CT8.47 -loop option
ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu
ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu
Tue Nov 30 10:50:41 EST 1993
Still trying to get my eyes open this am and will report later on the
4M5I operation but I wanted to mention that I was not able to get the
unidirectional network to work with the -loop option. Will look more
into it later.
>From hatcher_d <hatcher_d at bt-web.bt.co.uk> Tue Nov 30 18:14:17 1993
From: hatcher_d <hatcher_d at bt-web.bt.co.uk> (hatcher_d)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 18:14:17 +0000
Subject: CT protocol and COMTSR contd
Hi all,
Sorry for the bandwidth, but it seems there is something here ...
Ken Wolff wrote:
>>I'd be happy to provide details of the protocols and COMTSR
>>I looked at adding IPX support, but I think the Netware IPX stuff
>>my program to link in 16 bit objects to my the 32 bit code. This
>>to be difficult, so I stopped. Is there a softeware interrupt only,
>>based IPX i can use that doesn't require callbacks into my code?
It seems that all we have to do is ask and things happen. Thanks Ken
for your offer of the CT and COMTSR protocols (even help and advice?).
I and I'm sure many others would appreciate the protocol here or
somewhere we can all get it (UCSD.edu?).
Sylvan VE5ZX Wrote:
>>I agree that we should be moving to ethernet communications, tcpip in
>>particular. There a loads of interesting enhancements that can be
>>developed with we have access to the protocols. AND if we use a
>>communications interface like tcpip we can do loads of interesting
>>things. Perhaps this discussion will bring up some new ideas.
TCP/IP would be a nice direction to go as long as we could cram the
driver code into a TSR (or DOS device driver) without taking to
much memory or other machine resource.
Andy Burns GM0ECO Wrote:
>>packages and customising from their platform. If I can do the same
>>CT then it will be far more useful. The end product is a 'smart
>>telling you real time in a contest which way to point your beam based
>>the mults you still need, which opening you are about to miss and how
>>your scoring is going. I'd be facinated to see what you've been up
Its funny you should say that. By October this year I had something
similar to that up and running for CQWW phone.
My aim is to get it to a point where the things you mention are a
reality. I don't want to write logging software, but I am interested
in _extra_ connectivity to our contesters. However, I feel that maybe
it _could_ add yet another thing that you "need" to get in the top 10.
In the original text I mentioned using IPX as an alternative to
using serial point to point messaging. Taking on board the RF
problems associated with Ethernet it _may_ be tricky, maybe there
are bridges to cross here.
But what in detail I was thinking about was the following:
(1) Build a COMTSR that has the same "hooks" _to_ CT.
(2) On the other side of the COMTSR, send an acknowledged message
along the ethernet, with the given CT network data inside it.
Now, since CT can be setup with known stations in a file (eg for
band names rather than numbers), use that as a look up table to
send the data to each station in turn. Now, since the bandwidth
for data transfer is higher, even if the stations talking retry
10 or 20 times, the data will still "probably" be instantaneous.
I'm guessing a bit here with times, but basically I'm putting
forward an acknowledged service between the CT stations, with our
"new" COMTSR doing all the hard work. I wasn't thinking about
centralising the database. In my opinion, given the way that
contest stations work, having the logs on each station is a much
more resilient solution in the event of network failure.
The ops can then still get those Q's.
I have done some reading and experiments with simple "gab" messaging
between stations using IPX up to the point of sending "mail"
items. To me it doesn't look to difficult, but then again, I haven't
written too many TSRs or device drivers.
Comments on above appreciated, (even if its to scrap to fibre as
Dave at Buffalo commented). Does anyone know any software developers how have
been here before?
Darren Hatcher - G7BKO
>From Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com> Tue Nov 30 18:33:03 1993
From: Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com> (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 13:33:03 -0500
Message-ID: <9311301833.AA00452 at hp-and.an.hp.com>
You guys are going about this all wrong! Don't create a special no-net
endorsement! Instead, create the WEAN DXCC award! (Worked Everything
Assisted by Nets). All cards submitted must show a freq of 14.256,
14.160, etc. Honor Roll Plaques would be a pair of bronze baby shoes on
a walnut back!
To ensure the purity of this award, it would be required that the net
control (Master of Ceremonies, Head Cheese, His Excellence) personally
verify all the cards. This would keep him so busy we wouldn't have
any more nets, and the award would become rarer than DXCC HR.
Now I have to go home and tear up my FR5/T card...
-Tony, K1KP
>From Jim Reisert AD1C 30-Nov-1993 1349 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> Tue Nov 30 18:44:24 1993
From: Jim Reisert AD1C 30-Nov-1993 1349 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> (Jim Reisert AD1C 30-Nov-1993 1349)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 13:44:24 EST
Subject: CT & Asiatic Russia
Message-ID: <9311301844.AA15081 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
Bill, AA6TT asked:
>Anyone have a detailed Asiatic Russian prefix/CQ zone listing? If so, please
>post it!
All UA9 in Zone 17 *except*:
UA9S,W Zone 16
UA9H,O,U,Y,Z Zone 18
All UA0 in Zone 19 *except*:
UA0Y Zone 23
UA0A,B,H,O,S,U,W Zone 18
73 - Jim AD1C
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Tue Nov 30 17:33:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 09:33:00 PST
Subject: op at YS1X?
Message-ID: <2CFB8424 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
Who was the op at YS1X for the CQWW? I heard him talking to Rich,
KI3V/VP9, on 80 meters last night but didn't get his home call. tnx.
73, Tom WB4IUX
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Tue Nov 30 17:37:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 09:37:00 PST
Subject: ARRL 160 meter contest...antenna suggestion?
Message-ID: <2CFB851A at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
I plan to be active in the ARRL 160 meter contest this weekend...will
be low power in the South Carolina section. However, I currently don't
have a 160m antenna up....my first thought is to put up a 1/4 wave sloper
as the easiest and probably most effective antenna as my tower
height is limited (80 ft). Another idea I have been pondering is an
inverted-L. Any other suggestions???? tnx...73, Tom
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.NCR.COM
>From Jim Reisert AD1C 30-Nov-1993 1549 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> Tue Nov 30 20:44:32 1993
From: Jim Reisert AD1C 30-Nov-1993 1549 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> (Jim Reisert AD1C 30-Nov-1993 1549)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 15:44:32 EST
Subject: VI9
Message-ID: <9311302044.AA24900 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
------------------Reply to mail dated 30-NOV-1993 15:41:45.76------------------
Someone announced on YCCC PacketCluster last night that Bob would be on the
air today.
I wonder who N5RZ worked?
- Jim AD1C
>From Bernhard Buettner <buettneb at guug.de> Tue Nov 30 23:18:32 1993
From: Bernhard Buettner <buettneb at guug.de> (Bernhard Buettner)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 00:18:32 +0100
Subject: CT & Asiatic Russia
Message-ID: <93Dec1.002010met.43214 at hobel.guug.de>
> except
> UA9S,W Zone 16
> UA9H,O,U,Y,Z Zone 18
However, I have never heard any UA9 giving his zone as 16. I guess
they all want to be in Asia. I wonder when Ken will change that in
his program. That's the difference between theory and real life...
