WPX Single OPing
km9p at aol.com
km9p at aol.com
Sat Dec 25 21:58:00 EST 1993
OK... I havn't operated WPX for the last couple of years, but I would like to
ask you all (y'all) what you think of this 36 hour operating limit?
In my opinion the contest wasn't broken in the 1st place. The reason it was
changed to 36 hours was so the DXpeditioners could have more operating time,
and be more likely to go out of the country for the contest.
It's been 2 years and there are no more DXpeditions now than there was when
it was 30 hours. This is another rule change that gives the east coast even
more of an advantage than it already enjoys... Me included. Give the guys
out west a break and change it back to 30 hours!
Bill, KM9P
>From Richard Hallman <0006135537 at mcimail.com> Sun Dec 26 05:23:00 1993
From: Richard Hallman <0006135537 at mcimail.com> (Richard Hallman)
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 93 00:23 EST
Subject: Club area??
Message-ID: <91931226052319/0006135537NA4EM at mcimail.com>
Im confused......I know the Club Radius is 175 miles from the
clubs defined center. Is that 175 Nautical Miles (6,080.2 ft = 1 mile)
or the standard of 5,280 feet for 1 Mile??
Thanks! Rich KI3V/7 KI3V at mcimail.com
>From John W. Brosnahan" <broz at csn.org Sun Dec 26 16:05:40 1993
From: John W. Brosnahan" <broz at csn.org (John W. Brosnahan)
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1993 09:05:40 -0700
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <199312261605.AA11253 at teal.csn.org>
Rich, it seeems only fair that if the club center is in the middle of an
ocean and all members reside in that ocean then nautical miles is appropriate,
but for landlocked clubs the traditionally accepted mile (5280ft) that has
been used by all clubs, that I am aware of, is the right answer.
But the real question is whether the power limit is really 1500 watts or is
it 1500 nautical watts?
73 John W0UN broz at csn.org
>From Geoffry S. Howard" <GHOWARD at KENTVM.KENT.EDU Sun Dec 26 18:16:59 1993
From: Geoffry S. Howard" <GHOWARD at KENTVM.KENT.EDU (Geoffry S. Howard)
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 93 13:16:59 EST
Subject: From K8MR to ALL
>From : K8MR
Date : 21-Dec-1993
Time : 1409Z
I guess I've been doing too much operating from home to keep up with
how multi-single is operated these days. It seems to me that calling
a station is just as much a part of working a station as is saying
"5904", so that calling is using the other band even if a QSO does not
immediately result. I never would have guessed that m/s reverts to
multi-multi every 10 minutes. Likewise calling CQ on another band to
establish a run frequency (while the old run station was still running)
strikes be as a blatent violation, to be done only because of the low
chance of getting caught.
A more interesting question to me is: How many transmitters/signals
can be used by a single operator assisted station? I read the rules
(in both ARRL and CQWW) to say the only restriction is that the one
operator does all the work. If he can keep 6 memory keyers or DVK's
going, go right ahead. The rules list single op assisted as one of
three categories (single op, SOA, and multi-operator), so the one signal
rule for single op applies no more than any of the multi-operator rules
would apply.
This question first came to mind during the last ARRL DX contest.
Interestingly in his talk on single op assisted (s/o distracted?) at
the Dayton contest forum last year, K3WW independently raised the same
question. Have any of the big s/o assisted people been using this
interpertation of the rules? If not, why not? Is this any more of
a stretch of the rules than 4 or more transmitters at a time in M/S?
By the way, as I refer to the rules for CQWW while sending this, I
see that the 500 meter circle/no remote receivers rule appears to
apply only to multi-operator stations! Any single ops out there ready
to start looking for your remote controlled receiver site in Europe for
next fall?
73 - Jim Stahl K8MR Internet via W0CG (ghoward at kentvm.kent.edu)
>From aa2du at attmail.com (J P Kleinhaus ) Sun Dec 26 19:59:15 1993
From: aa2du at attmail.com (J P Kleinhaus ) (J P Kleinhaus )
Date: 26 Dec 93 19:59:15 GMT
Subject: miles etc.
