10Meter Contest Score W3LPL
TYLERSTEWART at delphi.com
TYLERSTEWART at delphi.com
Tue Dec 14 02:27:38 EST 1993
Boy, this is starting to feel a lot like a VHF contest! Lots of meteor,
etc. modes...signals coming in from any direction on skewed and scatter paths.
Here are our numbers for our Multi effort this year:
914 CW Q's
1411 SSB Q's 2325 total Q's
134 country mults
118 state/etc. mults 252 total mults
for 1.633 Megapoints
OPs: KH2F-SSB KF3P-CW (with some crossover for mults)
Equipment: TS950
SSB FT1000D-CW feeding single monoband 3-1000Z amp
2 computers networked running CT8 + packet
Antenna: 7el @ 200'
Stacked 6el at 40/80' fixed on EU
2.5 el fixed South at 50'
(USED to be 3 el!)
Even tho the WWV numbers were low, we had decent openings into EU (considiering!)
...at least it was better than CQWW a couple weeks ago! Opening started earlier
and ended later, but no skewed path from the southeast, which hurt the boys
down south. No JA's or AK's es no LP Asia in the AM.
Using the 950SD es FT1000
D side by side with common antennas, we found the 1000 produced more copyable
signals by a significant margin. Note this was a fairly unscientific test es
Ken and I both own 1000's... hi hi.
73 es CU in the January VHF Test on 2 meters from K3MQH!
Tyler, KF3P
>From Ryuichi Nakano <101106.26 at CompuServe.COM> Tue Dec 14 08:40:38 1993
From: Ryuichi Nakano <101106.26 at CompuServe.COM> (Ryuichi Nakano)
Date: 14 Dec 93 03:40:38 EST
Subject: KI6FE/7 1ST 10M TEST IN US
Message-ID: <931214084038_101106.26_FHH26-1 at CompuServe.COM>
Hi folks
I operated 10m contest a little from my small station and had a lot of
fun. This was the first time for me to be in this contest in the U.S..
I operated from JA2YKA during the last bottom of the Sun activity. We made
a big effort to put 10 element yagi at 130 ft. and made only 400+ Q's.
It was enough to put us as a winner in JA. In my opinion, it is much more
fun to do this contest in the U.S. while sun acivity is very low. In Japan
we can work JA stations by only back scatter because from central JA all
areas are in the skip zone. And absolutely only one multiplier can be done
by working JAs. We have fair propagations to SA OC and about an hour to
East and South Africa, where all have less activities. This time, I could
work a lot of east and south, and they brought me an excitement to fill
up a states list. Next year will be still fun for me. Thank you for Q's.
KI6FE/7 Single op CW High Power
385 QSO 38S/P 7DX for 6 hours run.
TS-930S+ALPHA 76+R-7
Riew Nakano
101106.26 at compuserve.com
>From Jeff Bolda <0005782837 at mcimail.com> Tue Dec 14 11:33:00 1993
From: Jeff Bolda <0005782837 at mcimail.com> (Jeff Bolda)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 06:33 EST
Subject: Early 10 M Score rumors
Message-ID: <31931214113313/0005782837PK4EM at mcimail.com>
RE: Early 10 Meter score rumors 14 Dec 93 1100z
Not sure if anyone is collecting 10 Meter scores.
I added the scores from internet and the ones I collected
from 3833.
wc4e at mcimail.com
AC4NJ (WC4E OP) 2462 182 1.112 M
W5WMU 1962 198 995 K
K6LL 1962 155 791 K
W9XT 1382 173 676 K
W1FEA 1500 150 620 K
W7RM 1362 143 569 K
K5NW 945 103 470 K
VE3RM 1236 154 435 K
N5OCD 718 148 286 K
K6XO/7 278 81 69 K
W3EP 1105 158 495 K
K1TR 655 135 258 K
KU4A 458 71 75 K
NV6O 197 64 33 K
KD1OW 207 64 31 K
N9LJX 148 48 22 K
KI4HN 141 50 23 K
N2ALE/6 55 23 3 K
WA7BNM 467 85 105 K
N2AA 1037 110 460 K
N8RR 1072 101 433 K
WD8AUB 824 108 356 K
K1JKS 874 96 335 K
W5HUQ 680 80 217 K
AD5Q 492 89 175 K
KI6FE/7 385 45 69 K
WN3K 248 54 53 K
W1IHN 212 63 53 K
-- CW QRP --
K4VUD 2149 101 434 K
N2RM 1700 113 384 K
WB1HBB 800 101 161 K
WK1J 520 79 82 K
KE2OI 355 99 66 K
W0OSK 421 48 37 K
K6SVL 1274 70 178 K
N6UXB/T 205 41 16 K
KB4NT 117 36 8 K
-- SSB QRP --
W3LPL 2325 251 1,627 M
NU4Y 2336 186 1.162 M
AA5VC 1352 193 729 K
KA2DRH 1500 171 681 K
KE9I 1823 158 669 K
W4AQL 1539 165 665 K
K5OJI 664 151 312 K
AA5UO 656 140 224 K
KA1OQH 301 93 56 K
AA9AX 166 60 31 K
CW 602 30 53
SSB 1860 44 55
TOT 2462 74 108 1,115,296
>From alan at dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker) Tue Dec 14 14:55:03 1993
From: alan at dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 07:55:03 -0700
Subject: Well, it's ABOUT time!