73 Ben, DL6RAI
[] Bernhard Buettner (Ben)
[] Mail: Am Brunnen 18, 85551 Kirchheim, Germany
[] Internet: buettneb at guug.de
>From Scott A Stembaugh <n9ljx at ecn.purdue.edu> Tue Nov 30 23:25:40 1993
From: Scott A Stembaugh <n9ljx at ecn.purdue.edu> (Scott A Stembaugh)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 18:25:40 -0500
Subject: WV9Y cqww CORRECTED score
Message-ID: <9311302325.AA19743 at en.ecn.purdue.edu>
After digging thru the logs I found a bad entry that added 500+qso points to
our score. As much as I wanted to believe the 1M score I felt it couldn't be
right..it wasn't
WV9Y M/S USA - 600,857 points.
Now how do I get rid of the glitch entry??
--scott N9LJX
>From rklein at lobo.rmh.pr1.k12.co.us (Ronald D. Klein) Tue Nov 30 23:09:34 1993
From: rklein at lobo.rmh.pr1.k12.co.us (Ronald D. Klein) (Ronald D. Klein)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 16:09:34 MST
Subject: K5ZD WWCW Score/Breakdowns
Message-ID: <9311302309.AA19203 at lobo.rmh.pr1.k12.co.us>
> Here is my score and breakdowns. If you pay by the byte, sorry.
To be quite frank about it - I pay ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for receiving mail.
However, I really don't like messsages like this. All the extraneous garbage
beyond the summary is something best left out!
Now - I feel much better!
73, Ron - W0OSK
>From rklein at lobo.rmh.pr1.k12.co.us (Ronald D. Klein) Tue Nov 30 23:29:07 1993
From: rklein at lobo.rmh.pr1.k12.co.us (Ronald D. Klein) (Ronald D. Klein)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 16:29:07 MST
Subject: Contest entries by Internet (Was re: Logs)
Message-ID: <9311302329.AA26087 at lobo.rmh.pr1.k12.co.us>
> Tim, rightly sez:
> >When is CQ going to enter the 20th century. Why do they STILL require
> >disk AND PAPER LOGS???? The ARRL is light years ahead of CQ in this
> >matter with BBS and FTP/internet uploads or mailing only a disk. We
> >just printed out the VP2VFP logs for CQWW SSB and there was a stack of
> >paper 2" thick!! How many trees do we have to kill before they get the
> >picture? If anyone else feels this way about paper logs, how about
> >expressing your opinion to CQ or on the CQWW summary sheet.
> Here, here! I second the motion. When asked why they don't do it, the
> official response has been: "cuz." And we're supposed to be at the
> forefront of technology? Sorry, but I had to kvetch. 73 de Walt - K2WK
You are assuming things get to the ARRL. My Field Day entry was not published
in QST. I am highly suspicious that it got thrown on the floor somewhere on
it's way there by Internet. It also looks like my message to Lcuk Hurder at the
ARRL asking why it wasn't in QST went into the same bit bucket, as I have not
had a reply from him either.
The ARRL - and others - who accept entries by Internet should provide
confirmation e-mail back to the sender as was done with the Phone Sprint.
73, Ron - W0OSK
>From Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA <hodge at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx> Tue Nov 30 23:26:40 1993
From: Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA <hodge at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx> (Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 17:26:40 -0600 (CST)
Subject: XE1/AA6RX CQWW CW
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9311301740.E18588-0100000 at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx>
160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL
--- -- -- -- -- -- ---
QSOs 131 439 987 1123 925 370 3975
CTYs 6 43 69 70 73 27 288
ZONES 7 20 28 31 28 20 134
Final Score 3,773,524 pts (2.25 points/QSO)
Saludos all,
What fun! I improved last year's score by 1M even though the multiplier
number is the same. Oh, so close to 4000 Qs. I was going great guns on
20 the last two hours when the bottom dropped out with 50 minutes to go.
I kept getting calls from ghostly weak northern EU and could only make out
a handful of them.
10 was punk from here. I worked a few EU, but not a single JA. VS6WO told
me when we worked on 15 that 10 was shut like a door.
40 played quite well. The antenna is an inverted vee, so nothing special.
80 was a surprize, even though lots of noise. I held court to a buzzing
pileup of EU and managed to pull a good number of them through for some
good zones and countries.
I had written off 160 due to a tremendous noise level, but it all went away
with 10 dB of attenuation. Just a dipole there and 100 W. I had some nice
runs of Ws, got a JA, worked P40N . Sure wish we had tried it, Trey.
When I went to 15 on Saturday morning, I'd sweare every single licensed DL
called me, usually in groups of 100 or so. And most not so strong. Sounded
like an angry bee hive, fleshed out with OK,SP,OZ,ON,OH,YO,LZ for variety.
But I was just too tired to hack it for long and went to 10. There I was
mobbed by Ws and really suffered from lack of sleep. I think I need to
plan a short nap for the first night to be able to handle the runs that
can result Sat and Sun mornings.
Station...TS-950SD, Henry 3K (BAD!!! for fast band changes!)
dipoles for 160/80/40, 205BA and Log Periodic for 20/15/10
Murphy visited Sunday afternoon and took away my rotator for 15.
Giorgi, XE1X, was a most gracious host and was really tickled to have me
give his station a workout. Look for him in the ARRL 10 Meter Test.
Thanks to all for the QSOs. Until next year! David Hodge XE1/AA6RX
>From jayt" <jayt at comtch.iea.com Tue Nov 30 22:59:45 1993
From: jayt" <jayt at comtch.iea.com (jayt)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 14:59:45 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Icom 751 Improvments
Message-ID: <m0p4e2r-0002ybC at comtch.iea.com>
> Does anyone have some good suggestions on gettting Icom 751's to perform
> better in contest (particularly SSB) operations? We have been using a bunch
> of them in this area for some time and the last SS was about it.
> In particular the AGC seems to need some fixing and the filtration. I guess
> that IRC has some filters that are better. Any experiences?
> I keep telling them to just buy some 1000's but he won't go for that.
Jay Townsend, Ws7i < jayt at comtch.iea.com >
>From Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA <hodge at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx> Fri Oct 1 00:30:40 1993
From: Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA <hodge at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx> (Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 18:30:40 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: TS 440 tuning knob
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9309301840.A19107-a100000 at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx>
Hello TS 440 owners, I have a problem that I'd like to remedy. The friction
adjust on my tuning knob suddenly went kind of haywire and doesn't adjust
smoothly from some friction to a good free spin. It seems to have some
friction now in even the softest setting. This happened while someone was
borrowing the rig so I don't know if anything unusual happened to the knob.
