Fastest DXCC Honor Roll???
wmhein at
wmhein at
Thu Jan 6 22:21:13 EST 1994
Bill Kennamer, KF5UV, in his "How's DX" column in the January 1994 QST, posed
the question " long does it take to make the ARRL DXCC Honor Roll?"
This prompted me to sort through my QSL cards and put together my first DXCC
application ever. My first QSO as a ham radio operator was on 26 June 1989.
On 26 January 1993, I worked AH1A. At this moment there were only 9 DXCC
countries which I had not worked (or worked someone who "counts").
Therefore, I reached DXCC Mixed Honor Roll in 3 years 215 days (3 years 7
months almost exactly). This is, of course, pending ARRL acceptance of my
cards. I will FedEx the cards to Newington tomorrow.
ALL of my QSOs were freestyle -- no list or nets.
My fingers are crossed that this is the fastest ever DXCC Honor Roll
achievement (as measured by date-first-on-the-air to
Now, on to #1 Mixed Honor Roll. Who's the fastest ever to work 'em all? I
only have a couple of countries left: 3Y/P, 3V (have worked and QSLd 3V8AS,
but it doesn't count), 5A (have worked and QSLd 5A0RR, but it also doesn't
count), TN, VK0/H, and VU4. I hope DXpeditions are planned for ALL of these
countries in the not-too-distant-future!!!
I also wonder what the fastest CW DXCC Honor Roll achievement is? I have two
countries to go...
Bill AA6TT
>From Smith, Pete" <PSmith at Fri Jan 7 15:46:00 1994
From: Smith, Pete" <PSmith at (Smith, Pete)
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 94 07:46:00 PST
Subject: Contacting Delphi
Message-ID: <2D2D83DC at>
Does anyone have a phone number for Delphi? They sent me an ad a few days
ago with a very attractive-sounding offer for full Internet connectivity on
a dial-in basis, which I promptly misplaced.
800 information has drawn a blank. Please reply to E-mail address below.
Thanks! 73,
Pete N4ZR (psmith at
>From Smith, Pete" <PSmith at Fri Jan 7 16:10:00 1994
From: Smith, Pete" <PSmith at (Smith, Pete)
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 94 08:10:00 PST
Subject: 4U1VIC Status/Operating Permission/OE Contesters
Message-ID: <2D2D8966 at>
Is there anyone on the reflector who is aware of the current status of
4U1VIC, or can put me in touch with the people who run the station? The
ARRL's info is dated and incomplete, and I haven't heard the station in
years, but I will be in Vienna the weekend of the ARRL CW contest. If the
station is operable (or could be made so) I thought it would be fun to
operate (I know it counts only for OE, but I always seem to be in the wrong
place at the wrong time). In addition, I would like to get in contact with
OE contesters in the Vienna area for possible eyeball QSOs while I'm there
(February 17-March 4, roughly).
Please reply directly to the E-mail address below. Thanks and 73, Pete N4ZR
(psmith at
>From Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at Fri Jan 7 15:40:12 1994
From: Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 15:40:12 MET
Subject: RXCLUS.EXE via FTP available
Message-ID: <3EF47157A42 at>
Here are some informationen about the RXCLUS-software !
Please don't send any kind of requests to me !!!!!
Please send all requests to HB9BZA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I uploaded the software today at Frank's (DL1SBR) FTP-Server.
It's available at the moment in:
DIRECTORY: pub\uploads
FILENAME: rxclu50.exe (selfextracting !!!!!)
rxclu50.inf (this info)
PASSWORD: callsign or email-address
I think Frank will put this file within the next time in the right
directory e.g. packclus etc.
73 es good ftp de Dieter, DF4RD
DXNEWS @EU de:HB9BZA 24.12.93 13:31 30 4107 Bytes
RXCLUS:Cluster DX RX pgm
The french versions of this program have been developed for nearly 2 years
and were uploaded about every 6 monthes to the french speaking area's BBS's.
For the first time, the version 5.0 includes a multilanguage support, so
this version is uploaded @EU to see if there is interest for such a
program in a wider area.
As an introduction, here is the beginning of the user documentation :
This program RXCLUS is used to receive informations
transmitted on the PacketCluster system without having to establish
a connection to a cluster node. It identifies the frames sent to
cluster users, and also those exchanged between two cluster nodes
with a special protocol. This possibility is especially interesting
during the night time as it allows you to receive cluster
informations with no connection even if no user is connected on the
local cluster node !
