RKILE at delphi.com RKILE at delphi.com
Sun Apr 24 15:08:08 EDT 1994

    While at Visalia-DX I picked up a brouchure on the Watkins-Johnson
DSP receiver. The unit outside of first mixer converts, mixes, detects,
filters, and selectivities are all determined by DSP. With shape factors of
1.5 to 1 and 3rd order IMD of +30dbm it would appear impressive to say the
least. Has anyone out there had hands on a full DSP receiver?
    I would also be interested in comments re: Timewave DSP-59, DSP-9plus,
and DSP-9 units. I have used DSP-9 without latest firmware upgrade, and had
mixed feelings about it's AGC action on SSB. Please direct comments to
Bob KG7d.

                internet"rkile at delphi.com"

>From robert penneys <penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu>  Sun Apr 24 20:31:14 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu> (robert penneys)
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 94 15:31:14 EDT
Subject: Paper on ham radio (long)
Message-ID: <9404241931.AA10923 at freezer.cns.udel.edu>

I am doing a paper on ham radio for a class. Although it is not about
contesting, I thought that some of you might be interested to participate.
I welcome your response.

Thanks and CU at Dayton!!  Bob


I am soliciting input for a paper I am writing. Pardon its simplistic stage.

I would be most grateful for any comments, reflections, additions, reference
to sources, etc. All sources will be credited.

I will be at Dayton Thursday til Sunday at the Hampton Inn in Englewood with
the Frankford Radio Club contingent, and evenings at our contest hospitality
suite at Stouffer's.  I would love to interview anyone interested.

Thanks. Bob

Bob Penneys  WN3K  Frankford Radio Club     N.E.R.D.S. 
Internet: penneys at pecan.cns.udel.edu  Fax: (302) 322-7092     
Mail:  12 East Mill Station Drive  Newark, DE 19711

--------------------------cut here-----------------------------------------------

Evolution of Postwar Amateur Radio in the United States

Bob Penneys, WN3K
copyright 1994, all rights reserved

The purpose of this paper is to describe development of amateur radio
in the postwar United States.

Overview of history of amateur radio and licensing since

Traditional raison d'etre of amateur radio - Technical expertise,
pool of operators, emergency and public service communication

World War II-

Individuals learn radio in the service

Legendary feats of wartime radio operators; radio critical
element in victory

Eager and knowlegeable veterans return from war with expertise in
radio communication

Rise of amateur radio in US

Great availability of inexpensive surplus equipment

Tradition of amateurs of inventors - FM, RTTY, moonbounce, etc.

Necessity of technical skills to modify surplus 

Elmering of youngsters

Economy and satisfaction of kit building

Proliferation of manufacturers and radio stores

Inexpensive tube rigs, easy to build, align, repair

Hands on culture

Peak of ham radio in late 50s

Contests, Field Day

Emergence of SSB

Sputnik- increase of focus on science, technology


HF only link with South Pole, etc.

Amateur satellites - OSCAR

Public listens to Sputnik, satellites through amateur radio

Advent of CB- easy inexpensive communication

Legal, no license

Abuse of CB, channel 19, etc.

Change from tube to semiconductor technology

Beginning of gradual shift of r and d, manufacturing, of
technology offshore (Japan), continuing to present

Decline of kits, components, surplus, mods, elmers, radio mfrs,
stores, number of amateurs in 60s and 70s

Viet Nam use of radio - phone patches, MARS

Transition from rf to digital world in starting in 70s

Incentive licensing in 1968- anger, resistance, withdrawal of

Loss of frequencies by General Classs

Disappearance of old guard - Hallicrafters, Hammarlund, National,
Collins, Gonset, Heath

Gradual disappearance of national marketers such as Lafayette and
Allied from amateur radio

Emergence of Radio Shack and electronics in popular culture

Emergence of major Japanese manufacturers - Kenwood, Icom, Yaesu
also TenTec in US

Decrease of homebrewing

Decline of user maintainable and easily modifiable radios

Decrease in need for technical skills, building, repair, design
of radios

Emergence of two meter FM and repeaters - easier local

Emergence of autopatch

Emergence of digital modes - packet, Amtor, etc

Rise of "appliance operators"

Trend of buying rather than building a high tech radio

Rise of QRP, digital modes, foxhunting, satellite, ATV, slow
scan, EME as areas of expertise