Before I delve in to solve this mystery I thought I'd ask if anyone has
experience in this matter. Many thanks, David Hodge XE1/AA6RX
>From blunt at arrl.org (Billy Lunt KR1R) Fri Oct 1 18:30:19 1993
From: blunt at arrl.org (Billy Lunt KR1R) (Billy Lunt KR1R)
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 12:30:19 EST
Subject: Field Day Scores
Message-ID: <2050 at bl>
Top 10 Scoring Field Day Stations
AD6T 18,645 17 A Battery
N1NH 17,322 15 A
K0NA 17,270 2 A Battery
K8BL 16,782 9 A
W2SEX 16,225 3 A Battery
W6NWG 16,116 5 A
W2GD 15,962 4 A
KP2N 15,580 2 A
W6TRW 15,474 7 A
K4BFT 14,920 5 A
Score Leaders -- 1A-Battery
Morrice, Minnis, Barthelow & Goldman
WB6ITM 6,815
W8DL 6,775
Meriden ARC
W1NRG 6,710
Radio Amateur Contest Operators Operating in Natural Surroundings
K4ZM 6,680
Panama City ARC
W4RYZ 6,595
Anoka County RC/QRP "Milli"sota Brass Kickers
WW0J 6,540
The Nature Boys
W1ECH 5,520
Dinosaur Valley DX Society
K5MW 5,485
St Louis QRP Society
NF0R 4,850
Shutesbury Shortwave Shamen
K1CE 3,890
Score Leaders -- 1A
Mad River RC
K8MR 6,540
Batesville ARC
NG5M 5,740
Fort Wayne RC
KR9U 5,662
Bozo and the Lids
W9TG 5,440
The ZL Specials
WA1G 5,294
Fist and Mouth Contest Company
W5EW 5,240
ARC of Ohio State University
W8LT/VE3 4,930
Neurosa's Gopher Munchers Club
AE6C 4,884
Riverland ARC
W9UP 4,750
Those Guys From Cleveland ARC
N8AGU 4,746
Score Leaders -- 1A-Commercial
Bankhead ARC
N4GKE 2,238
R W Duncan Family
WA5UWY 1,180
Non-Club Group
WA4ECY 922
Sandbar Yacht Club
NZ9Y 848
AG8L 729
Midway ARC
N0IRV 662
Non-Club Group
KF0ZH 608
Ramsey County ARC
WD0FFQ 412
The Naked Chicken Contest Club
NJ1Q 10
Score Leaders -- 2A-Battery
Arapahoe RC
K0NA 17,270
West Park Radiops ARC
W8VM (+N8OSM) 9,020
Williamsburg Area ARC
K4MU (+WD4JYQ) 8,340
Splitrock ARA
K2RF (+N2LDC) 7,420
Quick Creek ARC
AI9Y 5,860
Walton RA
W2LZ 5,485
Dallas ARC
K4DVJ (+KD4WUJ) 5,380
Kalamazoo QRP
WG8J 5,165
Choctaw ARC
WD5G (+N5VYF) 4,400
Northwest QRP Club--East Washington
NW7E 4,340
Score Leaders -- 2A
Virgin Islands ARC
KP2N (+NP2EE) 15,580
Acadiana ARA
W5DDL (+WB5AAA) 11,438
Salt City DX Assn
W2FR 11,266
San Diego DX Club
K6NA 10,984
Albuquerque DXA
N5RR (+N5GFR) 10,948
Texas DX Society
K5DX (+KB5NFN) 10,762
Longview East Texas ARC
W5XZ (+N5OWS) 9,718
Northwest ARS
N5FD (+KB5SGV) 9,508
Columbia ARA
K3EF (+KB3AOT) 9,392
Rochester (NY) DX Assn
W2TZ (+KA2YVU) 9,258
Score Leaders -- 2A-Commercial
Order of Boiled Owls NY
W2AX 5,890
Non-Club Group
AC4IL 2,140
Sumter ARA
KQ4FM (+KC4SZG) 1,974
Confederate Signal Corps of South Carolina
KK4QZ 1,914
Gulf Coast ARC
WC4D 1,568
Emergency ARS
KA8CPM (+KA5MJW) 1,456
Western Piedmont ARC
K4VLY 1,300
Berkshire County Radio Assn
AA1AS 1,289
Andrew Johnson ARC
W4XW (+N4WVL) 1,226
Athens ARC
W5CR 1,178
Score Leaders -- 3A-Battery
ARA of the Tonawandas
W2SEX (+N2RZW) 16,225
Summit ARA
KS3L (+N3DPB) 13,550
QRP-New England
W1FMR 9,280
Durham Region QRP Club
VE3QRD 7,235
Maryland Mobilers
WA3PJQ (+N3BYR) 6,605
The A Team
W4RRW 6,410
Santa Clara County ARA
W6UW (+KC6WMM) 5,885
Middlesex ARS/CARES
W1EDH 4,770
Anne Arundel RC
W3VPR (+KB3AUS) 4,750
Sterling Park ARC
W4RW 3,230
Score Leaders -- 3A
Hughes-Fullerton ARC
N6AW (+KD6NAC) 14,208
Shreveport ARA
N5WA (+KB5PKE) 11,568
Jet Propulsion Lab ARC
W6VIO (+KA6DAN) 10,334
Hebron All-Star Wireless Group
K1DW 10,088
Poughkeepsie ARC
N2YL (+N0OUW) 9,938
McHenry County Wireless Assn
KB9I (+N9JSF) 9,304
KE9I (+KA9ZFG) 9,108
Shelby County ARC
N4NR (+KC4ZBA) 9,086
Blackhawk DX & Contest Club
K9LJN 8,278
Western ARA
N6ME (+KB6SRM) 8,138
Score Leaders -- 3A-Commercial
Newton ARC
W0BZN 5,634
Orlando ARC
W4PLB 4,740
Appalachian Repeater Assn
WF1G (+N8KUR) 3,482
East Pasco ARS
AA4RU (+KD4GIK) 3,322
Tri-Town RAC
W9VT (+N9FUW) 3,146
North Ottawa ARC
K8AR (+KB8ODB) 2,904
Non-Club Group
KF7BR 2,314
Triangle ARK
N4EB 2,290
Milledgeville ARC
WB4DOJ (+KC4YIF) 2,034
WZ9W 1,816
Score Leaders -- 4A-Battery
Herndon Repeater Group
N4WJN (+KD4TAJ) 8,200
WX8A 7,975
Eagle Rock ARC
WC7F (+KB7UHL) 7,900
Orange County Radio Amateurs
AG4U (+KD4URA) 4,325
Portland ARC
W7KYC (+KA7YKR) 3,065
W9OG (+W9MOK) 1,830
Score Leaders -- 4A
Cherryville Repeater Assn II
W2GD (+N2UYV) 15,962
Scottsdale ARC
K7TR (+N7ZVK) 14,122
Kettle Moraine Radio Amateurs
N9KS (+KB9FTI) 12,142