DX, WWV and ANN informations are recognised among all the
frames heard on the monitored frequency and are the only ones to be
displayed. Of course, each information is displayed only once, even
if it is repeated many times on the frequency because several users
are connected. So you get the same result as if you would be
connected to the cluster, but without additional traffic on the air
and with no link failures problems. It is not a problem if the
monitored frequency is shared with other packet services (Mailbox,
and so on).
There is of course a limitation: if you are not connected to
the cluster, you cannot send informations requests ! But RXCLUS can
attenuate strongly this problem: DX et WWV informations can be
stored in databases on disk and you can recall them using different
search criterias. Furthermore, a world countries database allows the
program to give many informations and make some calculations like a
cluster node: prefix allocation, WAZ and ITU zones of a country,
azimut and distance, local time.
V4.0 : new search criteria in the DX database: in the comment field
and by logger, choice of the bands you wish to receive the DX spots
on, support added for 23 cm spots, more versatile structure of the
configuration file, screen saver.
V5.0 : multilanguage support (english, french and german provided,
translation in other languages by the user is possible), world
countries database.
- An IBM compatible computer (PC/XT/AT), monochrome or color.
A harddisk is strongly recommended if you wish to store the
- A TNC on the serial port of the PC. This TNC must make itself the
frames assembly/desassembly (TNC-2, PK-88, PK-232, KAM, and so
on). Internal cards (for example DRSI) or modems requesting a
specific driver (like BayCom) are not supported.
- A receiver able to receive a frequency used for cluster traffic
(to users or between two cluster nodes).
The program with its english documentation is beeing uploaded to IBM @ EU as
a self-extracting archive file RXCLU50.EXE encoded with 7PLUS in 16 parts
about 4700 bytes in length.
Please send .ERR files, if any, to HB9BZA @ HB9IAP. Comments and suggestions
for improvements are also welcome.
Vy 73 and good DX to all Robert - HB9BZA @ HB9IAP
>From Don Nutt KJ6TC <kj6tc at> Fri Jan 7 15:29:38 1994
From: Don Nutt KJ6TC <kj6tc at> (Don Nutt KJ6TC)
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 07:29:38 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Threat to Amateur Radio
Message-ID: <Pine.3.85.9401070709.A2331-0100000 at netcom4>
This was taken off of W6GO Packet Cluster. Just wanted to share it with
everyone here.
Msg #8642 From: KJ6ZH Date: 6-Jan 0604Z Subj: Major Threat to Ham Radio FM
Janice E. Houghland, New Jersey Dept of Environmental Protection, CN402,
Trenton, NJ 08625-0404 has threatened to make ALL RF Emitters in New Jersey to
pay a tax of $500.00 per antenna they own and operate between .3 - 1000 MHz,
both public and private! And you just know if it passes in NJ, that the hacs
in Sacramento will be the next to pass something similar. Ham radio
needs your help to nip this in the bud. Send a letter or QSL card today
protesting this To date there is no positive proof that RF in the .3 -
1000 MHZ range harms the general public. Act now to preserve
our hobby.
73 Chris KJ6ZH
I am concerned to the fact if a precedent is set, then none of us are
safe from the same type of local legislation that can occur. Personally
I would be liable for $3000.00 for my modest simple little setup, I know
a few of you out there would be set back about twice what I would incur
for a tax. 2 VHF, 1 Tri bander, 1 low-band vert, 1 10-20 vert, and 1
80,40,17 dipole (I am not going to include the mobile ants. for now).
I will also rename all my antennas from "RF Emitters" to "RF Absorbers".
Since I do listen more than I talk I feel that is a fair description.
Contester's and DX'ers beware. There are people out there that feel we
are a threat to their lives and well being. Forget about the hazards of
crossing the street on a busy intersection. Forget about the criminals
with guns. Forget about the major corps. dumping thousands of tons of
harmful chemicals illegally. Us radio operators are the threat.
My soap box. Thanks guys.
