
KF8TY at KF8TY at
Thu Jul 7 21:03:46 EDT 1994

Being brand new to the contest forum I was surpised to find a topic that I
wanted to reply to so quickly.  I despise the use of strange phonetics during
the Field Day Test (contest or not).  Their are so many stations on during
this weekend with weak signals that the use on non-standard phonetics makes
the exchange all that much more difficult.  I don't know how many contacts I
missed by spending extra time trying to figure out some call by "phunny"
73, Barry KF8TY

>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at  Fri Jul  8 02:38:45 1994
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 1994 21:38:45 EDT
Subject: Non-contaminating cables?
Message-ID: <2e1cae29.k1vr at>

On Thu, 07 Jul 94 11:59:37 GMT, "Barry Kutner"
<barry at> wrote:
> Does anyone still use coax seal?

K1VR:  I use a CoaxSeal (tm) equivalent, available to the
CATV industry, and "put up" in much wider rolls.  Cover
connectors well, using a lot of tape.  Cover tape with "coax
seal."  Cover "coax seal" with a LOT of tape.  To undo a
connector, slice along length of splice (in line with the
cables) and peel back.  See shiny connectors.  Only problem:
Makes FAT junctions.
                      Fred Hopengarten K1VR
           Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
     home + office telephone:  617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
                   internet:  k1vr at
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low."

>From Jeff Embry <jembry at>  Fri Jul  8 12:55:12 1994
From: Jeff Embry <jembry at> (Jeff Embry)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 06:55:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Non-contaminating cables?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407080647.A25571-0100000 at everest>


Essentially you are correct concerning a cable with a Type II or 
non-contaminating jacket.  After almost six years as an assembler at the 
R. F. Connection (a dealer in cable and connectors) this has been one of 
the most frequently asked questions.  The non-contaminating jacket 
prevents the cable from taking on any contamination that might be in the 
environment around the cable.  There are some direct burial cables 
available with flooding compounds built into the jacket.  And yes, I 
still use coax seal.

73 de Jeff (WI2T)

JO1 Jeff Embry				Internet:  jembry at
Public Affairs Office                   Amateur Radio Call:  WI2T
USS Enterprise (CVN-65)
FPO  AE  09543-2810                     PRIDE IN '65
(804) 688-7605                          Back to sea on the 'Big E'

On Thu, 7 Jul 1994, Barry Kutner wrote:

> As long as we're on the subject of burial, etc. - If heard from
> (un)reliable sources that when a jacket is called non-contaminating, it
> has nothing to do with how well it will stand up under direct burial. I 
> was told it meant that IF buried, no contaminents (i.e. poisons) will 
> leech into the surrounding ground, but it will break down.
> Comments?
> Also, speaking of waterproofing... Does anyone still use coax seal?
> 73 Barry
> --=====================================================================
> Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Usenet/Internet: barry at
> Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
>                             Packet Cluster: W2UP >K2TW (FRC)
> .......................................................................

>From Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at>  Fri Jul  8 13:53:26 1994
From: Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at> (Randy A Thompson)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 08:53:26 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: 205BA design?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407080856.A12858-0100000 at>

For $32.50, you can order a 205-CA upgrade kit from Hygain.  It comes 
with everything you need to convert to the new CA dimensions.  I have 
done this with two 205-BA antennas.

It is amazing the difference in pattern!  The CA has a great pattern with 
very deep nulls and good F/B.  Even K3LR (famous antenna skeptic and 
critic) could not believe how good the pattern was.  Of course, that is 
what antenna companies design for.  I'm sure that the new design 
sacrificies a bit of gain, but I am pretty happy with mine.

Call 402-467-5321.  Order Part No. 31557 - 205CA Conversion Kit

For about $75, you can order a stainless steel upgrade kit which has all 
the hose clamps, nuts and bolts to do the antenna in SS.  I did that one too.

k5zd at

On Wed, 6 Jul 1994, Tom Frenaye wrote:

> I have an older HyGain 205BA that needs to be moved from one tower to 
> another.  While I have it down I'd like to optimize the design.  I seem
> to remember an article in NCJ (not in index), or something in one of
> the antenna modeling demo programs (YO MN etc) that had the details.
> Can anyone point me the right way?
> Also, with the "mess" of wires coming into the radio room here I'm 
> looking for good ideas on how to label them.  I've managed to label my
> cables in a way that attracts cats (they eat the labels).  Most recent
> plan is some heavy duty tape and permanent marker pens - but wonder if
> there are better ideas out there.
> Replies direct to:  2349723 at
> Thanks!  Tom K1KI
> PS: Has anyone tried any of the big Inverted Vee arrays described by WA2WVL in
> his talk at Dayton?  What's your experience with multi-element inverted Vees on
> 40 80 or 160? 

>From Field, Don" <field at  Fri Jul  8 15:25:00 1994
From: Field, Don" <field at (Field, Don)
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 94 14:25:00 GMT
Subject: Sealing of co-ax connexions
Message-ID: <2E1D61C0 at>

One of the handiest tips given me (by GJ3YHU) was to use Blu-Tac (don't know 
if that means anything to US users - it's a plasticine-like substance sold in 
stationery stores for attaching paper to walls, etc). It is flexible and can 
be moulded around co-ax connectors, is totally weatherproof and, best of all, 
can easily be removed when you want to dismantle the connector at a future 
date. Don't know how well it holds up long-term, but after a year or two in 
the UK climate the connectors still look like new, with no moisture ingress.

