Dunestar summary
Steven.M.London at att.com
Steven.M.London at att.com
Tue Aug 2 11:07:00 EDT 1994
Thanks to AA6MC, KU4J, K0PP, KR0Y, WX0B, KR9U, AB6FO and W2VJN for their
comments on Dunestar bandpass filters.
Steve London, N2IC/0
n2ic at longs.att.com
Dunestar has designed the powdered iron cores out of the filters.
The overheating of both the ICE and Dunestar filters was mainly in
the cores. The durmica caps were also heating, but not to the point
of destruction. Dunestar is now using NPO ceramics and says they are
less lossy.
I ran extensive tests on both manufacturer filters a while ago before
they were changed because of the failures experienced by people.
I have no info on degradation from band switching.
I can say that I have the older filter and run a TS950 with 150 watts with no
problems. I have never measured attenuation.
Hi Steve, Our radio club bought two of the Dunestar 150 watt filters
for Field Day this year.
Out of the box one did not work at all, and the other didnt work correctly
on 40 meters.
The first one had ferrite beads on the leads shorting to a trace in the
switching lines and had burnt the trace into and carbonized the PC board.
That got to the second problem.
The design of the filter is such that the top of the tank (double tuned
circuits) drops back to the PC board which crosses to the other side of the
filter under a shield. The PC board could not handle the 50 Watts that
I was putting into it and arced to the ground plane.
After cutting pads down in size to get further away from ground we were
able to use one for Field Day, the other, I could not get 40 meters working
at all.
I havent called Dunestar yet as I figured I would just redo the filter
to get it working before next Field Day. Unless Dunestar has changed
the design, it wouldnt be worth my while even messing with the mailing
and, hopefully not but, probably redoing them again anyway.
I have heard on no other experience with Dunestar other than these two filters
that we have.
I have two sets now of the model 6xx ( 150 watt ) 6 band filters
and They work very well. we are able to run 3 bands at the same
time on one ( 1 ) tower.
I was one of the first to get the 150 watters ( I think, I inspired
Ron to build them ) and my first one blew 10 meters causual
dxing at 150 watts from my ic781...Ron sent me a 10 meter
module to replace the broken one free.
It was easy to replace. 4 solder points. 10 minuets. Done.
The units are isolated with barier walls between all the filters. and a
isolateion wall in between elements of each filter...
I think they are great.
attenuation is not noticable..all coils are air windings.
Used with an amp at 65 watts for ( 1500 w ) you will not blow them up, We
used them all contest season with no other failures
I also have a 20m single unit and its also excellent.
I have a 100w Dunestar and it works pretty well.
Loss much higher on 10/15 than any other band.
Might ask Ron if new ones are the same.
I saw (and fondled) the Dunestar unit at the Seaside (Oregon)
hamfest this spring. Wasn't open, but "looked" nice. I'm not
a potential user however, due to the power limit ... I have an
FT-1000 ... 200W+
I've used (borrowed) ICE filters and will be buying a set of them
before the next contest season. They're very satisfactory. Will
buy with BNC's as use them atop each radio and the change-over
time not signifigant.
My neighbor has two of the new 160 - 10m Dunestar filters that
he uses with an FT-1000 and they can definitely handle 150W w/o
smoking. I didn't have a method to measure the insertion loss but
would guess that it's very small (few .10th of db) (no audible
difference when switched in/out). He is using a DX Solutions Smart
Antenna Switch to drive the Dunestart filter that way everything
is automatic when he changes bands on the radio. The new Dunestar
has a DB-9 connector on the end to control band switching and can
be set for positive relay logic (default) or negative logic (12v).
I have the Dunestar 600 as well as the ICE single-band bandpass filters. I
don't have the equipment to answer your questions objectively, but subjectively
the Dunestar is much more convenient than the ICE filters, but the Dunestar
doesn't seem to provide the same isolation as the ICE filters. A fairer
comparison might be to have ICE filters with a pair of switching boxes (like
Top Ten Devices or Ameritron RCS-8Vs). I rejected that solution because of the
amount of clutter in the shack; two switching boxes plus six ICE filters and
twelve coax jumpers was a bit much for one rig, and I would have to double it
for two rigs.