Debate of no code license - demise of old guard of CW ops

Migration from RF to computer communications

Digital, satellite communications replaces HF as most dependable
link for long distance

PCs dominate business and culture in 80s

New kind of person interested in technology - computer user

Emergence of cellular phones - personal wireless communications
shifts from exotic to familiar

Aging of Morse code operators - 

Success of no code license - inflow of new amateurs

Shift from Novice to Technician as entrance license

New style of operator - wants to communicate, not necessarily old
kind of technical hobbyist, wants radio and license for spouse,

Wireless radio operators become less "nerdy," more mainstream

Migration from HF to VHF and UHF as new modes need increased
bandwith for greater throughput; new modes less susceptible to
vicissitudes of propagation than HF; HF moves down "food chain"

Current scene-

Increase in dollar value of spectrum; loss of 220MHz, competition
and auction for spectrum

HF still best link in most emergencies - Russia "White House",
Sarajevo, hurricanes

Tradition of amateur as contributor, inventor, necessary link in
emergencies called into question

Two meter mobile and portable FM still supreme

Ease in DXing

Great hobby and mode of communication for handicapped

Trends in Scouts, school programs for teaching radio

Use of autopatch, reporting of accidents, emergencies

Migration of frontier to digital and UHF- SHF world

New trends - full duplex phone

Future of amateur radio-

Obsolescence of raison d'etre of amateurs?

New modes, equipment, market?

Summary and conclusion

>From AGDM25A at prodigy.com ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT)  Sun Apr 24 22:00:41 1994
From: AGDM25A at prodigy.com ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT) ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT)
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 17:00:41 EDT
Subject: SS WRITE-UP
Message-ID: <013.00637326.AGDM25A at prodigy.com>

The divisional contest listings are a big step forward.  They put the
results in perspective.  And breaking down listing by class allows the
reader to quickly identify the serious competitors in each class.

Two complaints are no recognition for section winners, and difficulty
finding states among the section listings.

SUGGEST - Print section winners in bold type, or italics, or an asterisk

        - List scores by call district instead of ARRL divisions.
          The ARRL divisions are an arcane 50 year old political invention
          of the League.  They're only purpose is for internal ARRL
          administration.  Most hams don't know (or care) what division
       they're in!

                                73 ... Kevin, WA8ZDT

>From James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com>  Mon Apr 25 02:27:00 1994
From: James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com> (James White)
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 94 20:27 EST
Subject: Rooming @ Stouffers Thursday Night
Message-ID: <02940425012720/0006492564PK2EM at mcimail.com>

HELP.............or.............Don't you hate Stouffers, too!  I now have
joined the ranks of those shafted by Stouffers. The conversations I have had
over the past few days really have astounded me, these people have nothing
short of world class brass ones. And at a world class room rate, too. I very
STRONGLY RECOMMEND everyone reaffirm their reservations at Stouffers...if it
weren't for a little voice beckoning me on Friday, I would have shown up
there on Thursday with a worthless piece of paper in my hand............my
room reservation confirmation!     

Three hams from the ARRL Southeastern Division need a room for Thursday
night at the Stouffers....or hopefully one close by.

Luckily another ham's wife just had a baby, opening up a room for Friday and
Saturday night - which I quickly seized. Now, we just need a home for
Thursday night.

...worst case, are there three of you out there who could each host one of
us Thursday night? 

We are devo, oops, we are:      K1ZX/Jim

........................I will try and let y'all know if things get handled
so as to avoid clutter on the reflector. Thanks, 73

                                Jim, K1ZX     k1zx at mcimail.com

........come next Sprint I think I'll use the name "HOMELESS"

>From Peter Reed <P.L.Reed at sussex.ac.uk>  Mon Apr 25 08:52:38 1994
From: Peter Reed <P.L.Reed at sussex.ac.uk> (Peter Reed)
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 08:52:38 +0100
Subject: N6TR - LOG
Message-ID: <4853.199404250752 at solx1>

Hi all. I believe that a version of the N6TR LOG program is available 
via FTP. If so, is anyone able to tell me where it is located, please?
A friend is interested in trying it out and would like to try a 
"freebie" version before buying the latest.

Many thanks...Peter, G4BVH.

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