FD Scores - K0NA

George Noyes x5698 georgen at stortek.com
Fri Jul 2 11:12:22 EDT 1993

Field Day Results from the Rocky Mountains....

Call: K0NA   (Arapahoe Radio Club)
Class: 2A (Battery)
Sect: CO
Power: QRP, 5w or less
Total CW QSOs       1171
Total Phone QSOs     910     
Total Bonus         1010
Claimed Score     16,260 (3252pts*5) 

Location: Pike National Forest, 40mi SW of Denver, Elevation 8200'

Break down         CW         Phone
      80m          87          --
      40m         241          36
      20m         441         162
      15m         389         477
      10m          --         176
       6m           2          58
      SAT          10           1
      PKT           1          -- 

              AND NE0K

Comments: 20m was open most of the time; actually too open for QRP as 
          noted on 20m phone where phone rates never exeeded cw rates.

          15m was the best all around band with rates sometimes exceeding
          95 qsos/hr.

          40m had best historical rates and number of Q's.

          Mother nature at least provided 2 days of sun and no rain.

          Oh ya, when we got bored, we all enjoyed seeing Randy's
          pictures from Howland Island.

73 de George, W1XE

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