8H,RH,U8H,UH;
Uzbek:                    17:  UI:    R8I,RI,U8I,UI;
Tajikistan:               17:  UJ:    EY,R8J,RJ,U8J,UJ;
Kazakhstan:               17:  UL:    R7,RL,U7,UL,UN;
Kyrgystan:                17:  UM:    EX,R8M,RM,U8M,UM;
Karelo-Finnish Rep:       16:  UN1:   R1N,RA1N,RK1N,RN1,RV1N,RW1N,RX1N,RZ1N
&                                     U1N,UA1N,UK1N,UN1,UV1N,UW1N,UX1N,UZ1N
Moldova:                  16:  UO:    ER,R5O,RO,U5O,UO;
Antigua:                  8:   V2:    V2;
Belize:                   7:   V3:    V3;
Saint Kitts:              8:   V4:    V4;
Namibia:                  38:  V5:    V5;
Micronesia:               27:  V6:    V6,KC6NW,KC6SI;
Marshall Islands:         31:  V7:    V7,KX6BU;
Brunei:                   28:  V8:    V8;
Canada:                   5:   VE:    VA,VB,VC,VD,VE,VF,VG,VO,VX,VY,CF
&                                     CG,CH,CI,CJ,CK,CY,CZ,XJ,XK,XL,XM,XN,XO
&                                     VE2ACP(02),VE2AG(02),VE2AOF(02),VE2AQS(02)
&                                     VE2AS(02),VE2CSI(02),VE2DS(02),VE2DUN(02)
&                                     VE2DWU(02),VE2DYL(02),VE2DYW(02),VE2DYX(02)
&                                     VE2EAK(02),VE2EDK(02),VE2EDL(02),VE2EDX(02)
&                                     VE2ELL(02),VE2ENB(02),VE2END(02),VE2ENK(02)
&                                     VE2ENP(02),VE2ENR(02),VE2ERU(02),VE2FCV(02)
&                                     VE2GSA(02),VE2GSO(02),VE2III(02),VE2KK(02)
&                                     VE2MTA(02),VE2MTB(02),VE2NN(02),VE2TVU(02)
&                                     VE2VH(02),VE2WT(02),VE2XY(02),VE2YM(02)
&                                     VE2ZP(02),VE8AJ(02),VE8CWI(02),VE8MTD(02)
&                                     VE8PW(02),VE8RCS(02),VO2(02),VO7AA(02)
&                                     VO7TM(02),XM2ZP(02);
Australia:                30:  VK:    AX,VH,VI,VJ,VK,VL,VM,VN,VZ;
Norfolk Island:           32:  VK9/n: AX9,VK9;
Lord Howe I.:             30:  VK9/lh:AX9L,VK9AE,VK9L,VK9YQS;
Mellish Reef:             30:  VK9/m: AX9M,VK9M;
Christmas:                29:  VK9/x: AX9X,VK9X;
Cocos Keeling:            29:  VK9/c: AX9C,AX9Y,VK9C,VK9EW,VK9WB,VK9Y;
Willis:                   30:  VK9/w: AX9Z,VK9GS,VK9TR,VK9W,VK9Z;
Heard Island:             39:  VK0/h: VK0HI;
Macquarie I.:             30:  VK0/m: AX0,VK0;
Anguilla:                 8:   VP2E:  VP2E;
Montserrat:               8:   VP2M:  VP2M;
British Virgin Islands:   8:   VP2V:  VP2V;
Turks & Caicos Islands:   8:   VP5:   VP5;
Falkland Islands:         13:  VP8:   VP8,92HY;
South Georgia:            13:  VP8/g: VP8BUB,VP8CBA,VP8CDI,VP8CGK,VP8CIZ
&                                     VP8CKB,VP8CLR,VP8SGB;
South Orkney:             13:  VP8/o: LU1Z,EC0BOD,LU5ZA,VP8BXK,VP8CFM,VP8CKC;
South Sandwich Is.:       13:  VP8/sa: VP8SSI,4K1ZI;
