U.S. Citizens/callsigns

Fri Dec 17 13:50:17 EST 1993

When did the FCC start issuing callsigns to non U.S. citizens? Most
countries nowdays do not issue callsigns to non residence (especially
the Carribbean!) they only issue portable callsigns.  Why is the FCC
allowing this to happen, I thought U.S. Citizenship or permant residency
was a requirement get a U.S. callsign?  I don't want to come off as a
protectionist but it doesn't seem fair that we have to operate /C6...etc
and anyone can give a fake or temporary mailing address and sit down and 
take the extra exam and come away with a 2X1 callsign.


>From aa2du at attmail.com (J P Kleinhaus )  Fri Dec 17 20:08:27 1993
From: aa2du at attmail.com (J P Kleinhaus ) (J P Kleinhaus )
Date: 17 Dec 93 20:08:27 GMT
Subject: CW Rhythm?

AA5UO wrote: How about AA2UU?"
Being on the sidelines for this one (I don't want anyone to steal my choice
of calls :') but N7TR sounds nice), I couldn't let this one go by.  The
problem with these stupid 2x2 calls is they take to damn long to send when your
trying to tail-end someone and K1AR has already sent hsi call twice before you
finished the first one.  I like the "DU" on CW, but U is a *lousy* letter
on SSB.  However, for anyone looking for extra cash, I would be willing to
pay for the demise of W2DU <g>.
73 to all

>From Danny Eskenazi <0005720561 at mcimail.com>  Fri Dec 17 18:59:00 1993
From: Danny Eskenazi <0005720561 at mcimail.com> (Danny Eskenazi)
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 93 13:59 EST
Message-ID: <44931217185944/0005720561PK3EM at mcimail.com>

I recall hearing that someone had a list of famous personalities in our
hobby. Sports, TV, Music, Science, Business etc.  Would love to see a 
list. Personally have only heard of a few, NK7U Joe Rudi, Baseball;
Walter Cronkite TV KB2???; Joe Walsh, music ????, etc. If you have such a
list please post it. Thanks....  p.s. In my experience one of the smoothest
calls Ive used was VE7SV on CW...try it...73 de K7SS Danny Eskenazi

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Fri Dec 17 20:55:48 1993
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1993 12:55:48 -0800 (PST)
Subject: U.S. Citizens/callsigns
Message-ID: <756161748.936885.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> When did the FCC start issuing callsigns to non U.S. citizens? 

That has been the case ever since I became a ham, in 1974.  Back then 
the rule was that licenses wouldn't be issued to "agents of foreign 
governments" but there was no language preempting foreign nationals in 

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills)  Fri Dec 17 21:41:46 1993
From: oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 93 15:41:46 CST
Subject: pick-a-call
Message-ID: <9312172141.AA08213 at astro.as.utexas.edu>

I think they should give first choice to those over 6 ft tall
with pony tails and G calls.  So there.

Derek G3NMX

>From Tim Coad" <tim_coad at smtp.esl.com  Fri Dec 17 21:43:23 1993
From: Tim Coad" <tim_coad at smtp.esl.com (Tim Coad)
Date: 17 Dec 1993 13:43:23 -0800
Subject: Familiarity Breeds Contacts
Message-ID: <9312172146.AA07764 at esl.com>

                             Familiarity Breeds Contacts
                             12/17/93            1:39 PM
All this talk about call signs made me remember the first time we put P40V on
the air for CQWW SSB. A lot of people were confused by the 2 numbers in the
call sign so occasionally we would say "papa, number four, number zero, victor"
(Yeck! Dont blame me, I think I learned that from Rusty!).  Anyway late the
second night I was operating and I heard Tree over my right shoulder laughing
at me. I said "whats wrong?" He said, "You just signed as "Papa, number four,
number zero, number victor!"  Well so much for that technique. Now about
100,000 Q's later Im sure nobody has any problem with P40V any more!  A
familiar call helps a lot.

Tim - NU6S  (Not a familiar call)

>From Not a paperless office <young at young.enet.dec.com>  Fri Dec 17 21:10:13 1993
From: Not a paperless office <young at young.enet.dec.com> (Not a paperless office)
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 93 16:10:13 EST
Subject: U.S. Citizens/callsigns
Message-ID: <9312172059.AA07492 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>

I can't let this one go by.

The FCC will give a callsign to a non-citizen who passes the US amateur
license exams.  This has nothing to do with reciprocal licenses.

Years ago more Carribean countries used to give out callsigns to reciprocal
licensees.  But there were abuses - I remember a case where a US Advanced
class licensee got a Carribean reciprocal and then came back to the US and
used the Carribean callsign portable in the Extra bands.  I was told that
the government involved stopped giving out real callsigns becuase of their

The FCC has made it undesirable for many foreign hams to take the US license
tests by not allowing someone to use reciprocal privileges if they hold a
US ticket.

There are still plenty of countries which will issue a US ham a callsign.
I've held at least ten foreign non-portable calls, including several from
Carribean countries.  And I didn't take an exam in any of them.

				Paul, K1XM

>From Scott E. Parker" <SLP9M at cc.usu.edu  Fri Dec 17 21:12:56 1993
From: Scott E. Parker" <SLP9M at cc.usu.edu (Scott E. Parker)
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1993 15:12:56 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Mailing list or file server error
Message-ID: <01H6L9UQDC8GAO7CIN at cc.usu.edu>

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Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1993 14:36:46 -0700 (MST)
From: "Scott E. Parker WA7VYJ" <sparker at Coquina.cass.usu.edu>
To: Danny Eskenazi <0005720561 at mcimail.com>, cq-contest at tgv.com
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>I recall hearing that someone had a list of famous personalities in our
>hobby. Sports, TV, Music, Science, Business etc.  Would love to see a list. 
>Personally have only heard of a few, NK7U Joe Rudi, Baseball;
>Walter Cronkite TV KB2???; Joe Walsh, music ????, etc. If you have such a
>list please post it. Thanks....  p.s. In my experience one of the smoothest
>calls Ive used was VE7SV on CW...try it...73 de K7SS Danny Eskenazi

>> call wb6acu
Call-Sign: WB6ACU                   Class: ADVANCED
Real Name: JOSEPH F WALSH           Birthday: NOV 20, 1947
Mailing Address: 13009 BLAIRWOOD, STUDIO CITY, CA  91604
Valid From: AUG 27, 1991            To: AUG 27, 2001
>> name -f walter cronkite
Call-Sign: KB2GSD                   Class: NOVICE
Real Name: WALTER L CRONKITE JR     Birthday: NOV 4, 1916
Mailing Address: 519 E 84TH ST, NEW YORK, NY  10028
Valid From: DEC 20, 1988            To: DEC 20, 1998

                        Scott E. Parker    WA7VYJ
                Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
             Utah State University      Logan, UT 84322-4405
   Internet: sparker at coquina.cass.usu.edu   sparker at cedar.hao.ucar.edu
Twisted pair: 801-750-2975 (USU)  801-750-2992 (FAX)  801-753-3924 (home)

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