Antenna Modeling Software

Mon Jan 3 12:27:37 EST 1994

I hate to break the flow of Regional Contesting discussions, but with the cold 
winters here in New England, I'm getting the itch to play with some antenna 
designs. I'd like to get one of the many modeling software packages on the 
market, but I have no idea which is best or what they look like.

My main requirements for the program are:

  1. Easy to use.
  2. Produce beam pattern graphs (both E-Plane and H-Plane). Nice graphics 
     would be a nice extra.
  3. Be reasoably accurate
  4. Run on a 386 - I don't want a hardware hog.

I'll be building mainly HF wire antennas, but I may want to play with beam/yagi  

Any comments on packages that anyone has (or has used) would be appreciated. 
Thanks... Kevin N1EPU

>From oo7 at (Derek Wills)  Mon Jan  3 18:27:47 1994
From: oo7 at (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 94 12:27:47 CST
Subject: K2MM SprINT Results
Message-ID: <9401031827.AA15847 at>

        K2MM says:
	I could have SWORN he sent N4BO!  Really!

I had 11 Qs with NV6O and messed up sending his call for most of them...
Off to a slow start, confused N6TV and N6TR so ended up with one dupe.
20 held up here until about 0030.  Loudest person here (TX) - N6TR.
It was obvious when "Dave" joined in without knowing the rules, I got
several Daves in a row now and then.   It would be very easy to sabotage
this contest by sending Ed to everyone and watching it spread.  Course,
nobody here would be that wicked.  I started as oo7 (it is my login name,
after all), got 007 from my last Q.   130 Qs.  Thanks to all for the fun.

Derek AA5BT

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