Stacking Tribanders? at at
Tue Dec 14 10:24:00 EST 1993
Form: Memo
Text: (9 lines follow)
Does anyone have any direct experience stacking 2 or more tribanders and
making it actual work? I am under the impression that making them work
decently on all three bands is next to impossible? I am considering
stacking 2 TH6DXX's about 60-70 feet apart on the same tower. I would
like to use them independantly or both in phase and do so effectively on
each band (10-20). Any suggestions would be appreciated!
73, Bob W9NQ/6
Use Proportional Font: true
>From Tim Totten <kj4vh at> Tue Dec 14 19:13:50 1993
From: Tim Totten <kj4vh at> (Tim Totten)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 14:13:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: FCC news release--Vanity calls
Message-ID: <Pine.3.88.9312141438.A7951-0100000 at coplex>
Here's the official FCC news release regarding "vanity" calls (what a
terrible name for such a good thing!). I just pulled this from the FCC
Daily Digest:
305 (Report No. DC-2451, Action in Docket Case)
The Commission has proposed to allow amateur radio
operators to choose their own call signs. In light of
this decision, the Commission by separate action vacated
the rule provisions that established private entity call
sign administrators and reinstated the prior rules.
Action by the Commission December 13 by NPRM (FCC 93-
545) and by MO&O (FCC 93-546).
News Media contact: Patricia A. Chew at (202) 632-
5050; Private Radio Bureau contact: Maurice J. DePont
at (202) 632-4964.
Tim Totten, KJ4VH Home tel +1-502-239-6486
kj4vh at Home fax +1-502-239-7766
Kentucky Contest Group
>From Rick, K7GM" <AONISWAN at ECUVM.CIS.ECU.EDU Tue Dec 14 20:07:55 1993
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 15:07:55 EST
Subject: Pick-a-call
If the FCC proposal to allow one to pick their own call goes through
it will be interesting to see how many of us who got to choose our own
calls back in the 70's and who are now living in a different call area
will choose to change. ........ After 20 years of K7GM, I'm not sure
whether K4GM would roll off the keyer quite as effortlessly.
>From k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) Tue Dec 14 20:19:54 1993
From: k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) (John Zapisek)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 12:19:54 PST
Subject: W5XD's Wlogview FTP Site On-Line
Message-ID: <9312142019.AA27051 at greylock.local>
Wayne: Your WLOGVIEW program is now available via Anonymous FTP.
Connect to server "" ( and CD to directory
"pub/k2mm/wlogview". There you'll find the following files: 78076 bytes -- PKZIP'ed archive
wlogview.exe 215552 bytes -- UNZIP'ed version
template.wk1 1273 bytes -- UNZIP'ed version
Remember to set your file-transfer mode to BINARY before you GET the
file(s). 73 and good luck. --John/K2MM
>From oo7 at (Derek Wills) Tue Dec 14 20:30:01 1993
From: oo7 at (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 14:30:01 CST
Subject: Pick-a-call
Message-ID: <9312142030.AA28521 at>
K7GM sayeth:
it will be interesting to see how many of us who got to choose
our own calls back in the 70's and who are now living in a
different call area will choose to change. ........ After 20
years of K7GM, I'm not sure whether K4GM would roll off the
keyer quite as effortlessly.
Not to mention how the existing K4GM might feel about it.
It will be interesting to see what the form of the chosen call can
be - could I get AA5EEE or, if necessary, AA5EEEEEEEEEEEEEE?
Hey, perhaps we can have official "handles" too -
>From Jim Hollenback <jholly at> Tue Dec 14 20:43:33 1993
From: Jim Hollenback <jholly at> (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 12:43:33 PST
Subject: Troy sprint results
Message-ID: <9312142043.AA01479 at>
Who is collecting the Troy sprint results...sorry I lost your address.
Thanks, Jim, WA6SDM
>From jhenness at (John Hennessee) Tue Dec 14 21:14:57 1993
From: jhenness at (John Hennessee) (John Hennessee)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 16:14:57 EST
Subject: Vanity Calls at Last!
Message-ID: <2116 at jch>
Subject: ARLB116
ARLB116 Pick your call sign
ARRL Bulletin 116 ARLB116
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT December 13, 1993
To all radio amateurs
ARLB116 Pick your call sign
Pick your call sign
The FCC today proposed that amateurs be able to choose their own
call signs, once a new automated processing system is in place at
the Commission's Private Radio Bureau.
Under the proposed system, amateurs wishing to apply for an
available call sign would be required to file a form and pay a fee.
Trustees of club and military recreation stations also would be
eligible for the new program. Also today, The FCC canceled a rule
it adopted last summer establishing a call sign administrator
program for amateur club and military stations, a program that was
never implemented.
The FCC said that at the present time call sign selection by new
licensees was not feasible, but left the door open for that
possibility in the future.
The FCC said that the new PRB computer might eventually allow
amateurs to check for themselves the availability of call signs, and
that the new system might be used to allow electronic filing of
applications, making the process easier for applicant and FCC alike.
At the meeting today, the first under new FCC Chairman Reed Hundt,
Private Radio Bureau staff began by telling the FCC commissioners
that recent Nobel Prize winners Joseph Taylor and Russell Hulse had
begun their scientific education as radio amateurs.
The ''vanity'' call sign plan was unanimously approved by the four FCC
commissioners. The text of the Notice of Proposed Rule Making is
not yet available but is expected to be issued shortly.
>From Chris Gay" <KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM Tue Dec 14 21:00:01 1993
From: Chris Gay" <KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (Chris Gay)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 16:00:01 EST
Subject: pick-a-call
Whooo-boy. I can just see the callbook pages flipping and the
"show/hamcall" cluster commands flying tonight!
