NH QSO Party

km9p at aol.com km9p at aol.com
Wed Jan 26 17:36:54 EST 1994

I have a serious question.  Do QSO Party's like this one fill a legitimate
need?  Do any of you operate them, other than feeling sorry for, and
answering the poor ___________ sending CQ's over and over with few answers?

Maybe we should have some contest reform to go with the budget reform and cut
out some of the fat.


>From Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com  Wed Jan 26 23:01:13 1994
From: Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com (Dick Dievendorff)
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 94 15:01:13 -0800
Subject: NH QSO Party
Message-ID: <9401262301.AA18207 at penguin.almaden.ibm.com>

I do participate in the California QSO Party.  When I was
in England, it was a good way for me to work on my Worked
All California Counties award, which took the better part
of four years to attain.  Our club makes a real effort to
get someone into each of the 58 California counties.  This
year I went to Mendocino county and wasn't lonesome at all.

If I did well enough, I'll get a wine glass and a bottle
of California wine to go with it.

As for calling CQ over and over with few answers, I think
there's a lot of that in the late part of many contests.

So you guys in New Hampshire go for it!  I'll work those
of you that I hear.

Dick Dievendorff, AA6MC, G0MFO

>From modular!eric at cs.arizona.edu (Eric Gustafson)  Wed Jan 26 23:34:03 1994
From: modular!eric at cs.arizona.edu (Eric Gustafson) (Eric Gustafson)
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 94 16:34:03 MST
Subject: DX window on 160
Message-ID: <9401262334.AA23973 at modular>

Actually, now that you mention it, exactly where are the limits of the DX
window.  We are planning to operate the CW contest this year for the first
time.  Since we plan to be quite loud, it would be nice to know what the
conventions are so we can stay out of the window.

73,  Eric

Eric Gustafson  N7CL               | The mountains are high and the Emperor
6730 S. Old Spanish Trail          | is far away.
Tucson, AZ 85747                   |
INTERNET: modular!eric at arizona.edu | You can't work 'em if you can't hear 'em.
     CI$: 71750,2133		   |

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