bill.lumnitzer at paonline.com bill.lumnitzer at paonline.com
Fri Dec 2 12:47:28 EST 1994

The design for the W3LPL rx band pass filters originally appeared in the
Sept/Oct 1981 issue of NCJ. It was reprinted in the Jul/Aug 1985 issue
issue and maybe elsewhere.

73 Bill, N6CQ/3

>From Larry Schimelpfenig <lschim at mailstorm.dot.gov>  Fri Dec  2 17:54:19 1994
From: Larry Schimelpfenig <lschim at mailstorm.dot.gov> (Larry Schimelpfenig)
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 12:54:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: WRTC 95
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9412021215.A20983-a100000 at mailstorm.dot.gov>

Bill, I suspect that Eric K3NA may respond to this more definitively once
he gets back from Syria. Until then, I can tell you that PVRC is sponsoring
the event with participation by FRC (I don't want to slight FRC's
participation, but I don't know how extensive it will be). As I recall,
W6AXX is the chairman. I know that W3AZ is responsible for lining up
stations. If someone on the committee doesn't post more on this next week,
I'll see if I can get Eric to do so.

73 de Larry K7SV in Virginia - lschim at mailstorm.dot.gov
Are we having fun yet?

On Fri, 2 Dec 1994 fish at crl.com wrote:

> Is this a cancelled event?  I asked someone that knows alot about contesting
> at CQ magazine and he didn't know either. 
>  If someone knows, please post something to the reflector with EXACT details
> about what we are supposed to be doing if we are interested in attending.
> 73
> ---
> Bill Fisher, KM9P   -    Concentric Systems, Inc.  

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