AA4NC at aol.com AA4NC at aol.com
Tue Jul 12 22:20:43 EDT 1994

VP5NC   Single Op / Mixed Mode

BAND     CW Qs     SSB Qs     Mults
160           15               3             6
 80            10            113          23
 40           403             49          36
 20           571           530          48
 15           228           374          38
 10             12           158          12

All           1239         1227         163   =   1,505,120 pts.

ICOM IC-751A, Mosley PRO 67 @ 40', HyGain Hytower
Heath SB200 (400 watts) , 100 watts on 80/160m

Lots of fun, but a bit frustrating - Bands generally lousy (except 20m)
and when it was open, all antennas were aimed at EU and US, not
down here. Also wished I was further south at P40AA where the US
is 5 points! Sure I was smoked by the Europeans this time out. 

(The above commentary is the mandatory whining clause required of
all contest entrants under the universal contest reporting statute - 
IX.43a CD794).

Thanks for the Qs. See ya next time... 73 Will AA4NC / VP5NC

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