Amateur Radio Transmitting Society
W4CN (+KD4RER) 11,522
Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC
WS1H 11,402
North Florida ARS
W4IZ (+KD4PQM) 10,176
Orange County ARC
W6ZE (+WA6PFA) 9,150
Westchester Emergency Communications Assn
N2SF (+KB2PHX) 8,854
West Palm Beach ARC
W4HAW (+KD4BPY) 8,752
Cary ARC
N4NC 8,640
Score Leaders -- 4A-Commercial
Radio Assn of Western New York
W2PE 2,668
Grant County ARC
W9EBN 1,530
Score Leaders -- 5A-Battery
North Coast ARC
KB8A (+N8MIL) 9,725
Dickson County ARC
NY4N (+KA4UYZ) 7,410
Score Leaders -- 5A
Palomar ARC
W6NWG (+N6YMD) 16,116
Huntsville ARC
K4BFT (+KD4DXU) 14,920
Billerica ARS
WT1E (+N1KST) 13,844
Cuyahoga Falls ARC
WC8J (+KB8KTC) 11,002
Mt Vernon ARC
N4BV (+KD4CNS) 9,200
L'Anse Creuse ARC
K8RO (+KB8DRY) 8,356
Schenectady ARA
K2AE 7,736
Virginia Beach ARC
WA4TGF (+KD4ZSC) 7,432
South Pickering ARC
VE3SPC 7,396
Ak-Sar-Ben ARC
W0EQU (+KB0KYT) 7,370
Score Leaders -- 5A-Commercial
Five Flags ARA
W4UC 2,480
Score Leaders -- 6A-Battery
Zuni Loop Mountain Expeditionary Force
N6GA 10,015
Central Oregon RAC
K7ZM 7,435
Score Leaders -- 6A
Northrop RC
W6KP (+N6YPJ) 13,266
Mike & Key ARC
K7LED (+N7WIM) 11,686
Long Island Mobile ARC
N2FP (+N2UAC) 7,830
Birmingham ARC
W4CUE (+KD4BWW) 7,758
10-70 Repeater Assn
NN2T 7,118
Hoodview ARC
WB7QIW (+KB7OMB) 6,728
Four Lakes ARC
W9JZ (+N9PQN) 6,704
Twin City ARC
K9CW 6,158
Bolingbrook ARS
N9OCL 5,900
Kalamazoo ARC
W8VY (+KB8JYB) 5,000
Score Leaders -- 6A-Commercial
Avalon RAC CW Experts
VO1CRC 2,230
Red River Valley ARC
WB5RDD 1,029
Amateurs of Bradford Co-Western
KI3Y 424
Score Leaders -- 7A
W6TRW (+KB6LSE) 15,474
Penn Wireless Assn
W3SK (+N3MAB) 13,530
Fox River Radio League
W9CEQ 9,482
Cherryland ARC
K8XX 7,182
Radio Club of Tacoma
W7DK (+KB7QOP) 6,586
Hamilton ARC
VE3DC 6,290
Warren ARA
W8VTD (+KA8ZSO) 5,994
West Branch ARA
W3AVK (+KA3TUG) 5,514
Golden Empire ARS
W6RHC (+KC6PFZ) 5,242
Irving Disaster Emergency Communications
WT6A (+N6LNT) 4,044
Score Leaders -- 8A-Battery
Alameda County Repeater Club
N6WG (+N6LIT) 9,815
Score Leaders -- 8A
Woodbridge Wireless
W4IY 14,078
Warminster ARC
K3IA (+KA3YFP) 10,366
Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon
WA6BGS 8,590
Pinellas County AR
AB4OL 5,836
Broward County ARES/RACES
AC4UV (+KD4LAN) 5,372
Rockford ARA
W9AXD 3,250
Warrensburg Area ARC
WE0G (+N4RWV) 3,246
Amador County ARC
WG6N 3,088
Toledo Mobile RA
W8HHF 2,898
Mahoning Valley ARA
W8QLY (+N8NRK) 2,816
Score Leaders -- 9A
Lake County ARA
K8BL (+N8XUD) 16,782
Raleigh ARS
W4DW (+KD4WTJ) 5,944
Central Massachusetts ARA
W1BIM 4,226
Upper Canada AR Friends
VE3URF 3,684
Score Leaders -- 10A
Nortown ARC
VE3NAR 6,204
Score Leaders -- 10A-Commercial
Gloucester County ARC
W2MMD (+WA2TOP) 8,870
Score Leaders -- 11A
Border City Radio Club
VE3WR 7,404
Kern County Central Valley ARC
W6LIE (+KD6QIP) 4,092
Triple "A" ARA
AC3J 3,138
Score Leaders -- 12A
WA8Z (+N8RHV) 10,194
ElDorado County ARC
W6AJJ 4,296
Beaver Valley ARA
W3SGJ 3,592
Score Leaders -- 13A
Findlay RC
W8FT 7,444
Score Leaders -- 15A
Nashua Area RC
N1NH (+N1NYT) 17,322
Score Leaders -- 17A-Battery
Conejo Valley ARC
AD6T 18,645
Score Leaders -- 20A-Commercial
Englewood ARA
K2ND 682
Score Leaders -- 1B1-Battery
K3WW 8,150
W3TS 4,780
AA0EN 3,520
KE0Y 3,470
N8DRF 2,840
AA6XP 2,610
AB7E 2,540
K4RDU 2,530
KE8SX 2,250
WA3ULH 2,200
Score Leaders -- 1B1-Commercial
KB4LCR 612
AA5R 500
WR1B 460
N0DLS 348
KA4OTB 266
Score Leaders -- 2B1-Battery
N6VT 5,135
Score Leaders -- 2B1
N6VT 5,135
N6ZPX 2,526
N8LM 2,224
Score Leaders -- 1B2-Battery
N4BP (+op) 8,360
KF3P (+KH2F) 6,585
AA4YZ (+op) 4,780
NR7P (+WA7MLK) 3,560
K3SS (+WF4U) 3,350
WN6W (+AA6CC) 3,100
N4ROA (+WB4CDS) 3,080
WB6JJE/7 (+op) 2,605
WB0RXF (+WA0ZPT) 2,180
VE3EQP (+VE3IMG) 1,885
Score Leaders -- 1B2
W6UE (N6DLU,WA6OTU,ops) 7,412
W8TK (+WD8AUB) 6,138
N7JKF (+N7AYG) 5,424
KA1TB (+KA1GD) 5,050
K8RYU (+N8NMA) 4,318
WA2VYA (+WA2TBA) 3,932
N3IXR (+N3BGV) 3,784
K6DMO (+N0STL) 3,016
N2EY (+WA3UZI) 2,634
K9MMS (+K9LUW) 2,608
Score Leaders -- 1B2-Commercial
KG6BY (+WA6SFJ) 448
AA2BA (+KB2KTN) 420
VE3EEK (+VE3HJV) 300
Score Leaders -- 2B2-Battery
N1DGO (+N1BYT) 1,910
N2MAT (+KF2JH) 1,600
N6MBY (+WB6UER) 1,525
NG7D (+WA6VES) 1,220
N0EVL (+N0GVP) 1,055
Score Leaders -- 2B2
W2PA (+W2SQ) 5,634
