Old call - New call

Scott Jones aw054 at yfn.ysu.edu
Mon Apr 11 18:10:20 EDT 1994

Hello fellow Contesters:

I am finally directly active on the cq-contest reflector.  It feels great.

I am in the process of trying to compile a list of contesters old call and
their new calls.  For example; WB3KKX now WR3G.  If you or someone you
know has changed their call in the last several (7 to 8) years, please
send me an E-MAIL message direct that gives both the old and new calls.
My E-MAIL address is aw054 at yfn.ysu.edu

I will post the end result here when it is complete.  

Don't forget to send for your second annual Contesters banquet tickets
today.  They are going fast and you don't want to miss it.  It was a
terrific time last year and this year will probably be even better. I
will be looking for you all there.  

Thanks for your replies in advance.  73 - Scott, WR3G

Scott Jones, WR3G
aw054 at yfn.ysu.edu

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