VP2Mxx during CQ WW CW

aa2du at netcom.com aa2du at netcom.com
Wed Dec 7 10:37:30 EST 1994

VP2MBE (or was it MDE) was on for the CW contest.

73, J.P.
>	Does anyone know of any VP2M stations that were in the 
>	CQ WW CW  1994.
>	Joel WU1F

J.P. Kleinhaus, AA2DU
ARRL Hudson Division C.A.C. Representative
E-mail:  aa2du at netcom.com
             aa2du at aa2du.slip.netcom.com
             kleinhaj at iia.org
Compu$erve:  74660,2606

TVI???  What TVI???

>From dz at VOA.GOV (Dick Zwirko)  Wed Dec  7 16:07:04 1994
From: dz at VOA.GOV (Dick Zwirko) (Dick Zwirko)
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 94 11:07:04 EST
Subject: K1HTV ARRL 160M SCORE
Message-ID: <9412071607.AA04215 at voa3.VOA.GOV>

                     ARRL 160 METER CONTEST -- 1994

Call: K1HTV               Country:  United States
Mode: CW                  Category: Single Operator, Low Power (NO PACKET)

     Totals    873    1797     2.06         70         11    =  145,557

TX = TS850S/AT (100 Watts output)
RX = TS850S/AT with 500HZ (8.83MHz IF) & 250Hz (455KHz IF) filters

TX antenna = Gamma matched 78' grounded tower plus a 17' mast with a capacitive
             top hat made up of 15,10,6,2 & 0.7M yagis. Antenna is effectively 
             an electrical 1/4 wavelength long vertical.  The radial system
             consists of 15 radials on or just below the surface. Most are
             1/8 wavelength long because of the small suburban (1/3 acre) 
             property constraints. 

RX antenna = Same as TX (no beverages)

The antenna has been in service a couple of seasons and plays very well
with my 100 watts. The highpoint in the contest was being able to complete 
my 160 Meter W.A.S. and picking up country #113 by working KL7Y.

73, Rich - K1HTV
dz at voa3.VOA.gov

>From blckhole at rci.ripco.com (Keith wb9tiy)  Wed Dec  7 17:29:34 1994
From: blckhole at rci.ripco.com (Keith wb9tiy) (Keith wb9tiy)
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 11:29:34 -0600 (CST)
Subject: 160 score
Message-ID: <m0rFQBL-0007w4C at golden.ripco.com>


K9HMB - multi-op

1150Q x 82M => whatever

76 stateside mults and 6 DX.
We thought we would try to have a bit of fun from the site of the next big 
multi-multi station before any antennas went up.  Not to bad a score for only 
a 50' high inv L and no RX antennas.  The goal was to run the s**t out of 
stateside and work any DX mults that happened to hear us along the way.  
Things worked out about the way I had thought they would.

Pretty surprised to do as well in the Q department as we did !!  All that with 
"no" antenna and only 500W.  Looks promising for the future when we get a real 
station rolling.  Then we can truly say, "Loud is COOL....Yeah, LOUD IS 
COOL!!  (tnx Chad).

Equip: FT1000D, only one (blew it up)
       Alpha 70 with 5:1 input VSWR (SWR is COOL...)
       Inv L to 50' w/ a bunch 'o radials
       CT8.53 w/ packet (hey...its multi-op right ??)


Keith WB9TIY
blckhole at ripco.com

>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu  Wed Dec  7 12:18:32 1994
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 7 Dec 94 12:18:32 U
Subject: VP2Mxx during CQ WW CW

>Does anyone know of any VP2M stations that were in the 
>	CQ WW CW  1994.

>	Joel WU1F



Scott  K9MA

>From Larry Schimelpfenig <lschim at mailstorm.dot.gov>  Wed Dec  7 17:37:13 1994
From: Larry Schimelpfenig <lschim at mailstorm.dot.gov> (Larry Schimelpfenig)
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 12:37:13 -0500 (EST)
Subject: rule 6/160 test comments
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9412071212.A15877-c100000 at mailstorm.dot.gov>

On Wed, 7 Dec 1994 PEMS_ST_DK at noeca.ohio.gov wrote:

> If you read the very first sentence of the ARRL 160 test rules it states
> "DX to DX contacts are not permitted for contest credit". > In my mind,
this means it is not a DX/international contest. > What is my motivation,
as a DX station on a band where stateside > contacts are marginal, to get
on all weekend with the hopes of working > a handfull of these stations ?.
Unless old age is taking it's toll, I seem to remember much more dx
participating in the contests when the window was still an honored
tradition. Part of the attraction of 160 is the challenge, and it would
seem that with high power, high s/n receive antennas, modern equipment
etc., that it should be easier to work dx on top band, and outside of
these contests I firmly believe it is. Now, I would guess the answer to my
first statement question is either (1) There is as much dx, I simply can't
hear it through the stateside qrm (2) There is less dx (3) both of the
above. Mother nature presents us with enough of a challenge on 160 without
us making it worse.  > Yes, the subband is too wide and unenforceable. I'd
like to hear from > ON4UN and the like from across the pond about THEIR
views. My understanding > is that it is much harder for them to hear us
than vice-versa because > of regulations and BC interference . What would
> they like? Is 5khz REALLY going to make it easier to work DX ? Will >
more DX be on if this window is enforced ? Do DX stations have the power >
to disqualify stateside by puttting those calls in the log ? If we can
copy the dx station, we can transmit where he tells us to (ala 40 meter
phone). Between 1800 and 2000khz chances are pretty good that he'll find a
good receive frequency (even though we may not be able to transmit beyond
the bandwidth of our antenna). The problem is that there is no sanctuary
for the dx to transmit where we may have some hope of copying him.  > What
about two nights like this. Friday - stateside to stateside ONLY >
Saturday DX to stateside ONLY. (tongue in cheek) > > How about two
weekends or a whole week

What frustrates the hell out of me is that this is just another example
of something going bad as we continue to lose self control, and respect
for each other in an attempt to show that we are great competitors. 

I'm only guessing at how the dx stations look at this situation. I'd love
to see some response from the other side of the ponds.     

73 de Larry K7SV in Virginia - lschim at mailstorm.dot.gov
Are we having fun yet? 

>From tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree)  Wed Dec  7 18:04:14 1994
From: tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 94 10:04:14 PST
Subject: Second night on 160
Message-ID: <9412071804.AA12031 at cmicro.com>

If you think the second night is too boring, then you have several choices:

1. Don't operate the second night.
2. Don't operate the first night.
3. Operate from the west coast where you make fewer QSOs on the first night
   as people on the east coast make on the second boring night.

As for me, I enjoy Boring contests on 160.  It has always been a fun band
for me.  I operated about 12 hours with minimum impact timing to the
family and made 450 QSOs.  Using the color coded band map provided a good
way to keep busy and keep the rate up when the CQs go unanswered.  

The 160 contest has been this way for a long time, and I don't think it
should be changed.

Tree N6TR
tree at cmicro.com
Boring, Oregon  97009

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