FT1000 + CT: Trouble

Raymond D. Craig craigr at marlin.nosc.mil
Thu Feb 11 06:38:08 EST 1993

> Date: 11 Feb 1993 06:45:03 -0500 (EST)
> From: OOPDAVID at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (D.RODMAN)
> Subject: FT1000 + CT: Trouble
> Several persons contacted me about difficulty with timeout errors with
> the radio interface in CT and the FT1000.  It seems there are many of us
> here with the same situation.  Is there anyone there who can assist us?

I haven't found anybody in San Diego who is using CT with a FT1000 but on
a related note, Version 8.23 does not work correctly with a TS950.  When 
I do a ALT-F3 with the VFO's split, CT does not read the second VFO freq.
Version 8.22 does work correctly but Ken broke something in 8.23.

I also left a msg on the K1EA BBS, over a month ago, and have heard nothing
since then...

73  Rick  N6ND

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