Don Nutt
>From gswanson at (Glenn Swanson) Fri Jan 7 15:26:56 1994
From: gswanson at (Glenn Swanson) (Glenn Swanson)
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 94 11:26:56 edt
Subject: 4U1VIC
Message-ID: <509 at gs>
PSE forward any VALID (updated) info on this subject to me, I'll pass it
on to th proper folks here at HQ. 73, Glenn KB1GW (gswanson at
>From Jim Reisert AD1C 07-Jan-1994 1152 <reisert at> Fri Jan 7 16:47:59 1994
From: Jim Reisert AD1C 07-Jan-1994 1152 <reisert at> (Jim Reisert AD1C 07-Jan-1994 1152)
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 94 11:47:59 EST
Subject: - Hams: PacketCluster(tm) Terminal w/ headings
Message-ID: <9401071647.AA14673 at>
I have uploaded to the SimTel Software Repository (available by anonymous
ftp from the primary mirror site OAK.Oakland.Edu and its mirrors):
pub/msdos/hamradio/ Hams: PacketCluster(tm) Terminal w/ headings
FlexPac is a Packet Radio TNC software package. It enhances the use of
your DX Cluster. Displays country name, beam heading, and more. See
Jan 1994 CQ page 70.
Some of FlexPac's functions:
- optimized to work with the PacketCluster (tm)
- separate windows on the screen for output from the TNC, and your
keyed input - output appears simultaneously, even as you are
keying - supports two simultaneous sessions (streams) in
different windows
- user defined scripts that can automatically process
logon, logoff, and other complex functions; this includes a
WAIT function so that you can synchronize your script to the system
you are connected to
- pull down menus to easily select options
- the ability to schedule an event at a future time
- easy user function key definition
- capture of received data to a disk file
- optionally calls you by an alarm when someone connects to you
- you can edit the line you type, before actually sending it to
the TNC
- power typing with word wrap (use when sending messages)
- full log function with quick dupe (not in shareware version)
- displays country, beam heading, and distance on DX spots
System requirements: IBM PC, PS/2 or compatible, DOS 3.1, 512K RAM, com1
or com2 serial port and a TAPR2 type tnc (will not work with DRSI boards).
ShareWare. The author's E-Mail address is: TJTW74A at Prodigy.COM
- -
Jim Reisert
reisert at
>From Steve Fraasch" <Steve_Fraasch at ATK.COM Fri Jan 7 17:30:18 1994
From: Steve Fraasch" <Steve_Fraasch at ATK.COM (Steve Fraasch)
Date: 7 Jan 1994 11:30:18 -0600
Subject: Do Ham Radio a Favor
Message-ID: <9401071731.AA14995 at ATK.COM>
Subject: Time:11:03 AM
OFFICE MEMO Do Ham Radio a Favor Date:1/7/94
In response to the NLI 50' tower battle, and NJ $500 transmitter tax, it's
time to pay attention to ARRL requests to support their proposed "national
resource" legislation. It seems to me that the League's proposed
congressional recognition of amateur radio as a national resource is the
right starting point to counterattack these recent legal threats.
Under this framework, our problems with PRB-1, RFI exemptions, spectrum
space, city/state jurisdiction of RF matters, and everything else that has
gone wrong recently is moot, if not legally jeopardized.
Most of us have benefitted personally, if not professionally, from our
involvement with the dynamics of the hobby. Look no farther than the recent
Nobel prize winners (sorry, I forget names) who both stated HR was at least
indirectly involved with their science achievements.
If a hobby that heavily depends on science is not allowed to exist, than
those who would be involved in a hobby at youth cannot make professional
contributions as adults to a society dependent on technology. Likewise for
those involved in public service: if the hobby is so severly limited making
it impossible to transmit a signal, the communications infrastructure will no
longer be trained and ready for the emergency victims who will depend on it.
Please respond to Rick Palm's (K1CE's) request on page. 54-55 of Jan '94 QST.
Steve, K0SF.
>From DKMC" <dkmc at Fri Jan 7 18:20:53 1994
From: DKMC" <dkmc at (DKMC)
Date: 07 Jan 94 10:20:53 PST
Subject: NJ Antenna Tax
Message-ID: <CPLAN065.DKMC.4196.1994 010710 19 10 19>
Microsoft Mail v3.0 IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
From: McCarty, DK 'David'
Subject: NJ Antenna Tax
Date: 1994-01-08 12:11
Message ID: 23013A81
Conversation ID: 23013A81
KJ6TC relays:
>Janice E. Houghland, New Jersey Dept of Environmental Protection, CN402,
>Trenton, NJ 08625-0404 has threatened to make ALL RF Emitters in New Jersey
>pay a tax of $500.00 per antenna they own and operate between .3 - 1000
>both public and private...
This sounds serious enough to warrant a very serious response. Anyone (in
NJ, perhaps) know more of the particulars? Is there someone who could
suggest effective ways to respond (what to say, what not to say, and to
whom to send it)?
If you will send your replies directly to me, I will summarize for the net.
