Here's one thing you can do about antenna regulations

Patty Winter winter at
Sat Jul 10 21:51:47 EDT 1993

In regard to the recent discussion about mobilizing contesters
and DXers to fight for stronger PRB-1 enforcement...

Legislation was introduced into the U.S. House and Senate in
May that would express Congress's desire for the FCC and other
governmental agencies (federal, state, and local) to show
strong support for amateur radio. One part of the bill says:

	Congress finds and declares that--
	Reasonable accommodation should be made for
	the effective operation of amateur radio from
	residences, private vehicles and public areas,
	and that regulation at all levels of government
	should facilitate and encourage amateur radio
	operation as a public benefit.

Okay, so it doesn't say, "You town councils have to allow towers
at least x feet high." But it's a step in the right direction.

Check the July issue of QST, page 75, to find out whether your
House and Senate members have joined as co-sponsors of their
respective bills (House Joint Resolution 199 and Senate Joint
Resolution 90). If they have, send them thank-you letters! 

If they haven't, write and ask them to do so. (If you don't see 
their names on the list, ARRL Washington Area Coordinator Perry 
Williams, W1UED, 2242662 at, can tell you whether 
they've become co-sponsors since QST went to press.)

Below are copies of my thank-you note to Rep. Norm Mineta and
my letter to Senators Boxer and Feinstein.

Patty N6BIS

Dear Mr. Mineta,

Thank you for your prompt support of House Joint Resolution 199 in
recognition of radio amateurs. With our frequencies under attack by
commercial interests and our ability to install antennas at our homes
jeopardized by overly restrictive local regulations and covenants,
support from Congress is sorely needed and greatly welcomed.

I am writing to Senators Boxer and Feinstein to ask them to join you in
supporting the radio amateurs of California by co-sponsoring S.J. Res 90.


Dear Senator Boxer,

I am writing to ask you to support the radio amateurs of California by
co-sponsoring S.J. Res 90.

Although the passage of this bill would have no specific impact on
amateur radio or FCC policies, it would make it clear to the FCC,
other federal agencies, and state and local governments that 
Congress recognizes the importance of amateur radio and wishes to 
see it strengthened.

U.S. amateur radio operators face serious threats today from both
commercial and governmental forces. Various companies want to take our
frequencies, and in some cases have already done so. Meanwhile, despite
the FCC's PRB-1 ruling a few years ago that was designed to pre-empt
local governments from unduly restricting the installation of amateur
radio antennas, many municipalities continue to do just that--or to put
complex and expensive obstacles in our way--even when interference to
neighbors' home electronic equipment or the view from their homes is
not a problem.

You are almost certainly aware of the contributions of radio amateurs
to the many natural disasters that have befallen California. I was
personally involved in setting up auxiliary communications between the
California Department of Forestry station at Lexington Reservoir and
the CDF office in Gilroy during the Lexington fire of 1985. I have also
heard hams spend day after day and night after night assisting state
and local officials after the Loma Prieta earthquake, during the
Yosemite fires, and in various other emergencies.

My local member of the House of Representatives, the honorable Norman
Mineta, quickly showed his appreciation for California's radio amateurs
by becoming an original co-sponsor of H.J. Res 199. I ask you to
contact Senator Charles Robb's office to get more information on S.J.
Res 90 and to seriously consider co-sponsoring this valuable bill.

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