New antenna farm

price at price at
Tue Jan 18 08:54:25 EST 1994

I've now moved from the minor leagues (TH-3 and dipoles at 30 feet) to the
Medium league (I guess) as a result of a significant work effort this
weekend.  First, let me publically thank K6NA, N6ND, W6YA, K6TWU, AA4M,
N6KWC, N6CW, and W6KUT for lending their experience, skills, brawn, and
time this past Saturday on my behalf.  The result is a TX-455 tower with a
2-el 40 (Cushcraft 40-2CD), a WARC dipole (Cushcraft D3W), TH-7, and 80
meter inverted vee.  

I spent Sunday pulling cables, making coax connectors, etc, and got the 40
on the air about 0130Z.  First QSO--4S7RO on LP!!  That's a contact I would
*never* have made with my previous setup.  Heck, I'd have never heard him. 
Condx were pretty lousy most of the weekend, so haven't really exercised
the TH-7 or WARC dipole yet.  I did, however, work J28DE on 30 meters
yesterday at 1615Z.

So, I guess I'll try it out for the CW Sprint in Feb.  I now also have a
TS-930SAT so I should be more competitive.  Now if only I had the skill :-)

All I can say is:  WHEW!!  What a job, but the results look real promising.

73--Jim, K6ZH

P.S.  The weather here over the weekend was unbelievable--sunny and in the
70s every day.  Now, it can rain.

P.P.S.  I had this odd premonition that a worst case scenario would be that
after all this time, effort, and bux that 2 days after I put up the tower,
we'd have a major disaster like a big earthquake.  Sure enough, at 4:31
a.m. yesterday, the ground shook and I could hear the tower sections
clanking on each other.  Fortunately for me (in San Diego) there was
nothing more than shaking.  

But, oh my, I'll bet there are plenty of hams in the greater LA area who
lost their antennas.  If any of you are on this reflector, my heart goes
out to you.

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