It seems environmentalist idiocy has expanded from attacking my livelihood
and my ability to drive to the plant and now has set their sights on my
hobby...maybe I should give up, move back to Florida and start a spartan
vegetarian commune. Probably still have problems getting a permit for the
David K. McCarty, K5GN
dkmc at
>From Robert E.Naumann" <72240.1433 at CompuServe.COM Fri Jan 7 22:12:34 1994
From: Robert E.Naumann" <72240.1433 at CompuServe.COM (Robert E.Naumann)
Date: 07 Jan 94 17:12:34 EST
Subject: NJ Situation
Message-ID: <940107221233_72240.1433_EHK57-1 at CompuServe.COM>
On our local PacketCluster, W2REH got a copy of the text of the regulation and
he said that Amateur installations are SPECIFICALLY EXEMPTED form this
registration fee. I'll try to get more specific info.
73 Bob KR2J (New Jersey)
>From n7stu at (Robert Brown) Sat Jan 8 02:52:49 1994
From: n7stu at (Robert Brown) (Robert Brown)
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 94 18:52:49 PST
Subject: Invalid Malpelo Expedition?
Message-ID: <qicTFc1w165w at>
I'm not sure that approval if any is needed for IOTA and this is the
operators main purpose. I can see him never even sending in any
documentation to the ARRL (if indeed there is any) since they have no say
over the IOTA program or for that matter who is legal and who isn't
(except for DXCC purposes).
n7stu at (Robert Brown)
The Tech BBS (408) 279-7199 San Jose, CA
>From Don Nutt KJ6TC <kj6tc at> Sat Jan 8 16:42:10 1994
From: Don Nutt KJ6TC <kj6tc at> (Don Nutt KJ6TC)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 1994 08:42:10 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Threat to Ham radio
Message-ID: <Pine.3.85.9401080810.A29920-0100000 at netcom4>
If you would like, I will transcribe the complete article in which the
original author makes his point. Its not just a straight tax. It is
based on power levels and a few other considerations. Industrial indoor
microwave ovens may be at risk as well.
Please leave me a message and I and my wife will be busy transcribing the
report for you all.
Don Nutt
>From robert penneys <penneys at> Sat Jan 8 17:08:04 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys at> (robert penneys)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 12:08:04 EST
Subject: N.E.R.D.S. in NAQP
Message-ID: <9401081708.AA03093 at>
Look for the Newark Extras from Rural Delaware State (now including one from
PA) in the NAQP.
Phone NY3C, NY3Y, WW3F, WN3K, N3MTU all FRCers
Wire antennas completely covered with ice, stuck together and all over the
place, but it'll have to do.
CU Bob
>From mbarts at (Michael Barts) Sat Jan 8 21:06:35 1994
From: mbarts at (Michael Barts) (Michael Barts)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 16:06:35 -0500
Subject: CT question
To all you CT experts out there, does CT allow you to restrict the station
to logging ONLY for that one band? In paticular I'm interested in the VHF
contests. I've used NA for couple of years now for multi-op with a computer
at each station, not networked. My concern is that if we network the
computers NA allows each computer to log on any band. One mix-up and its
probably hopeless to straighten things out. Will CT prevent this? Or has
this been addressed in NA v8.0 (I know, I just haven't gotten around to
ordering the upgrade)? Or is there something better out there for VHF contests?
Opinions? suggestions?
Michael Barts KB4NT
Christiansburg, VA
mbarts at ''re 59, repeat your entire exchange...'
>From ku4j at (Tim Pearson ) Sat Jan 8 23:21:15 1994
From: ku4j at (Tim Pearson ) (Tim Pearson )
Date: 8 Jan 94 23:21:15 GMT
Subject: QSL8.exe (CT version 8)
I am having problems generating QSL labels using QSL8.exe (version 3.01).
The program seems to be generating twice the number of labels that it should.
This is a fairly large .bin file (7000 Q's) for VP2VFP CQWW SSB, but I think
it also does this with smaller files. I tried to call CT-BBS but it appears
to be offline again (continually rings) to see if this was the latest version.
Does anyone know of another program that will generate QSL labels from CT
version 8 .bin file? I would also like the program to squeeze 4 QSO's per
labels instead of 3, this would save me a lot of QSL cards and we are really
running short. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
73's tim/ku4j
>From XMSJ29A at (MR JAMES A WHITE) Sun Jan 9 01:03:03 1994
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 1994 20:03:03 EST
Subject: An eye for an eye
Message-ID: <025.00200823.XMSJ29A at>
Looking to do newsheet exchanges with other contest-related clubs, please
furnish your club's address if you would like to be included in the CONTEST
GAZETTE (Florida CW Contest Group) mailing roster.