Happy Holidays to all! On the question of statute versus nautical miles, the ARRL uses statute miles. If a measurement is submitted in nautical miles (some of the Pratas Island docs were), they are converted before any action is taken.
I am not convinved that we should think about consolidating the Single-op and Single-op/Assisted categories. The allegation that the top single-op guys use packet anyway is not to be taken lightly. I for one would be pretty pissed-off if that's how someone thought I won a Single-op contest. In all of the recently published results, the SOA entries always have less Q's and more mults than the Single-op entries. It's not hard to figure out who's doing what and when they're doing it it!
73 de J.P., AA2DU
aa2du at attmail.com
>From Jeff Bolda <0005782837 at mcimail.com> Mon Dec 27 01:44:00 1993
From: Jeff Bolda <0005782837 at mcimail.com> (Jeff Bolda)
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 93 20:44 EST
Subject: 10 Meter Contest Score Rumors Last Issue
Message-ID: <94931227014449/0005782837PK1EM at mcimail.com>
A few more scores came in since last posting.
Thanks to all who sent in their scores.
Good luck in '94
wc4e at mcimail.com
AC4NJ (WC4E OP) 2462 182 1.112 M
WK4Y 1905 215 1.033 M MIX HP?
W5WMU 1962 198 995 K
K6LL 1962 155 791 K
W9XT 1382 173 676 K
W1FEA 1500 150 620 K
K0TT 1493 164 592 K
W3USS(K8OQL OP) 1339 156 582 K
W7RM 1362 143 569 K
K5NW 945 103 470 K
K2WK 1089 149 450 K
VE3RM 1236 154 435 K
N5OCD 718 148 286 K
K6XO/7 278 81 69 K
K2MM 180 62 34 K
A22MN 900 K
W3EP 1105 158 495 K
KZ1M 883 166 432 K
AB6FO 1030 119 365 K
K1TR 655 135 258 K
N7LOX 825 107 251 K
KG6LF 935 75 145 K
WT3P 109 109 83 K
K8JLF 274 97 81 K
KU4A 458 71 75 K
W3CPB 192 64 46 K
NV6O 197 64 33 K
KD1ON 207 64 31 K
KZ4H/7 156 62 30 K
N9LJX 148 48 22 K
KI4HN 141 50 23 K
N2ALE/6 55 23 3 K
AA2U 800 147 324 K
WA7BNM 467 85 105 K
VE5VA 242 27 6 K
N2AA 1037 110 460 K
N8RR 1072 101 433 K
KP4TK 919 98 361 K
WD8AUB 824 108 356 K
K1JKS 874 96 335 K
W3GN 747 93 281 K
N3RS 514 92 189 K
AD5Q 492 89 175 K
K3WW 530 81 171 K
KI6FE/7 385 45 69 K
W1IHN 212 63 53 K
K2TW 197 42 33 K
W5HUQ 680 80 217 K
K7GM/4 352 80 116 K
KY3N 319 64 81 K
WN3K 248 54 53 K
KJ4KB/1 151 47 28 K
-- CW QRP --
K4VUD 2149 101 434 K
NY1E 1836 111 407 K
N2RM 1700 113 384 K
WB2BZR 1047 90 188 K
W9UP (N0BSH) 809 67 108 k
WK1J 520 79 82 K
KE2OI 355 99 66 K
W0OSK 421 48 37 K
K6SVL 1274 70 178 K
WB1HBB 800 101 161 K
NY3C 188 77 42 K
N6UXB/T 205 41 16 K
KB4NT 117 36 8 K
-- SSB QRP --
W3LPL 2325 252 1,633 M
N2NU 2039 227 1.293 M
NU4Y 2336 186 1.162 M
KY1H 1646 211 1.010 M
AA5VC 1352 193 729 K
KA2DRH 1500 171 681 K
KE9I 1823 158 669 K
W4AQL 1539 165 665 K
XE2/K9VV 903 135 342 K
K5OJI 664 151 312 K
AA5UO 656 140 224 K
KD4VMD/T 761 63 96 K
KA1OQH 301 93 56 K
AA9AX 166 60 31 K
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