I believe the specification of the Dunestar indicates less isolation than the
ICE filters. I don't recall what those specs are, though. I have it at home
and I'll try to remember to write it down for you over the weekend.
My exciter has 100 watts of output, and I haven't blown up the Dunestar yet. I
heard some war stories about their earlier model, but I understand the 600 to
be more robust.
I plan to add another Dunestar 600 soon.
>From Morao Esteban <z801183a at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> Tue Aug 2 17:52:23 1994
From: Morao Esteban <z801183a at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> (Morao Esteban)
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 12:52:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: ARRL FTP?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9408021203.A18701-0100000 at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>
Does anyone know if is possible retrive a file from ARRL via ftp or e-mail?
z801183a at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us
>From k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> Tue Aug 2 20:26:38 1994
From: k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> (k3lr)
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 15:26:38 -0400
Subject: New Books
Message-ID: <199408021926.PAA03019 at asia.lm.com>
New books for contesters make great summer reading:
The CQ Worldwide Handbook
Written and published by K3EST. Bob organized
tons of helpful hints, answers to the most often asked
questions, records and a history of the contest all
into one book. If you like CQ Worldwide, you'll
love this book. Contact K3EST for details.
The NEW ARRL Antenna Handbook
Only on the street for a few weeks, but this larger than ever
handbook is the result of a tremendous rewrite effort by
contest super op, N6BV. The chapter on Yagi design is
outstanding. Lots ofdesigns for all the bands, taper, torque
compensators, wind ratings and more.
The chapter on propagation is great. N6BV has included many
helpful charts to help plan what antenna height is best for
your situation. Also included is a software package that has
a basic antenna modeling program written by K6STI. If you are
building your station for maximum performance, this book is
very valuable.
ON4UN Antennas and Techniques for Low Band DXing.
Great low band antenna optimizer text. Expands on past
ON4UN books. Lots of new wire antennas and indepth
discussions about 4 squares, beverages, vertical arrays, etc.
Tim K3LR
K3LR at telerama.lm.com
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Tue Aug 2 22:10:50 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 14:10:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Internet FAQ
Message-ID: <775861850.736097.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
A FAQ about the Internet follows. I know it's not about contesting, but
it's about the Internet, without which this mailing list wouldn't exist.
--Trey, WN4KKN/6
2 Apr 1994
The Internet is a global network of networks enabling
computers of all kinds to directly and transparently
communicate and share services throughout much of the
world. Because the Internet is an enormously valuable,
enabling capability for so many people and organiza-
tions, it also constitutes a shared global resource of
information, knowledge, and means of collaboration,
and cooperation among countless diverse communities.
Starting at the top, each country typically has one or
more backbone public internets which are connected to
each other through a variety of global arrangements. At
the regional and local levels, there are tens of thousands
of organizations of every conceivable kind that have
built their own enterprise internets and connected them
to national backbones. Most of the networks are oper-
ated by organizations that either provide Internet access
to internal staff or specialize in providing widespread
public access to end-users.
There are basically two kinds of access provided :
o host access where end-users connect their computers
to become part of the Internet, or
o terminal access where end users connect to a host
computer which is directly connected to the Internet.
The computer terminal itself is not directly connected.
The latter is the kind of service provided by nearly every
public Email service provider to millions of people.
Increasingly, new access providers are starting to offer
Internet host access and an array of other services for
computers that range from PCs to a mainframes.
There are now more than 30,000 networks intercon-
nected by the global Internet - which is literally collec-
tively owned by thousands of private commercial and
public organizations. The global international organi-
zation for Internet coordination and cooperation is the
Internet Society.
At April 1994, the Internet consisted of more
than 30,000 networks in 71 countries. Gateways that
allow at least Email connectivity extend this reach to 146
countries. At the end of 1993, 2.217 million computers
were measured as actually reachable - with an estimated
total of 20 million users. Network growth continues at
around 10 percent per month.
Internet access is provided over almost any medium
from simple telephone dialup to satellites or extremely
high speed optical fiber connections.