NB2N (+WB2TNL) 4,376
N6IFR (+KN6IK) 2,448
WA7EES (+N7THH) 2,108
AA1FK (+WA6RND) 1,510
AA9AN (+op) 1,136
N7TXT (+WA7JTM) 928
WO4Z (+KD4WLF) 790
WA2CUE (+N2QQT) 790
KE0MF (+N0UEI) 536
Score Leaders -- 3B2
K5TA (+AA5B) 7,000
Score Leaders -- 1C
AA6DP 3,418
NO0T 2,624
W7GKF 2,600
K3TM 2,410
KQ4RT 1,434
KG6VI 672
WA1QWT 650
WA4A 600
N7MZW 596
W9IEI 562
Score Leaders -- 2C
N6DD 1,896
NF1J 1,510
W8TO 1,438
KA5BOU 446
Score Leaders -- 1D
KR8V 2,568
K9ZO 2,496
W4XD 2,064
W8JF 2,006
W8SJU 1,924
NR6J 1,730
K9XR 1,604
KA0ZFX 1,337
AK2S 1,292
W4WKQ 1,116
Score Leaders -- 2D
K5OJI 5,000
N1CC 3,346
W3VI 950
AB4EY 896
W7EK 842
VE2SHQ 738
WC7C 680
W7PXL 654
N4UQM 548
AB4RK 488
Score Leaders -- 3D
W8BAP 1,064
KE8XQ 1,018
Score Leaders -- 4D
N6ST 2,400
AA2FA 1,106
KA3EHL 744
Score Leaders -- 6D
W1AW 798
Score Leaders -- 7D
N5MYH 1,356
Score Leaders -- 8D
KC4ZFX 4,388
Score Leaders -- 1E
K5RWK 4,934
K5MR 4,502
N3KK 4,244
KA1J 3,470
KF5AA 3,436
W0CP 3,350
WA2DHF 2,890
K6LL 2,813
AA2GQ 2,778
KV6O/5 2,616
Score Leaders -- 2E
NC0P 6,432
W6EEN 2,882
WA4ZUA 2,148
W8ID 1,030
K1NQG 866
NG0X 854
WB6EGE 732
WU9Z 638
N5LDX 542
WA1PHY 160
Score Leaders -- 3E
K8AJR 4,782
K6JCV 1,455
WA2AAZ 872
N6IP 850
W4DOC 752
Score Leaders -- 4E
W0NT 3,930
WA6SVT 1,968
K1SSN 1,612
KC3TL 664
K6VIP 492
Score Leaders -- 5E
W3KWH 3,712
Score Leaders -- 7E
W1ORS 1,532
Score Leaders -- 8E
WJ8B 6,028
>From blunt at arrl.org (Billy Lunt KR1R) Fri Oct 1 20:13:53 1993
From: blunt at arrl.org (Billy Lunt KR1R) (Billy Lunt KR1R)
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 14:13:53 EST
Subject: Entering ARRL Contests
Message-ID: <2058 at bl>
The ARRL has FOUR (4) ways to enter ALL ARRL contests.
Within 30 days after the contest, send your entries via:
INTERNET - ASCII summary sheet and ASCII log file
(following the ARRL Suggested File Format)
to contest at arrl.org
ARRL BBS - ASCII summary sheet and ASCII log file
(following the ARRL Suggested File Format)
BBS up to 14.4-k baud
telephone: (203) 665-0090
DISK - Paper summary sheet and ASCII log file
(following the ARRL Suggested File Format)
3.5 or 5.25 inch diskettes (high or low density)
PAPER ENTRY - Official forms or reasonable facsimiles
Summary sheet, logs, dupe sheets
Mailing Address: ARRL Contest Branch
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Contest Guru....."we check 'em all"
| Billy Lunt, KR1R | Voice: 203-666-1541 |
| Contest Manager | FAX: 203-665-7531 |
| American Radio Relay League | ARRL BBS: 203-666-0578 |
| 225 Main Street | BBS Uploads: 203-665-0090 |
| Newington, CT 06111 | Internet: blunt at arrl.org |
>From blunt at arrl.org (Billy Lunt KR1R) Fri Oct 1 21:41:17 1993
From: blunt at arrl.org (Billy Lunt KR1R) (Billy Lunt KR1R)
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 15:41:17 EST
Subject: Field Day Scores
Message-ID: <2071 at bl>
Top 10 Scoring Field Day Stations
AD6T 18,645 17 A Battery
N1NH 17,322 15 A
K0NA 17,270 2 A Battery
K8BL 16,782 9 A
W2SEX 16,225 3 A Battery
W6NWG 16,116 5 A
W2GD 15,962 4 A
KP2N 15,580 2 A
W6TRW 15,474 7 A
K4BFT 14,920 5 A
Score Leaders -- 1A-Battery
Morrice, Minnis, Barthelow & Goldman
WB6ITM 6,815
W8DL 6,775
Meriden ARC
W1NRG 6,710
Radio Amateur Contest Operators Operating in Natural Surroundings
K4ZM 6,680
Panama City ARC
W4RYZ 6,595
Anoka County RC/QRP "Milli"sota Brass Kickers
WW0J 6,540
The Nature Boys
W1ECH 5,520
Dinosaur Valley DX Society
K5MW 5,485
St Louis QRP Society
NF0R 4,850
Shutesbury Shortwave Shamen
K1CE 3,890
Score Leaders -- 1A
Mad River RC
K8MR 6,540
Batesville ARC
NG5M 5,740
Fort Wayne RC
KR9U 5,662
Bozo and the Lids
W9TG 5,440
The ZL Specials
WA1G 5,294
Fist and Mouth Contest Company
W5EW 5,240
ARC of Ohio State University
W8LT/VE3 4,930
Neurosa's Gopher Munchers Club
AE6C 4,884
Riverland ARC
W9UP 4,750
Those Guys From Cleveland ARC
N8AGU 4,746
Score Leaders -- 1A-Commercial
Bankhead ARC
N4GKE 2,238
R W Duncan Family
WA5UWY 1,180
Non-Club Group
WA4ECY 922
Sandbar Yacht Club
NZ9Y 848
AG8L 729
Midway ARC
N0IRV 662
Non-Club Group
KF0ZH 608
Ramsey County ARC
WD0FFQ 412
The Naked Chicken Contest Club
NJ1Q 10
Score Leaders -- 2A-Battery
Arapahoe RC
K0NA 17,270
West Park Radiops ARC
W8VM (+N8OSM) 9,020
Williamsburg Area ARC
K4MU (+WD4JYQ) 8,340
Splitrock ARA
K2RF (+N2LDC) 7,420
Quick Creek ARC
