What is NAQP?

KA9FOX at aol.com KA9FOX at aol.com
Mon Aug 1 19:59:33 EDT 1994

Somebody (didn't sign his message) replied to my request for additional team
members for our NAQP teams with:
  > What is NAQP?                                 

Guess I assumed a lot.  Since I have not seen any other postings explaining
the contest, I will take a stab at it.  I don't have the official rules in
front of me, so this will just be a generalization (read:  enough to get on
and work guys right)

North American QSO Party contest.  CW version August 6th 1800z - August 7th
0600z, SSB version August 20th 1800z - August 21st 0600z.  Single ops work 10
hours (must take 2 hours off in 30? minute increments)

Bands:  10-160 (no WARC) Work the same station once per band.

Exchange: Name and state.

Misc:  Power output is limited to 100 watts (or is it 150w?).  Five-member
teams may compete against each other.  There are no requirements for meetings
or anything of the sort, but a roster with the list of operators (and call
being used if different) must be received by KZ2S or KM9P before start of
contest.  E-mail is OK.  You can reach KZ2S at: GOLOMB at lakehurst.navy.mil
You can reach KM9P at: fish at crl.com

Full details can be found by checking your favorite contest mag or by
e-mailing one of the contest administrators above.

Hope this helps!

73 Scott KA9FOX
ka9fox at aol.com

Still have room on one of our Sultans of Shwing NAQP CW and SSB teams if
anybody out there would like to get in on the fun of NAQP team competition.

>From Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF" <jfenster at potlatch.esd112.wednet.edu  Tue Aug  2 03:19:41 1994
From: Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF" <jfenster at potlatch.esd112.wednet.edu (Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF)
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 19:19:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: New contest idea
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9408011939.A19090-0100000 at potlatch>

The east coast vs west coast is a great idea.  The only problem I see is 
for us transplants 9 land to 7 land who would probably not be able to use 
the /7.  No one would work us or we would be disqualified for signing our 
true portable.  Our complex would go even higher because we would be in 
the west coast black hole.  But then, with the fires here in Washington, 
all is black and sooty anyway.

73  Jim K9JF/7
jfenster at potlatch.esd112.wednet.edu

>From Robert Penneys <penneys at brahms.udel.edu>  Tue Aug  2 12:34:40 1994
From: Robert Penneys <penneys at brahms.udel.edu> (Robert Penneys)
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 07:34:40 -0400
Subject: Need NERDS fr NAQP fone!!
Message-ID: <199408021134.HAA24578 at brahms.udel.edu>

The N.E.R.D.S. team for NAQP CW will be WA4PGM, K7SV, K3TLK, K4PQL and WN3K.

We are putting the team together for NAQP phone for Sat. PM, 8/20.

I will be off-line here for a week or so and want to get the team settled
by 8/7.

So... if you want to join the N.E.R.D.S. phone team, let me know here. Again,
I will post rosters and summaries.

Tnx Bob

Let's go N.E.R.D.S.!!

Bob Penneys, WN3K     Frankford Radio Club      N.E.R.D.S.
Internet:  penneys at brahms.udel.edu       Work: Ham Radio Outlet, Delaware
U.S. Mail:  12 East Mill Station Drive    Newark, DE 19711    U.S.A.

>From Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM>  Tue Aug  2 14:52:19 1994
From: Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM> (Joel B Levin)
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 94 09:52:19 -0400
Subject: Bureau Cards
Message-ID: <10480.775835539 at bbn.com>

|  (c)  Hold them a year or so and toss the replies in with the big bunch
|       that comes from the ZF bureau.  (Probably won't win me points for
|       promptness.)

If people use the bureau, promptness doesn't count, it seems to me.
I suggest this option is good enough.


>From Swanson, Glenn" <gswanson at arrl.org  Tue Aug  2 15:09:00 1994
From: Swanson, Glenn" <gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn)
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 94 10:09:00 EDT
Subject: RULES: NAQP (long...)
Message-ID: <2E3E539A at arrl.org>

Per QST, July 1994,  Page 126:

August 6-7
North American QSO Party, CW, sponsored by the NATIONAL CONTEST JOURNAL, 
1800 Aug 6 to 0600Z Aug 7 (phone is from 1800Z Aug 20 until 0600Z Aug 21). 
Contests are separate. Single-operator and multioperator two transmitter. 
Output power must be limited to 150 W. No spotting nets or helpers for 
single operators. Single operators only one signal at a time. Single ops may 
operate any 10 hours. (Out of the 12 hours). Rest periods must be at least 
30 minutes long and noted in log.
Multioperators may work the entire contest. Work stations once per band. No 
crossmode operation. Exchange name and state/province/country. 160 to 10 (no 
WARC bands). Work stations once per band. CW -- 1.815  3.535  7.035  14.035 
 21.035  28.035; phone -- 1.865  3.850  7.225  14.250  21.300  28.450 
 28.600.  Multipliers are states (including KH6 and KL7), VE call areas 
(VE1/VE9/VY2, VE2-VE8, VO1, VO2, VY1) and other NA countries (do not count 
US, VE, KH6 or KL7 as countries). Non-North American countries do not count 
as multipliers, but may be worked for QSO credit. Score 1 point per QSO. 
Multipliers x QSO points for final score. Awards. Team Competition: Maximum 
five members per team; groups with more than five members may submit more 
than one team entry. Members of teams must submit their names and call signs 
to be registered with KZ2S before start of contest. Send logs, summary sheet 
and dupe sheets within 30 days after the contest to John Golomb, KZ2S, 107 
Bailey Corner Rd, Wall, NJ  07719.        QST ~         73, de KB1GW

>From Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com>  Tue Aug  2 16:22:20 1994
From: Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com> (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 11:22:20 -0400
Subject: Pulling cables in conduit
Message-ID: <9408021522.AA15177 at hp-and.an.hp.com>

Having seen some discussion about pulling cables through conduits, I 
thought I'd share this weekend's experience of pulling about 6 cables
through a new, straight 60' run of 4 inch PVC. I pre-threaded a length
of 1/4 inch braided nylon line through the pipe before it was buried.
After burial, I proceeded to pull the cables through. First off, I found
that the nylon line was much too stretchy - I had to pull about 6 feet of line 
through before the cable started moving! I would suggest using some other
kind of line that doesn't stretch as much. Anyway, I got the first cable in.
Then I pulled the second - which happened to be a rotor control cable.
It pulled through fine, but when I looked into the end of the pipe, I could
see the rotor cable and pilot rope had become twisted to a pitch of about
1 turn per foot! Needless to say when I tried to pull the third cable
through, it jammed hopelessly. I pulled the whole mess out (feeding more
pilot rope in the far end). Then I bundled all 6 cables together and
pulled them all at once - no problem. I guess the moral of the story is
to pull as many cables as possible together to keep them from twisting
up with each other. Of course after several 'revisions' of cabling,
they probably get twisted anyway and have to all be re-pulled again.
I never did figure out if the twisting was due to the stretchy braided
nylon rope or the twisted configuration rotor cable.

-Tony, K1KP, fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com

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