Internet services number in the hundreds, and depend
upon a combination of the access computer software and
the available bandwidth. The most common services are
file transfer, Email and fax messaging, and remote
computer access. Other popular services include:
information browsing using Gopher and World Wide
Web; automatic information delivery via Distribution
Lists and Netnews; information searching with WAIS,
Archie, Veronica or even automatic agents such as
Knowbotr programs; real-time written interactions
using Talk or Internet Relay Chat and packet audio and
video conferencing using, for example, CUSeeMe;
directory lookup services to discover the network
addresses of people and computers; or even multicast-
ing of audio and video programs such as Internet Talk
Radio and replay service.
Perhaps the ultimate value of the Internet, however, is
enabling communication among millions of people and
organizations who can be reached through the network,
or who provide abundant and diverse information and
software on Internet computer servers. For many pro-
fessional, business, educational, and governmental
activities today, the Internet is a indispensable tool.
The Internet technology and networks were originally
developed by the research arm of the USA Department
of Defense to provide robust interconnection of its
information resources and researchers. During the
1980s, the technology and networks were adopted by
other government agencies and countries, as well as the
private business sector. Today, internet technology and
the Internet have found massive acceptance and use by
tens of thousands of organizations around the world.
The Internet makes use of extremely cost effective
arrangements where Internet capacity is usually pur-
chased at dedicated unmetered flat rates based on
bandwidth, or at metered dialup rates. The network
transport technology is also highly cost effective because
it uses "connectionless" techniques to share capacity.
The Internet today is growing exponentially worldwide.
Simple easy-to-use software and inexpensive access to
the general public over nearly every telecommunications
medium are becoming widely available. Almost every
conceivable non-profit and for-profit use is underway or
being envisioned. The Internet's future rests with the
global Internet community and the Internet Society -
established in 1992 as the international organization for
coordination and cooperation of the Internet and its
technologies and applications.
Internet Society
Email: <isoc at isoc.org>
Fax: +1 703 648 9887
Tel: +1 703 648 9888
Tel: 800 468 9507 (USA only)
Internet Society
12020 Sunrise Valley Dr. Suite 270
Reston VA 22091
FAQ 94-005 v.2.3
Copyright (c) 1994 Internet Society
>From Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net> Tue Aug 2 23:38:58 1994
From: Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net> (Steven Affens)
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 18:38:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: ARRL FTP
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9408021817.A26962-0100000 at access3.digex.net>
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 94 15:46 EDT
From: info-serv at arrl.org
To: k3sa at access.digex.net
Subject: INFO response: HELP.TXT
HELP on using the ARRL's Automated Information Server (info at arrl.org)
INFO is a service of ARRL HQ. To use it, mail messages to:
info at arrl.org
Each line of the message should contain a single command as shown
below. You may place as many commands in a message as you want.
Each file you request will be sent to you in a separate message.
Only ASCII text files are supported at present.
Note to users with FTP capability: All of these files are also
available by anonymous ftp to oak.oakland.edu in the ? Help
Forward 30Note to users with FTP capability: All of these files are also
available by anonymous ftp to oak.oakland.edu in the
pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver area. Retrieve the file
index.txt in the /league subdirectory for a complete listing of
available files by directory (with descriptions).
QST Files note: Binary files mentioned in QST that accompany
articles are *NOT* available via the server. This is an email
service only and cannot send binary files. HOWEVER, these files
are available from the FTP site mentioned above. Look for them
in the pub/hamradio/arrl/qst-binaries directory.
Valid INFO email commands:
help Sends this help file
index Sends an index of the files available from INFO
reply <address> Sends the response to the specified address. Put this
44reply <address> Sends the response to the specified address. Put this
at the BEGINNING of your message if your From: address
is not a valid Internet address.
send <FILENAME> Sends "FILENAME" example: send PROSPECT.TXT
quit Terminates the transaction (use this if you have
a signature or other text at the end of the message.)
Note: your message will *not* be read by a human! Do not include any
requests or questions except by way of the above commands. Retrieve
the "USERS.TXT" file for a list of email addresses of ARRL HQ staff.
This message is from info-serv at arrl.org. Generate a new message
addressed to info at arrl.org instead. We set it up this way to
prevent failed mail from looping endlessly, annoying system
administrators. Mail sent back to info-serv at arrl.org ends up in
58prevent failed mail from looping endlessly, annoying system
administrators. Mail sent back to info-serv at arrl.org ends up in
the bit bucket.
