IC-737 performanse

Marijan.Miletic at IJS.si Marijan.Miletic at IJS.si
Mon Dec 5 11:18:31 EST 1994

W3ZZ posted a question about IC-737 performance but failed to add his email
address for the answers.  I hope that mainly USA audience on this reflector
may find it interesting that RSGB reviewer Peter Hart found IC-737A one of
the best receivers he ever tested!  He was able to measure filters bandwidth
down to -70dB without being adversly affected by DDS VCO noise.  Dynamic range
was over 100dB and respectable 70dB with only 3 kHz two tone spacing.

I am proud to announce that IC-737 has the signal chain exactly the same as
my good old IC-735.  VCO is greatly simplified by DDS approach.

The only feature missing is decent RF clipper instead of two diodes in AF!

I feel both IC-736 and IC-738 are a very good value for money although older
IC-765 has the best receiver I expierenced so far.

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.

>From James Hurt <jhurt at freenet.columbus.oh.us>  Mon Dec  5 11:51:14 1994
From: James Hurt <jhurt at freenet.columbus.oh.us> (James Hurt)
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 06:51:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject: ARRL 160 Contest
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9412050614.A19636-b100000 at acme>

KC8MK Multi-op Score From Ohio

Operators: KV8Q, NZ4K, K8ES, KC8MK, WR8C


Once again, equipment problems bedeviled us. We missed 4 hours Friday
night fixing things that blew up or fell down. If we ever operate a 160
contest from start to finish, we might be dangerous.

Outstanding opening to Central Europe Saturday night. Worked UA3, SP,
YL which is a fair haul from here on 160. Missed EB and ND when we
were off Friday nite, but really enjoyed the EU opening on saturday.

Equipment: Inside:   OMNI-VI, Ameritron AL-1500, NA9.12
           Outside:  Inverted L hung on a 60' tower, elevated radials
                     Also, "flew" a Deltal Loop for 30 min. on Friday
                     nite with a kite (til the string broke), and for
                     about 9 hours saturday (bought another kite).
                     Was a fun experiment, worked real well, somewhat
                     labor intensive.   4 two-wire beverages, 2 1050',
                     2 550'.


>From hhoyt at k4pql.apex.nc.us (Howard Hoyt)  Mon Dec  5 12:14:02 1994
From: hhoyt at k4pql.apex.nc.us (Howard Hoyt) (Howard Hoyt)
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 94 07:14:02 EST
Subject: K4PQL ARRL160
Message-ID: <46Buwc1w165w at k4pql.apex.nc.us>

Condx seemed fairly good, tho QRN was occasionally a hassle.
I was surprised how well sigs held up in A.M. after daybreak.

We had about 993 Q in 71 domestic and 15 dx. Best sig award
to AB4RU on right and W6QHS on left.

Howie K4PQL

                  |      Howard Hoyt        |
                  |       Apex, N.C.        |
                  | HHOYT at K4PQL.APEX.NC.US  |

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