Free magazines, etc.

Jim Maxwell jmaxwell at
Wed Sep 8 11:12:01 EDT 1993

I recently posted a note on the DX and contest reflectors offering free ham and
especially DX related books, magazines, and bulletins.  The response has been
overwhelming.  Most of the high demand material such as NCJs, pre-1945 QSTs,
early CQs, and the like, are now called for.  In the weeks ahead I'll be 
sorting, weighing, and shipping, filling the requests in the order they were
received.  When the dust settles and I know for sure what's left, I'll make
another posting here.  Meanwhile, I'd be interested in hearing from anyone
with spare West Gulf DX Bulletins, W4BPD DX Magazines, New England DX Bulletins,
W4KVX DX Bulletins prior to issue #25, WATTS bulletins, and other of the more
uncommon DX material.  I have lots of duplicate rarities that won't go for
free, but I'm willing to trade.  73 de Jim, W6CF.  jmaxwell at

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