Your From: field or Reply-to: field in your header should contain a valid
Internet address, including full domain name. If your From: field
does not contain a valid Internet address, the answer will not reach
you. However, we have recently added a reply function as a server
command. If needed, the REPLY command should be the first command in
your message.
reply mailaddr
Where mailaddr is a valid Internet mail address (either user at domain
or bang address accepted.) An invalid address generates an error.
A wrong address results in non-delivery of your response.
72A wrong address results in non-delivery of your response.
The address given in the reply command is the address to which all
subsequent requests in the message will be sent.
If an error message is generated, it will be sent to the last reply
address given.
If anyone needs some help with the server, or has ascii information
files that they would like to archive on our server, additional
information or updates for any of our files, or suggestions for
improvements, please contact me here at ARRL Headquarters via email or
telephone (203) 666-1541.
73 de ARRL HQ, Michael Tracy, KC1SX, mtracy at arrl.org
Sample of files available from INFO: (There are lots more!)
---------------- ---- --------------------
#Note - If you are not yet an Amateur Radio operator retrieve the
#file prospect (send prospect) for information on how to easily get
#started in this fun hobby.
PROSPECT.TXT 2k How to get your Amateur Radio license
EXAMS.TXT 52k Current exam schedule info - updated bi-weekly
EXAMINFO.TXT 9k Examinations - what to bring - requirements
USERS.TXT 6k List of HQ Email addresses
ARRLCAT.TXT 39k Catalog of ARRL Publications - commercial content
JOIN.TXT 2k How become an ARRL member
SERVICES.TXT 5k A condensed list of ARRL membership services
TOUR.TXT 28k An electronic tour of ARRL Headquarters
DIR.HQ 5k Visiting ARRL HQ - diretions and tour information
HFBANDS 7k Breakdown of users of HF spectrum
Q-SIGS 1k ARRL list of Amateur Radio Q-signals
W1AW.SKD 2k W1AW schedule of transmissions and operation
100Q-SIGS 1k ARRL list of Amateur Radio Q-signals
W1AW.SKD 2k W1AW schedule of transmissions and operation
PRODREV1.TXT 12k Which rig is best? Part 1 - QST Lab Notes
PRODREV2.TXT 22k Which rig is best? Part 2 - QST Lab Notes
!LIST.TXT 6k QST Bibliographies List
RFIGEN.TXT 37k How to solve an EMI/RFI problem - QST Lab Notes
RFISOURC.TXT 13k Where to buy filters - EMI-proof telephones etc.
ADDRESS.TXT 16k Lots and lots of ham/electonic company addresses
KITS.TXT 6k List of companies that sell kits
BBS.TXT 12k List of ham-radio land-line bulletin boards
FAQ1.TXT 25k Introduction to the FAQ and Amateur Radio
FAQ2.TXT 45k Amateur Radio Orgs, Services and Info Sources
FAQ3.TXT 32k Amateur Radio Advanced and Technical Questions
Enjoy this ARRL service. Please direct comments or suggestions (or flames)
#to mtracy at arrl.org. 73 from ARRL HQ, Michael Tracy, KC
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 94 15:05 EDT
From: info-serv at arrl.org
To: k3sa at access.digex.net
Subject: INFO response: HIRAM.TXT
How to access HIRAM - the ARRL land-line bulletin board:
Those of you with telephone line direct-dial modems may wish
to avail yourselves of the many services that ARRL HQ makes
available by way of HIRAM, the ARRL BBS.
Hiram can be reached by dialing 203 666 0578, utilizing
8-n-1 parameters, from 300 (ugh!) baud up to 14,400 (gee!)
Once connected, first-time users are asked to choose an
appropriate password, at which time they are then grantd
full and complete access to Hiram
Forward* 100full and complete access to Hiram.
Internet/Usenet users may contact HIRAM's SYSOP by
sending email to LHURDER at ARRL.ORG . Others should contact
Luck Hurder at ARRL HQ.
American Radio Relay League, Inc.
225 Main St
Newington, CT 06111
203-665-7531 FAX
203-666-0578 BBS 8N1
215-5052 MCI
Steven C. Affens
On Tue, 2 Aug 1994, Morao Esteban wrote:
> Hi
> Does anyone know if is possible retrive a file from ARRL via ftp or e-mail?
> Steve
> z801183a at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us
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