Message-ID: <9312141455.AA10053 at dsd.ES.COM>
In case you haven't seen this, here it is:
------- Forwarded Message
From: lhurder at arrl.org (Luck Hurder KY1T)
To: distribution. at arrl.org@uu2.psi.com; (see end of body)
Subject: ARLB116
ARLB116 Pick your call sign
ARRL Bulletin 116 ARLB116
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT December 13, 1993
To all radio amateurs
ARLB116 Pick your call sign
Pick your call sign
The FCC today proposed that amateurs be able to choose their own
call signs, once a new automated processing system is in place at
the Commission's Private Radio Bureau.
Under the proposed system, amateurs wishing to apply for an
available call sign would be required to file a form and pay a fee.
Trustees of club and military recreation stations also would be
eligible for the new program. Also today, The FCC canceled a rule
it adopted last summer establishing a call sign administrator
program for amateur club and military stations, a program that was
never implemented.
The FCC said that at the present time call sign selection by new
licensees was not feasible, but left the door open for that
possibility in the future.
The FCC said that the new PRB computer might eventually allow
amateurs to check for themselves the availability of call signs, and
that the new system might be used to allow electronic filing of
applications, making the process easier for applicant and FCC alike.
At the meeting today, the first under new FCC Chairman Reed Hundt,
Private Radio Bureau staff began by telling the FCC commissioners
that recent Nobel Prize winners Joseph Taylor and Russell Hulse had
begun their scientific education as radio amateurs.
The ''vanity'' call sign plan was unanimously approved by the four FCC
commissioners. The text of the Notice of Proposed Rule Making is
not yet available but is expected to be issued shortly.
------- End of Forwarded Message
Alan, K6XO/7 (Soon to be K7XO?)
N6TR's XYL is a Tree hugger...
>From Jim Stevens" <ki4hn at vnet.IBM.COM Tue Dec 14 16:00:37 1993
From: Jim Stevens" <ki4hn at vnet.IBM.COM (Jim Stevens)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 11:00:37 EST
Subject: K6XO's posting of vanity calls to be available
Great news! Now can someone with a CDROM callsign database provide me with
a list of all currently unused 1X2 and 2X1 4-district callsigns?
Thanks and 73, Jim, KI4HN
>From Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com> Tue Dec 14 17:07:49 1993
From: Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com> (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 9:07:49 PST
Subject: Troy results
Message-ID: <9312141707.AA19935 at hposl42.cup.hp.com>
I lost the address for the Troy Sprint results, please send again.
>From Rick, K7GM/4" <AONISWAN at ECUVM.CIS.ECU.EDU Tue Dec 14 17:19:27 1993
From: Rick, K7GM/4" <AONISWAN at ECUVM.CIS.ECU.EDU (Rick, K7GM/4)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 12:19:27 EST
Subject: 10M contest results
ARRL 10 Meter Contest K7GM/4
CW only, low power, 12 hours
352 Qs 52 US/VE 28 DX = 116,480
Condix very interesting. The rotor (yes I finally have one which,
coincidently, is attached to a beam) got quite a workout trying to find
the right cloud to bounce off of when working scatter or Es. "Normal"
directions didn't always work.
Missed all of Saturday morning/afternoon and all of Sunday afternoon.
Did get in on the Es, scatter on Saturday night. Next year I'll have to
plan this a bit better.
Used no cw filter most of the weekend. The band was usually not
crowded enough to warrent putting the filter in. Picked up a number of
Qs from people calling more than 700 cycles off (some as much as 1.5 kHz
On Saturday night I found that I really needed to sign /4. Otherwise
people would start turning their antennas the wrong way in an effort to
improve the signal (which usually resulted in a missed Q). A bit more
gist for the portable/notportable discussion.
Most interesting DX was 9K2ZZ who was in Sunday morning for about
15 minutes.
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