South Shetland Is.:       13:  VP8/sh: 4K1ADQ,4K1F,CE9GEW,CX0XY,EA0BOD,ED0BOE
&                                      HF0POL,HL5BDS,LU2Z,LU3ZI,LU5ZI,ZX0ECF
Bermuda:                  5:   VP9:   VP9;
Chagos:                   39:  VQ9:   VQ9;
Pitcairn Island:          32:  VR6:   VR6;
Hong Kong:                24:  VS6:   VR2,VS6;
India:                    22:  VU:    AT,AU,AV,VT,VU,VV,VW,8T,8U,8V,8W,8X,8Y;
Andaman & Nicobar Is.:    26:  VU4:   VU4;
Laccadive Is.:            22:  VU7:   VU7;
Mexico:                   6:   XE:    4A,4B,4C,6D,6E,6F,6G,6H,6I,6J
&                                     XA,XB,XC,XD,XE,XF,XG,XH,XI;
Revilla Gigedo:           6:   XF4:   4A4,4B4,4C4,6D4,6E4,6F4,6G4,6H4,6I4,6J4
&                                     XA4,XB4,XC4,XD4,XE4,XF4,XG4,XH4,XI4;
Burkina Faso:             35:  XT:    XT;
Kampuchea (Cambodia):     26:  XU:    XU;
Vietnam:                  26:  XV:    3W,XV;
Laos:                     26:  XW:    XW;
Macao:                    24:  XX9:   XX9;
Myanmar (Burma):          26:  XZ:    1Z,XY,XZ;
Afghanistan:              21:  YA:    YA,T6;
Indonesia:                28:  YB:    YB,YC,YD,YE,YF,YG,YH,JZ,PK,PL,PM,PN,PO,7A
&                                     7B,7C,7D,7E,7F,7G,7H,7I,8A,8B,8C,8D,8E,8F
&                                     8G,8H,8I;
Iraq:                     21:  YI:    HN,YI;
Vanuatu:                  32:  YJ:    YJ;
Syria:                    20:  YK:    YK,4U1YK,6C;          AS
Latvia:                   15:  YL:    YL;
Nicaragua:                7:   YN:    YN,HT,H6,H7;
Romania:                  20:  YO:    YO,YP,YQ,YR;
El Salvador:              7:   YS:    HU,YS;
Yugoslavia:               15:  YU:    YT,YU,YZ,4N,4O;
Venezuela:                9:   YV:    YV,YW,YX,YY,4M;
Aves Island:              8:   YV0:   YV0,YW0,YX0,YY0,4M0;
Zimbabwe:                 38:  Z2:    Z2;
Macedonia:                15:  Z3:    Z3;
Albania:                  15:  ZA:    ZA;
Gibraltar:                14:  ZB:    ZB;
Cyprus (British bases):   20:  ZC:    ZC;          AS
Saint Helena:             36:  ZD7:   ZD7;
Ascension Island:         36:  ZD8:   ZD8;
Tristan de Cunha:         38:  ZD9:   ZD9;
Cayman Islands:           8:   ZF:    ZF;
South Cook Islands:       32:  ZK1/s: ZK1;
North Cook Islands:       32:  ZK1/n: ZK1CQ,ZK1BW,ZK1BY,ZK1WL,ZK1XP,ZK1XY,ZK1OQ;
Niue:                     32:  ZK2:   ZK2;
Tokelaus:                 31:  ZK3:   ZK3;
New Zealand:              32:  ZL:    ZL,ZM;
Chatham:                  32:  ZL7:   ZL7,ZM7;
Kermadec:                 32:  ZL8:   ZL8,ZM8;
Auckland and Campbell Is: 32:  ZL9:   ZL9,ZM9;
Paraguay:                 11:  ZP:    ZP;
South Africa:             38:  ZS:    H5,S4,S8,V9,ZR,ZS,ZT,ZU;
Prince Edward & Marion Is:38:  ZS8:   ZS8MI,ZT8M,ZU8M,ZR8M;
Walvis Bay:               38:  ZS9:   ZS9;
Penguin Island:           38:  ZS0:   ZS0;