Guest operators are standing by, if you order now you'll receive the
premier edition of the CONTEST GAZETTE-Volume 1, Number 1...send us yours
now and you'll get a GAZETTE right back...
Thanks-Jim White K1ZX
Florida CW Contest Group
5605 East 127 Avenue
Tampa, FL 33617
>From David R. Siddall" <0006358668 at Sun Jan 9 03:33:00 1994
From: David R. Siddall" <0006358668 at (David R. Siddall)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 22:33 EST
Subject: Internet Access
Message-ID: <65940109033356/0006358668PK3EM at>
>Delphi...very attractive-sounding offer for full Internet connectivity om a
>dial-in basis, which I promptly misplaced.
PC Magazine (Jan 11, '94 p. 32) reports that The International Internet
Association is offering FREE internet access. It is through a D.C.-area
phone number (N4ZR take note), but they plan to provide access to other
areas of the U.S. through local or 800 phone numbers. I believe that they
intend to solicit voluntary donations. Phone number for recording is (202)
387-5445; FAX (202) 387-5446. Since this reflector operates through
internet and cost seems to be an issue with some participants, thought this
deserved dissemination in this manner.
73, Dave K3ZJ
>From David R. Siddall" <0006358668 at Sun Jan 9 03:34:00 1994
From: David R. Siddall" <0006358668 at (David R. Siddall)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 22:34 EST
Subject: ARRL CAC Members on Reflector
Message-ID: <91940109033419/0006358668PK3EM at>
>Just got a note from Randy, K5ZD, who commented that he wasn't aware that
>any CAC were on the contest reflector.
I am the Roanoke Division CAC rep., and have been on this reflector since
late 1992. If you post something on the reflector, you can assume I have
seen it. You are welcome to communicate directly with me about any matter,
especially if you reside in the Roanoke Division (but all others welcome).
I have just obtained an additional E-mail account that is dedicated to
amateur radio only: my direct E-Mail address on MCI mail is 635-8668 (format
for whatever your provider requires for connection). 73, Dave K3ZJ
>From Richard Hallman <0006135537 at> Sun Jan 9 04:47:00 1994
From: Richard Hallman <0006135537 at> (Richard Hallman)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 94 23:47 EST
Subject: TimeWave Vs NIR?
Message-ID: <75940109044757/0006135537NA1EM at>
Im looking for a copy of a comparison that was done by someone on the
reflector. It was between the DSP-9 and the W9GR or the NIR DSP.
Please forward to me if u have it. Thanks KI3V KI3V at
>From robert penneys <penneys at> Sun Jan 9 06:00:38 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys at> (robert penneys)
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 94 01:00:38 EST
Subject: NAQP CW results
Message-ID: <9401090600.AA03972 at>
Well... what a mess. Ice storm covered the antennas and mushed my 160 thru 40
wires. Computer kept bombing out on 40 and 80. But, it's still a great contest
to run from home and be with the kids, too.
160 24 12
80 70 34
40 69 37
20 98 38
15 61 27
10 19 17
Total 341Q 165M = 56,265 more or less
Tnx for all, especially those who QSYed for me.
CU on phone, I hope, with the N.E.R.D.S......NY3Y, NY3C, WW3F, N3MTU, WN3K
Bob WN3K
>From Gary Sutcliffe <gary.sutcliffe at> Mon Jan 3 16:39:10 1994
From: Gary Sutcliffe <gary.sutcliffe at> (Gary Sutcliffe)
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 94 10:39:10 CST
Subject: NCJ CTT&T topic
Message-ID: <199401031639.QAA27228 at>
Hi Gang!
Trey reminds me that the NCJ deadline is quickly approaching. As always
I'm looking for additional input for my "Contest Tips, Tricks, & Techniques"
column. Please email them directly to by Jan 12. Thanks!
Topic for Mar-Apr 1994
Pre-Contest Season Preparation Check Lists
This month we will prepare a master check list of things
that need to be done before the start of each contest
season (or each contest). This list can include things that
need to be done to the station or things the operator can do
to prepare personally.
Gary Sutcliffe - W9XT Unified Microsystems (414) 644-9036
ppvvpp at MIXCOM.COM PO Box 133, Slinger WI 53086
More information about the CQ-Contest
mailing list