Limited-single Op @ VHF

Michael Owen MOWE%SLUMUS.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
Fri Mar 12 07:43:13 EST 1993

Once upon a time, I was one of the proposers of the Limited MultiOp
category in the VHF contests.  I/we thought that competition and
participation might benefit of small groups could feel genuinely
competitive without a zillion bands.  It has been very popular.

Well, my feverish brain has had another minor spasm.  How about a
Limited SingleOp category?  The same rationale would apply:
participants could be genuinely competitive (with each other) without
having to own/maintain/lug-up-the-mountaintop a load of bands.  I
think that 4 bands would be sufficient, as in the Limited MultiOp.
Not only would "ordinary" competitors have the opportunity to
compete on a national level, but I think that Limited SingleOp
would also re-enfranchise the MidWest and West single-ops for whom
a zillion bands don't do much good anyway (due to lack of activity).

So, all you hard-core VHF contesters (all 4 of you).. what do you think?

Michael R. Owen, Ph.D.                        a.k.a.: W9IP
Deptartment of Geology                        Northern Lights Software
St. Lawrence University                       Star Route, Box 60
Canton, NY  13617                             Canton, NY  13617
(315) 379-5975             -  voice  -        (315) 379-0161

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