>From Fred Hopengarten" <lectroid!jjmhome!k1vr!k1vr at  Tue Aug 10 17:33:20 1993
From: Fred Hopengarten" <lectroid!jjmhome!k1vr!k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1993 12:33:20 EDT
Subject: K1EA CATV connectors
Message-ID: <2c67cdd8.k1vr at k1vr.UUCP>

On 8 Aug 93 15:13:56-0400,
jjmhome!transfer!!uunet!sprintintl.sp!ERIC.L.SCACE wrote:
> A few years ago K1EA gave a talk at Dayton about his
station.  He described
> a system for connecting to 3/4 inch CATV hardline that
sounded better than
> what I have been using.  Does anyone know the details of
how Kenny does
> this ... or have good ideas of their (sic) own?  Thanks.
-- Eric K3NA

OK, you've got me.  I am the guy responsible for the K1EA
solution to .750" CATV hardline.  But be forewarned, this is
the expensive (though waterproof) way to do it.

For 12 years I ran a small cable TV company.  We bought A
LOT of hardline connectors.  One high quality vendor was,
and is, Gilbert Engineering Co., Inc., P. O. Box 23189,
Phoenix, AZ 85063.  Tel:  602/245-1050, 800/528-5567 (DON'T
tell them that I sent you).

My best guess is that they kept getting requests for
adapters from the ham community within the CATV community,
and finally gave in.  They sell adapters for standard cable
TV connectors, to permit you to end in a 50 ohm N (female) -
- model G-CH-N-50-F, or UHF (male or female) -- model G-CH-

As a result of our common experience, Ken and I recommend
AGAINST the female UHF adapter, as it has its "vagina"
(surely there must be a better word) is unsupported by
plastic, so the second time you remove and reinsert a male
UHF connector, one of the walls breaks.  Use the male
adapter, a barrel, and then another male on your RG-213 or
9913 jumper.

Using these adapters, you may use anyone's standard CATV
hardline connectors which end in a "stinger."  Selecting a
CATV hardline connector requires that you know, in advance,
whether you want radiation shields, the exact manufacturer
and model of the hardline (Ken uses a lot of air dielectric
with a spiraling plastic insert -- his .750 diameter cable,
while I use a lot of .500 foam dielectric), and the
quantity of connectors required.

Gilbert makes terrific stuff.  But, just between you and me,
though no adapters are available elsewhere (Gilbert is the
only source I ever found), Production Products Company (PPC)
also makes an excellent CATV hardline connector with
stinger, and may be less expensive.  PPC, One Mezzy Lane,
Manlius, NY 13104, 315/682-2031, 1-800/468-2288, FAX
315/682-2386 (DON'T say I sent you.)

Now, here's the rub.  These vendors sell to the industry, on
account.  I think that they want you to call and order 300
connectors at a crack, though Gilbert knows that you only
need a few adapters.

Using this method, don't be surprised if you wind up
spending over $22 an end, including shipping (they are heavy

NO - NO - NO.  I will not order them for you.  Find a friend
who works for a cable operator.  Most readers of the contest
reflector are in engineering and know how to get commercial
vendors to accept your money.  (Here's a hint, try cash in

After receiving the stingers and adapters, get someone to
loan you the necessary tools (as you may not own a coring
tool), and show you how to cut aluminum outer shield without
crimping it toward the center conductor.  Then go read up on
how to keep connectors watertight outdoors, as you do not
want water to migrate inside the cable.

Good luck.
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
Six Willarch Road, Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
home + office telephone:  617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low."

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