(field at

(PS Anybody know the dates of Visalia and Dayton next year?)

>From MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at>  Fri Jul  8 14:29:04 1994
From: MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at> (MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 94 08:29:04 CDT
Subject: Packet And Field Day
Message-ID: <9407081329.AA13066 at>

Yeah and it's a free transmitter and you can make a lot of Q
points withit, if your in an area with a lot of hams.  The
same goes for the free VHF/UHF transmitter that exists as a 
Technician incentive.

But it ain't so easy here in the Black Hole.  We almost have
to invite people to stay home so we can get these points.  FD
is the one big club outing of the year, everyone stops by leaving
no one to contact.

Submitted for your consideration.

73 de Bob -  smithb at


>From Evert Halbach" <CS-ERH at  Thu Jul  7 16:25:57 1994
From: Evert Halbach" <CS-ERH at (Evert Halbach)
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 1994 09:25:57 CST
Subject: Phonetics
Message-ID: <MAILQUEUE-101.940707092557.2272 at>

These are some that were "hung" on me....

We Ate 5 Orange Juice Icees
O J Innocent
Whiskey Alpha 5 O J Incarcerated
Whiskey Alpha 5 O Js Indicted
Old Jewish Imigrant

    73 de WA5OJI Evert

        Evert R. Halbach   WA5OJI
Internet - cs-erh at
Phone    - (504) 448-4999
Snail    - P.O. Box 2168   Thibodaux, La. 70310

>From k3lr <k3lr at>  Fri Jul  8 15:38:10 1994
From: k3lr <k3lr at> (k3lr)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 10:38:10 -0400
Subject: bits
Message-ID: <199407081438.KAA28661 at>

A few more Field Day comments.....
At W3LIF, the Mercer County Amateur Radio Club, where WR3G and I are
members, the first four hours of the operating event were spent with
guest ops no older than 12 years of age.  All of who had just passed
their novice tests.  I started with a 10 year old op who is also named
Tim.  We spent the first few minutes hunting and pouncing, looking for
a spot on 40 when we came upon K1AR who was rattling the boys very
fast (this is 1800z on Saturday).  I told the 10 year old op to call
AR, give him the report and say "Hi John".  Which K1AR replied, "Who
is this?"  The 10 year old said this is "Tim", to which K1AR replied,
"How do I know you?". The op said I'm operating in my first fied day
and I am 10 years old".  AR continued the Rag Chew by commenting on
his son also named Tim.  After several minutes AR decided it was time
to call some CQ's, but I was very impressed how John took the time to
talk to this young op. I know FD is not the DX contest, but 5 minutes
of time passed between lines in the CT log of K1AR.  Not something the
log checkers see all the time.....

Having put my share of coax, hardline and other cables in buried
conduit, my opion is that it is not worth the time, money and hassle. 
I seal my connectors with very sticky doublesided tape that is used to
seal burial vaults.  Then cover it with Scotch 88 (thicker, stickier
and wider temperature use than 33+) 3 times.  Works great!

One more field day note. While runnin' the boys with our young ops
a guy answered a CQ with "Uncle Charlie".  With some coaching the
young op replied "We need your whole call".  To which the calling
station replied "Uncle Charlie".  Our young op responded by saying, "I
am sorry sir (in his high pitched young voice), but I am not allowed
to contact you until I have your whole call".  The calling station
(Uncle Charlie) then vacated the frequency.  A simple QRZ W3LIF
brought a string of full call replies.  

Tim K3LR

K3LR at

>From k3lr <k3lr at>  Fri Jul  8 16:21:18 1994
From: k3lr <k3lr at> (k3lr)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 1994 11:21:18 -0400
Subject: W8BKP
Message-ID: <199407081521.LAA28884 at>

The following message was sent on our local cluster by K8MFO.

George Morrow - W8BKP dies 4:20 am July 7 at the age of 86. Until the
very recent past he was active on the bands, chasing DX on both CW amd
SSB, just as he had been doing since the mid 1920's!  If ever anyone
could be termed "The Old Dxer" it would be W8BKP.  Among his
accomplishments: He can in 2nd in the ARRL DX Contest in 1929! (He won
in 1964) both times while Ohio.  After the death of his first wife in
the mid 60s, George went to work for Dale Hoppe K6UA (then W6VSS). 
BKP's job was to maintain the top notch contest station that Hoppe put
together.  Then it was back to Ohio, and eventually another marrige. 
George was inactive for somewhere between 15 and 20 years and fell way
off the honor roll.  With a TS520 and a homebrew 20 meter vertical, he
scratched his way back to the top of the honor rolls again sfter 5
years.  If you ever saw a "City lot", then you saw the W8BKP QTH, in
downtown New Philadelphia, Ohio.  There was not enough width on the
lot to handle the turning radius of a TA33!  No matter, the grizzled,
chiselled and wise old DXer got them all!   He was more than a legend
and we will really miss the old guy.  Rest in Peace, old timer.
73 from your friend Don, K8MFO

Tim K3LR

K3LR at

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