AI9Y 5,860
Walton RA
W2LZ 5,485
Dallas ARC
K4DVJ (+KD4WUJ) 5,380
Kalamazoo QRP
WG8J 5,165
Choctaw ARC
WD5G (+N5VYF) 4,400
Northwest QRP Club--East Washington
NW7E 4,340
Score Leaders -- 2A
Virgin Islands ARC
KP2N (+NP2EE) 15,580
Acadiana ARA
W5DDL (+WB5AAA) 11,438
Salt City DX Assn
W2FR 11,266
San Diego DX Club
K6NA 10,984
Albuquerque DXA
N5RR (+N5GFR) 10,948
Texas DX Society
K5DX (+KB5NFN) 10,762
Longview East Texas ARC
W5XZ (+N5OWS) 9,718
Northwest ARS
N5FD (+KB5SGV) 9,508
Columbia ARA
K3EF (+KB3AOT) 9,392
Rochester (NY) DX Assn
W2TZ (+KA2YVU) 9,258
Score Leaders -- 2A-Commercial
Order of Boiled Owls NY
W2AX 5,890
Non-Club Group
AC4IL 2,140
Sumter ARA
KQ4FM (+KC4SZG) 1,974
Confederate Signal Corps of South Carolina
KK4QZ 1,914
Gulf Coast ARC
WC4D 1,568
Emergency ARS
KA8CPM (+KA5MJW) 1,456
Western Piedmont ARC
K4VLY 1,300
Berkshire County Radio Assn
AA1AS 1,289
Andrew Johnson ARC
W4XW (+N4WVL) 1,226
Athens ARC
W5CR 1,178
Score Leaders -- 3A-Battery
ARA of the Tonawandas
W2SEX (+N2RZW) 16,225
Summit ARA
KS3L (+N3DPB) 13,550
QRP-New England
W1FMR 9,280
Durham Region QRP Club
VE3QRD 7,235
Maryland Mobilers
WA3PJQ (+N3BYR) 6,605
The A Team
W4RRW 6,410
Santa Clara County ARA
W6UW (+KC6WMM) 5,885
Middlesex ARS/CARES
W1EDH 4,770
Anne Arundel RC
W3VPR (+KB3AUS) 4,750
Sterling Park ARC
W4RW 3,230
Score Leaders -- 3A
Hughes-Fullerton ARC
N6AW (+KD6NAC) 14,208
Shreveport ARA
N5WA (+KB5PKE) 11,568
Jet Propulsion Lab ARC
W6VIO (+KA6DAN) 10,334
Hebron All-Star Wireless Group
K1DW 10,088
Poughkeepsie ARC
N2YL (+N0OUW) 9,938
McHenry County Wireless Assn
KB9I (+N9JSF) 9,304
KE9I (+KA9ZFG) 9,108
Shelby County ARC
N4NR (+KC4ZBA) 9,086
Blackhawk DX & Contest Club
K9LJN 8,278
Western ARA
N6ME (+KB6SRM) 8,138
Score Leaders -- 3A-Commercial
Newton ARC
W0BZN 5,634
Orlando ARC
W4PLB 4,740
Appalachian Repeater Assn
WF1G (+N8KUR) 3,482
East Pasco ARS
AA4RU (+KD4GIK) 3,322
Tri-Town RAC
W9VT (+N9FUW) 3,146
North Ottawa ARC
K8AR (+KB8ODB) 2,904
Non-Club Group
KF7BR 2,314
Triangle ARK
N4EB 2,290
Milledgeville ARC
WB4DOJ (+KC4YIF) 2,034
WZ9W 1,816
Score Leaders -- 4A-Battery
Herndon Repeater Group
N4WJN (+KD4TAJ) 8,200
WX8A 7,975
Eagle Rock ARC
WC7F (+KB7UHL) 7,900
Orange County Radio Amateurs
AG4U (+KD4URA) 4,325
Portland ARC
W7KYC (+KA7YKR) 3,065
W9OG (+W9MOK) 1,830
Score Leaders -- 4A
Cherryville Repeater Assn II
W2GD (+N2UYV) 15,962
Scottsdale ARC
K7TR (+N7ZVK) 14,122
Kettle Moraine Radio Amateurs
N9KS (+KB9FTI) 12,142
Amateur Radio Transmitting Society
W4CN (+KD4RER) 11,522
Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC
WS1H 11,402
North Florida ARS
W4IZ (+KD4PQM) 10,176
Orange County ARC
W6ZE (+WA6PFA) 9,150
Westchester Emergency Communications Assn
N2SF (+KB2PHX) 8,854
West Palm Beach ARC
W4HAW (+KD4BPY) 8,752
Cary ARC
N4NC 8,640
Score Leaders -- 4A-Commercial
Radio Assn of Western New York
W2PE 2,668
Grant County ARC
W9EBN 1,530
Score Leaders -- 5A-Battery
North Coast ARC
KB8A (+N8MIL) 9,725
Dickson County ARC
NY4N (+KA4UYZ) 7,410
Score Leaders -- 5A
Palomar ARC
W6NWG (+N6YMD) 16,116
Huntsville ARC
K4BFT (+KD4DXU) 14,920
Billerica ARS
WT1E (+N1KST) 13,844
Cuyahoga Falls ARC
WC8J (+KB8KTC) 11,002
Mt Vernon ARC
N4BV (+KD4CNS) 9,200
L'Anse Creuse ARC
K8RO (+KB8DRY) 8,356
Schenectady ARA
K2AE 7,736
Virginia Beach ARC
WA4TGF (+KD4ZSC) 7,432
South Pickering ARC
VE3SPC 7,396
Ak-Sar-Ben ARC
W0EQU (+KB0KYT) 7,370
Score Leaders -- 5A-Commercial
Five Flags ARA
W4UC 2,480
Score Leaders -- 6A-Battery
Zuni Loop Mountain Expeditionary Force
N6GA 10,015
Central Oregon RAC
K7ZM 7,435
Score Leaders -- 6A
Northrop RC
W6KP (+N6YPJ) 13,266
Mike & Key ARC
K7LED (+N7WIM) 11,686
Long Island Mobile ARC
N2FP (+N2UAC) 7,830
Birmingham ARC
W4CUE (+KD4BWW) 7,758
10-70 Repeater Assn
NN2T 7,118
Hoodview ARC
WB7QIW (+KB7OMB) 6,728
Four Lakes ARC
W9JZ (+N9PQN) 6,704
Twin City ARC
K9CW 6,158
Bolingbrook ARS
N9OCL 5,900
Kalamazoo ARC
W8VY (+KB8JYB) 5,000
Score Leaders -- 6A-Commercial
Avalon RAC CW Experts
VO1CRC 2,230
Red River Valley ARC
WB5RDD 1,029
Amateurs of Bradford Co-Western
KI3Y 424
Score Leaders -- 7A
W6TRW (+KB6LSE) 15,474
Penn Wireless Assn
W3SK (+N3MAB) 13,530
Fox River Radio League
W9CEQ 9,482
Cherryland ARC
K8XX 7,182
Radio Club of Tacoma
W7DK (+KB7QOP) 6,586
Hamilton ARC
VE3DC 6,290
Warren ARA
W8VTD (+KA8ZSO) 5,994
