Telephone RFI Help
Ed Hare - KA1CV
ehare at
Wed Aug 18 14:44:03 EDT 1993
The ARRL has several information files to help members deal with
all types of interference problems.
Send the following as email to info at
send emi-gen
send emi-source
send emi-telephone
This will get you the help, index and several interference packages
from the ARRL Automated Electronic Mail Server.
Paper copies of these files are also available from the ARRL Tech Dept
Secretary, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111 for a 9X12 SASE with 98
cents postage. Ask for the "EMI/RFI Package" and the "EMI/RFI Telephone
Feel free to contact me directly at the ARRL about interference
73 from ARRL HQ, Ed
Ed Hare, KA1CV ehare at
American Radio Relay League
225 Main St.
Newington, CT 06111 "You will never put the puzzle together
(203) 666-1541 - voice if you keep putting all of the pieces
ARRL Laboratory Supervisor back in the box." Colleen
RFI, xmtr and rcvr testing
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