Comments on Yaesu service; new Kenwood service??

Skelton, Tom TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM
Wed Mar 3 14:49:00 EST 1993

Yaesu service:

This is in response to N2IC's comments on his friend's problems with
Yaesu service.  My former college roommate WB4QNP recently sent
his FT1000D back for out of warranty repair.  He next-day air shipped
the unit to them, they repaired the problems and had it back to him
within 7 or 8 days of when it left his house.  Needless to say, he is one
satisfied customer.

Kenwood service:

The PS53 power supply for my TS690s went up in smoke the weekend
of the ARRL CW contest.  I called Texas Towers (where I bought the
transceiver and power supply) on Monday and they gave me the address
and phone number of the new Kenwood East Coast repair center.  I
shipped the power supply to them that day, and called them on Friday.
They acknowledged receiving the unit and assigning it to a technician
who had ordered parts....unfortunately they did not have parts in stock
locally.  On Monday, a week after shipping the power supply to them,
I received a nice post card giving me the claim number (used when
telephoning for inquiries) and stating that units were being assigned
to repair techs within 1 to 2 working days.  So far, so good....except
for not having simple parts in stock.  (Seems to me Icom's new
ads about having units repaired/returned within 7 days and having
parts on hand is going to be a big selling point.)

Has anyone had any experience yet with this "new" Kenwood East
Coast repair center?   I have scrounged a power supply to borrow
for the ARRL SSB test (for the 10 minutes or so I think I might get
permission from the xyl to operate!!) but don't want to wait forever
to get back my stock PS53.

73, Tom WB4IUX

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