West Branch ARA
W3AVK (+KA3TUG) 5,514
Golden Empire ARS
W6RHC (+KC6PFZ) 5,242
Irving Disaster Emergency Communications
WT6A (+N6LNT) 4,044
Score Leaders -- 8A-Battery
Alameda County Repeater Club
N6WG (+N6LIT) 9,815
Score Leaders -- 8A
Woodbridge Wireless
W4IY 14,078
Warminster ARC
K3IA (+KA3YFP) 10,366
Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon
WA6BGS 8,590
Pinellas County AR
AB4OL 5,836
Broward County ARES/RACES
AC4UV (+KD4LAN) 5,372
Rockford ARA
W9AXD 3,250
Warrensburg Area ARC
WE0G (+N4RWV) 3,246
Amador County ARC
WG6N 3,088
Toledo Mobile RA
W8HHF 2,898
Mahoning Valley ARA
W8QLY (+N8NRK) 2,816
Score Leaders -- 9A
Lake County ARA
K8BL (+N8XUD) 16,782
Raleigh ARS
W4DW (+KD4WTJ) 5,944
Central Massachusetts ARA
W1BIM 4,226
Upper Canada AR Friends
VE3URF 3,684
Score Leaders -- 10A
Nortown ARC
VE3NAR 6,204
Score Leaders -- 10A-Commercial
Gloucester County ARC
W2MMD (+WA2TOP) 8,870
Score Leaders -- 11A
Border City Radio Club
VE3WR 7,404
Kern County Central Valley ARC
W6LIE (+KD6QIP) 4,092
Triple "A" ARA
AC3J 3,138
Score Leaders -- 12A
WA8Z (+N8RHV) 10,194
ElDorado County ARC
W6AJJ 4,296
Beaver Valley ARA
W3SGJ 3,592
Score Leaders -- 13A
Findlay RC
W8FT 7,444
Score Leaders -- 15A
Nashua Area RC
N1NH (+N1NYT) 17,322
Score Leaders -- 17A-Battery
Conejo Valley ARC
AD6T 18,645
Score Leaders -- 20A-Commercial
Englewood ARA
K2ND 682
Score Leaders -- 1B1-Battery
K3WW 8,150
W3TS 4,780
AA0EN 3,520
KE0Y 3,470
N8DRF 2,840
AA6XP 2,610
AB7E 2,540
K4RDU 2,530
KE8SX 2,250
WA3ULH 2,200
Score Leaders -- 1B1-Commercial
KB4LCR 612
AA5R 500
WR1B 460
N0DLS 348
KA4OTB 266
Score Leaders -- 2B1-Battery
N6VT 5,135
Score Leaders -- 2B1
N6VT 5,135
N6ZPX 2,526
N8LM 2,224
Score Leaders -- 1B2-Battery
N4BP (+op) 8,360
KF3P (+KH2F) 6,585
AA4YZ (+op) 4,780
NR7P (+WA7MLK) 3,560
K3SS (+WF4U) 3,350
WN6W (+AA6CC) 3,100
N4ROA (+WB4CDS) 3,080
WB6JJE/7 (+op) 2,605
WB0RXF (+WA0ZPT) 2,180
VE3EQP (+VE3IMG) 1,885
Score Leaders -- 1B2
W6UE (N6DLU,WA6OTU,ops) 7,412
W8TK (+WD8AUB) 6,138
N7JKF (+N7AYG) 5,424
KA1TB (+KA1GD) 5,050
K8RYU (+N8NMA) 4,318
WA2VYA (+WA2TBA) 3,932
N3IXR (+N3BGV) 3,784
K6DMO (+N0STL) 3,016
N2EY (+WA3UZI) 2,634
K9MMS (+K9LUW) 2,608
Score Leaders -- 1B2-Commercial
KG6BY (+WA6SFJ) 448
AA2BA (+KB2KTN) 420
VE3EEK (+VE3HJV) 300
Score Leaders -- 2B2-Battery
N1DGO (+N1BYT) 1,910
N2MAT (+KF2JH) 1,600
N6MBY (+WB6UER) 1,525
NG7D (+WA6VES) 1,220
N0EVL (+N0GVP) 1,055
Score Leaders -- 2B2
W2PA (+W2SQ) 5,634
NB2N (+WB2TNL) 4,376
N6IFR (+KN6IK) 2,448
WA7EES (+N7THH) 2,108
AA1FK (+WA6RND) 1,510
AA9AN (+op) 1,136
N7TXT (+WA7JTM) 928
WO4Z (+KD4WLF) 790
WA2CUE (+N2QQT) 790
KE0MF (+N0UEI) 536
Score Leaders -- 3B2
K5TA (+AA5B) 7,000
Score Leaders -- 1C
AA6DP 3,418
NO0T 2,624
W7GKF 2,600
K3TM 2,410
KQ4RT 1,434
KG6VI 672
WA1QWT 650
WA4A 600
N7MZW 596
W9IEI 562
Score Leaders -- 2C
N6DD 1,896
NF1J 1,510
W8TO 1,438
KA5BOU 446
Score Leaders -- 1D
KR8V 2,568
K9ZO 2,496
W4XD 2,064
W8JF 2,006
W8SJU 1,924
NR6J 1,730
K9XR 1,604
KA0ZFX 1,337
AK2S 1,292
W4WKQ 1,116
Score Leaders -- 2D
K5OJI 5,000
N1CC 3,346
W3VI 950
AB4EY 896
W7EK 842
VE2SHQ 738
WC7C 680
W7PXL 654
N4UQM 548
AB4RK 488
Score Leaders -- 3D
W8BAP 1,064
KE8XQ 1,018
Score Leaders -- 4D
N6ST 2,400
AA2FA 1,106
KA3EHL 744
Score Leaders -- 6D
W1AW 798
Score Leaders -- 7D
N5MYH 1,356
Score Leaders -- 8D
KC4ZFX 4,388
Score Leaders -- 1E
K5RWK 4,934
K5MR 4,502
N3KK 4,244
KA1J 3,470
KF5AA 3,436
W0CP 3,350
WA2DHF 2,890
K6LL 2,813
AA2GQ 2,778
KV6O/5 2,616
Score Leaders -- 2E
NC0P 6,432
W6EEN 2,882
WA4ZUA 2,148
W8ID 1,030
K1NQG 866
NG0X 854
WB6EGE 732
WU9Z 638
N5LDX 542
WA1PHY 160
Score Leaders -- 3E
K8AJR 4,782
K6JCV 1,455
WA2AAZ 872
N6IP 850
W4DOC 752
Score Leaders -- 4E
W0NT 3,930
WA6SVT 1,968
K1SSN 1,612
KC3TL 664
K6VIP 492
Score Leaders -- 5E
W3KWH 3,712
Score Leaders -- 7E
W1ORS 1,532
Score Leaders -- 8E
WJ8B 6,028
>From Steven.M.London at att.com (Steven M London +1 303 538 4763) Fri Oct 1 21:18:47 1993
From: Steven.M.London at att.com (Steven M London +1 303 538 4763) (Steven M London +1 303 538 4763)
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 14:18:47 MDT
Subject: 1987 Solar Flux Numbers
Message-ID: <9310012018.AA17657 at bighorn.dr.att.com>
I spoke too soon when I volunteered to post some historical solar flux
data, if there was enough interest.