73 de Chris KU4A
happy with the one I've got
>From Peter Hardie <hardie at> Tue Dec 14 21:00:32 1993
From: Peter Hardie <hardie at> (Peter Hardie)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 15:00:32 -0600 (CST)
Subject: ARRL 10m QRP
Message-ID: <Pine.3.88.9312141443.A4523-0100000 at>
Total of 57 QSOs, but I was not trying hard at all. Even if I had been,
with 5W out and the condx we had there wasn't much hope of accomplishing
too much. I also have to get some pointers on working backscatter, meteor
scatter (really?) etc.
I did get some DX: ZD8, OA, PY, LU, and one JA at 2252Z on Sunday. Didn't
hear any EU, KL7, KH6.
QRP mixed mode (3 SSB QSOs!) from Saskatchewan, which is more of a black
hole than Colorado or any other of the lower 48 states!
242 Q pts * 27 mults = 6534.
ve5va.qrp at
>From k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) Tue Dec 14 22:13:59 1993
From: k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) (John Zapisek)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 14:13:59 PST
Subject: pick-a-call
Message-ID: <9312142213.AA27664 at greylock.local>
> [Chris/KU4A] Whooo-boy. I can just see the callbook pages flipping and
> the "show/hamcall" cluster commands flying tonight!
FTP users who have downloaded Jim/AD1C's CTY.ZIP file might have noticed
another interesting file in the same directory: 92callbook.Z It's 23
MBytes in its UNIX-compressed form, and the clear-text version (after
downloading and uncompressing) is only 52 MB!
The Anonymous-FTP site is "", and the directory to CD to
is "pub/misc/hamradio". 23 MB -- them's a lot of bits! 73. --John/K2MM
>From rmarosko at (Ron Marosko) Tue Dec 14 16:25:48 1993
From: rmarosko at (Ron Marosko) (Ron Marosko)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 16:25:48
Subject: Pick-a-call
Message-ID: <rmarosko.149.00106E8F at>
In article <9312142030.AA28521 at> oo7 at (Derek Wills) writes:
>It will be interesting to see what the form of the chosen call can
>be - could I get AA5EEE or, if necessary, AA5EEEEEEEEEEEEEE?
No doubt this would be restricted to ya'll higher class operators, but if the
FCC does happen to extend the privilege to the few of us 2x3s.... KE5EEE?
73 es DX,
#include <std.disclaimer.h>
As usual, the views expressed here do not represent the views of
the BCM management, staff, or any living person.
| Ron Marosko | AKA Striker on several MU*s. |
| The Computing Resource Center | Ex-God of TinyHorns MUSH |
| Baylor College of Medicine | Retired Admiral Striker of the |
| rmarosko at | original NetTrek server at |
| kb5nfn at | |
>From Mark E. Bailey" <mebly at Tue Dec 14 23:00:35 1993
From: Mark E. Bailey" <mebly at (Mark E. Bailey)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 18:00:35 -0500
Subject: pick-a-call
Message-ID: <199312142300.SAA26568 at>
>rom: "Chris Gay" <KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM>
>hooo-boy. I can just see the callbook pages flipping and the
>"show/hamcall" cluster commands flying tonight!
>73 de Chris KU4A
>happy with the one I've got
I want K3D. It's got the same suffix and I'm sure its not in use!
>From robert penneys <penneys at> Tue Dec 14 22:58:58 1993
From: robert penneys <penneys at> (robert penneys)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 17:58:58 EST
Subject: Optimum call sign for CW?
Message-ID: <9312142258.AA15289 at>
Now that the cat is getting out of the bag, it is time, perhaps, to dwell on
the ultimate call sign for contesting, especially CW. I have seen some analysis
of this a while ago...
All comments invited. Tnx Bob WN3K FRC
>From k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) Tue Dec 14 23:22:08 1993
From: k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) (John Zapisek)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 15:22:08 PST
Subject: K2MM 10m Score
Message-ID: <9312142322.AA28134 at greylock.local>
Twenty percent of my Qs on phone were with Argentina. Had no idea that many
existed! The band seemed to open up very early from here (San Jose, CA) to
the East Coast -- 8am or so -- both days. Looked a bit for Novice and Tech
QSOs; found only three Ts and no Ns. Only got two TVI complaints! That's
what I get for running "high" power -- 500W to an R-7. 73. --John/K2MM
Qs N/T LUs Pts States DXCC Mults Score
CW 94 3 5 388 26 6 32
Phone 86 - 18 172 23 7 30
Total 180 3 23 560 49 13 62 34,720
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Wed Dec 15 02:14:37 1993
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 18:14:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: ["D. Leeson" <0005543629 at>: Contest Deadlines]
Message-ID: <755921677.511152.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
Wise words from W6QHS:
From: "D. Leeson" <0005543629 at>
Subject: Contest Deadlines
It would be neat to publish contest deadline reminders on the reflector.
I looked up SS and CQWW...they are
SS (both modes) 22 Dec.
CQWW SSB 1 Dec. (!)
CQWW CW 15 Jan.
>From Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at> Wed Dec 15 13:40:53 1993
From: Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at> (Randy A Thompson)
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1993 08:40:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Optimum call sign for CW?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9312150853.A10185-0100000 at>
It's probably not a 2x1 call ending in 'K'!
On Tue, 14 Dec 1993, robert penneys wrote:
> Now that the cat is getting out of the bag, it is time, perhaps, to dwell on
> the ultimate call sign for contesting, especially CW. I have seen some analysis
> of this a while ago...
> All comments invited. Tnx Bob WN3K FRC
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