Thu Mar 11 01:25:04 EST 1993

I've read a number of messages about the W9GR box and SSB contesting.
Since I keep the mic for me rig in a cabinet on the other side of the
shack, maybe I can tell you a little bit about it for cw.
I have now operated 2 contests with the DSP unit, the CQWW 160 and
ARRL DX.  What a difference it makes!  Since the QST article, Dave has
added a number of additional filters, but the ones I use the most are the
300 hz bw and 30 hz bw filters.  Don't confust these filters with what
you have in your rig already.  They have very steep (nearly vertical)
skirts and as you twiddle with the rit, stations basically fall out of the
bandpass.  Any signal that is above the noise level seems to have an
improved s/n ratio.  The 30 hz bw IS usable with minimal ringing.
There are some disadvantages as well.  Someone else pointed out there is
a 'quiet' period while you're changing filters and even when the filter
is out of line you are listening through an a/d d/a chain.  Also, since
this filter is not on your if, loud stations that are now out of your audio
passband will still pump your AGC or even block your receiver.
At this point, I would operate without it... and in fact broughtthe unit
with me to K1RH where I operated the ARRL and K1VWL where I op'ed the 160.
Ooops.... can't edit in this mode... that should be WOULDN'T operate
without it!
73, Geoff WA1U

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