W2SZ/1 VHF Score

K2MM at MasPar.COM K2MM at MasPar.COM
Thu Sep 16 04:52:42 EDT 1993

1993 September VHF QSO Party:  Mount Greylock Expeditionary Force, W2SZ/1

Band  Q's  P/Q  P's Grids

6m    393 * 1 = 393    83
2m    592 * 1 = 592    73
222   141 * 2 = 282    39
432   288 * 2 = 576    42
903    60 * 3 = 180    21
1.2G   96 * 3 = 288    24
2.3G   48 * 4 = 192    21
3.4G   34 * 4 = 136    13
5.7G   21 * 4 =  84     8
10G    37 * 4 = 148     9
24G    16 * 4 =  64     7
     ----      ----   ---
     1726      2935 * 340 = 997,900 (preliminary claimed score)

Nasty weather Friday and Saturday delayed set-up:  6 meters was first on the
air, only five minutes late.  Fred Lass, K2TR, still managed to clock a 60+
first hour, despite mediocre conditions.  ("The band sucks," he said.)  But,
from the top of Mt. Greylock, even sucky conditions give good DX.

The contest became interesting Sunday evening when Aurora struck -- worked
from VE1 through the Midwest.  144.100 to 144.250 was wall-to-wall with CW
hisses, most 3+ kHz wide.  Not much SSB Aurora activity.  Aurora contacts
were also made on 6m, 222 and 432.  The Aurora also spawned some E-skip
which allowed 6m to work into Texas.  The pale-green sheets of the Auroral
display were clearly visible from West through North-East azimuths after the
contest. . . .  Unusual for 6m to have more grids in September than 2m.

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