Canada Day Contest.

Alan Brubaker alan at
Fri Jul 2 11:00:02 EDT 1993

K6XO  Single Operator, Mixed Mode, All Bands.

QSOs  291,  Mult.  26,  Total  55,692

Not much activity in the U.S. for this one (especially since it is not
a holiday or a weekend day here). Quite a few VEs were on, and there
was sporadic participation from other places too. Did not hear any
numbers larger than mine until I ran across K4LTA - I think that he
wound up with around 600 QSOs and likely won it (outside of Canada,
that is). VY2SS seemed to be doing very well and I suspect that Robby
won it up in Canada. Some multiops were on also.

Alan, K6XO

alan at

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