ARRL Policy: Contest Dates

es at es at
Thu Jan 20 14:15:00 EST 1994

I find Mike's note (attached) about WB5IGF rather incredible.  
Are we to deduce that ARRL policy, with respect to selecting contest
dates, is dictated by the personal preference of a single amateur?
Would someone in authority at the League please respond to this and
elaborate on the process steps taken that resulted in this date change? 

73, Ed K1TR


I have been told by several reliable sources that the June VHF contest
was moved from its traditional 2nd-weekend time to the 1st weekend (a
much poorer time for propagation) in order to accommodate the wishes of
ONE person: Joel Harrison, WB5IGF, the Delta Division Director.  You
see, he found it inconvenient to have the June contest conflict with the
ARRL convention in Dallas.  Harrison even bragged about his
"accomplishment" on the 75-meter VHF net.

Is this outrageous or what?


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