ts850 dru playback gain

K6LL at delphi.com K6LL at delphi.com
Mon Nov 15 23:46:52 EST 1993

danny, reference your message on the subject, i had the same problem with the
dru in my ts850. kenwood tech service was no help. here is how i solved the
     1. open the little hatch cover on top of the 850.
     2. on the x44/c4 board (the board with the filter selection dip
        switches,) find 5 pin connector cn505.
     3. snip the white wire going to the leftmost pin. leave enough wire
        protruding for a solder connection.
     4. insert a micro-sized 100k pot between the white wire and the stub.
     5. adjust the pot so the playback audio matches the mic audio in
        amplitude (58k in series, in my case.)
     5. i found the playback audio to be lacking in high freqs after this
        mod, so i shunted the pot with a tiny 220 pf cap. voila, sounds

talk to you this weekend. good luck.

k6ll at delphi.com

>From Hawes, Dave" <DHAWES at ccgate.ueci.com  Tue Nov 16 12:37:06 1993
From: Hawes, Dave" <DHAWES at ccgate.ueci.com (Hawes, Dave)
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 07:37:06 EST
Subject: VP9AD in CQ CW
Message-ID: <9310167534.AA753464226 at ccgate.ueci.com>

The VP9AD station will be activated by the Frankford Radio Club in a M/S
effort during the CQ WW CW contest by N3RD, N3AD, and KI3V.  QSL via W3HNK.
Operators will be QRV before and after the contest using /VP9.  GL and see
you on the bands!  73 - Dave, N3RD

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