IARU Results

Leonard Kay len at ariel.coe.neu.edu
Mon Jul 12 10:08:58 EDT 1993

WN3K wasn't quite right. There was coax, but no antenna.

            IARU HF Championship    1993

      KB2R (@KY1H)     SSB Only    Single Op  Zone 8

     BAND      QSO    MULTS (Z/HQ) 

      160        0     0   (0/0)
       80       21     7   (5/2)
       40       49    13   (9/4)
       20      414    40   (28/12)
       15       46    17   (12/5)
       10        0     0   (0/0)

     Totals    530     77  (54/23)    = 116,578 

Couldn't raise a soul on 10 or 160. I did notice there were
a bunch more HQ's than usual! Set a personal record for different
HQ's worked (13 I think). Heard SU2MT but couldn't break pileup (had
no propagation). FO4IW calling CQ on 20 @0700 with few takers.
Worked W1AW on 4 bands (next year, get on 160, guys!).


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