The earliest year I could easily obtain was 1987. Fortunately, 1987 was
an interesting year. The year began at the bottom of the solar cycle,
but by the end of the year, cycle 22 was well on its way. Just about the
inverse of 1993.
My recollection of CQWW Phone, 1987, was that we had a FB EU opening
on 10 meters the weekend before the contest, with a flux in the 110's.
By contest weekend, the flux was back down to the 80's, and I worked an
EA and an F.
To those of you not interested in this data, I won't waste any more cq-contest
Steve, N2IC/0
Ottawa 2800 MHz Series C (Multiplied by Ten) 1700 UT
Day Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 716 692 728 725 793 778 760 910 853* 842 991 876
2 705 698 733 719 802 779 744 897 855 848 1050 865
3 691 700 716 724 828 764 737 871 875 856* 980 858
4 690 683 733 740 844 773 732 840 896 892 1011* 851
5 703 675 737 776 861 761 734 816 935* 901 992 868
6 693 677 756 894 879 758 733 852 956* 895 949 857
7 697 691 755 944 881 760 741 895* 995* 909 944 853
8 682 689 769 948 891 770 761 938 1019 950 927 887
9 680 692 736 1005 873 768 763 948 1009 927 903 912
10 674 693 714 1000 895 781 763 940 978 1011 892 901
11 680 685 705 1013 864 807 757 998* 954 1008* 926 911
12 689 678 695 986 854 821 755 1000 911 1022 926 915*
13 697 680 696 993 874 823 751 1018* 897 1055 929 911
14 711 683 711 977 912 806 766 1024 868 1133* 923 915
15 715 693 705 978 936 804 788 1013 850 1178I 937 920*
16 707 684 710 953* 982 813 809 1027 835 1111 950 934*
17 708 681 712 973 967 818 815 1012 840 1060 968 922
18 706 698 725 940 985 829 825 1004 824 1065 1000 902
19 700 695 715 917 1001 824 851 990 827 1004 1066 884
20 689 696 738 856 998 811 938 1012 849 956 1122 869
21 712* 707 742 783 999 826 956 966 830 893 1153 907
22 736* 704 738 765 1010 871 1026* 944* 813 882 1178 881
23 721 705 755 765 949 875 1156 918 804 870 1151 882
24 716 721 759 786 985 891 1150 896 803 871 1094 899
25 715 735 757 758 968 863 1149 899 779 923 1049 962*
26 726 739 756 743 923 843 1098* 873 764 969 1013 968*
27 699 740 754 748 875 789 1054 851 802 1059 949 1014
28 708 727* 750 743 851 792 1025 813 823 1062 923 1025
29 706 753 736E 793 766 973 799 835 1027 907 1014
30 698 746 768 779 759H 940 785 819 1042 891 992
31 687 719G 773 919 832 978 997
Mean 702 698 733 855 898 804 870 922 870 974 990 915
* = corrected for burst in progress 1987 Yearly Mean = 853
E = corrected for snow on antenna
G = corrected for ice on antenna
H = measured at Penticton
I = 1700 UT calibration taken at 1915 UT
>From Robert A. Wilson" <n6tv at vnet.IBM.COM Fri Oct 1 21:43:45 1993
From: Robert A. Wilson" <n6tv at vnet.IBM.COM (Robert A. Wilson)
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 13:43:45 PDT
Subject: Flash -- All 58 California Counties covered!
Thanks to Larry, KJ6PJ, who generously volunteered to drive 3-4 hours
up to Sutter County, all 58 California Counties will be ON THE AIR
this weekend for the 1993 California QSO Party.
Out-of-state stations send consecutive serial number and
state/province/country. California stations send serial number and
county. Work stations on 160-2, phone and CW. Many awards available,
including wine to the top 20 finishers out of state. Full details are
in October CQ and QST, just arriving now.
CU in the contest!
Bob, N6TV
>From Olli Rissanen EA4BQ/YV5 (OH0XX), Caracas" <rissanen at vnzv01.enet.dec.com Sat Oct 2 21:46:43 1993
From: Olli Rissanen EA4BQ/YV5 (OH0XX), Caracas" <rissanen at vnzv01.enet.dec.com (Olli Rissanen EA4BQ/YV5 (OH0XX), Caracas)
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 93 13:46:43 PDT
Subject: Guest operation KH6 ?
Message-ID: <9310022046.AA19905 at enet-gw.pa.dec.com>
I thought to be 8R1K in CQ WW SSB as last year, but I won
a trip to KH6 October 22-27 and it seems impossible to get
back to 8R1 in time for the contest. I already tried YJ8
but it too seems to be too far away to get there in time.
So looking for the guest operation opportunity either in
KH6 or surroundings. Ready to bring my own equipment and
do some antenna work (up to install 2 el 40 el beam!).
M/S or M/M operations are not out of question.
PY1RO, 8R1K, etc)
Still trying to find the way to get from KH6 to 8R1 in
time and in fact I have the route Honolulu-LA-Denver-
Miami-Caracas-Trinidad-Georgetown confirmed, but it is
very tight and I am arriving 6AM Georgetown the day when
the contest starts.
>From clay rudolf <rtclay at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> Sat Oct 2 22:41:26 1993
From: clay rudolf <rtclay at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu> (clay rudolf)
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1993 16:41:26 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Butternut antenna manual needed
Message-ID: <Pine.3.05.9310021626.A10327-9100000 at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
I'm looking for a manual for the Butternut Butterfly 2 element beam. Will
pay for copying/postage. Does anyone who has used one of these antennas
have any advice on getting it set up and tuned?
R. Torsten Clay, N4OGW r-clay at uiuc.edu or n4ogw at uiuc.edu
>From Rick, K7GM" <AONISWAN at ECUVM.CIS.ECU.EDU Sun Oct 3 23:17:59 1993
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 93 18:17:59 EDT
Subject: CQP
I decided I might as well be the leader in the clubhouse....
116 X 46 97 cw 19 phone about 15K
Only 20, 40, and 80 with 100 watts to a vertical. Nice to hear
all the counties on. Had to resort to phone to make 100 Qs. Condix
seemed pretty stinky (with a vertical, condix on 20 almost always
seem stinky).
Rick, K7GM/4
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