HDR-300 rust prevention?

Michael Owen MOWE%SLUMUS.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
Fri Jul 16 10:09:28 EDT 1993

Yesterday I tried to remove my HDR300 rotator from its Rohn-25
mounting bracket. The rotator was only 5 years old, stored inside for
the past 3 years.  I found that the top plate was rusted onto the
output shaft and the square key didn't have any intention of coming
loose.  I called Hy-Gain and they were pleasant but unhelpful.
Eventually, I drilled & tapped the key (10-32) and barely managed to
yank it out, thus freeing the plate and saving the day.

How can I avoid this fun project in the future?  Will a liberal
coating of grease over the shaft be sufficient? Or should I use some-
thing more exotic?


Michael R. Owen, Ph.D.                        a.k.a.: W9IP
Department of Geology                         Northern Lights Software
St. Lawrence University                       Star Route, Box 60
Canton, NY  13617                             Canton, NY  13617
(315) 379-5975             -  voice  -        (315) 379-0161 (6-9pm)
e-mail: MOWE at SLUMUS            FAX   -        (315) 379-5804

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