non-contaminating coax
Wed Jul 13 01:37:14 EDT 1994
Non-Contaminating Coax
While there are flooded types of cable made specifically for direct
burial I have used Belden RG213 #8241 for many years above and in the ground
with no problems. Like most I've had more trouble with connectors than
anything else and have seemed to work that out. The Belden manual rated this
type of non-contaminating cable very good with respect to U/V, Water, Acid,
Alkaline solutions, and abrasions. It is not however suitable for oil,
grease, solvents or gasoline which I hope you don't have in your yard.
I have used similiar cables by Time, Columbia, Alpha, and others. The
fact is that like RG8U there are many grades, types and qualities available.
Some are no doubt better than others. In general I have found the quality
of Belden to improve over the years with better grades of PVC than most. I
have also seen so called RG213 in some brands bleach, check, and crack in
a very short period of time. In selling the stuff for 20 years I have yet
to ever see a cable splice. Maybe thats why I keep using the stuff......
73 Bob, KG7D
via internet"rkile at"
>From Charles Fulp Jr <0006313915 at> Tue Jul 12 21:17:00 1994
From: Charles Fulp Jr <0006313915 at> (Charles Fulp Jr)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 15:17 EST
Message-ID: <63940712201736/0006313915PK1EM at>
IARU HF Championship -- 1994
Call: K3WW Section: EPA
160 10 18 1.80 4 0
80 50 146 2.92 10 6
40 197 777 3.94 15 4
20 640 2762 4.32 29 15
15 91 271 2.98 17 5
10 6 16 2.67 4 0
Totals 994 3990 4.01 79 30
Score: 434,910 points
Mostly CW, about 11 hours on air, for sunspot low/summer conditions
things seemed pretty decent, even 80 and 160 were OK and I knocked off
at 11 pm local time.This was my first contest since turning 50, so
will no doubt taking it easy in all future events. de Chas, K3WW
>From Felipe J. Hernandez" <0006627542 at Wed Jul 13 00:31:00 1994
From: Felipe J. Hernandez" <0006627542 at (Felipe J. Hernandez)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 18:31 EST
Subject: IARU Score - 9V1ARU
Message-ID: <71940712233117/0006627542NA2EM at>
Hi James:
Regarding your score, it wasnt a super one
but real good taking under consideration your
location and the way the propagation was.
It seemed that the farther south you were the
worse it got. i had no 10mtrs and very little 15
i know the south americans were having the worst
of times....theres always next year!!!
This is really about the ct9 problem you had
this thing made me change computers... and i can
say it didnt make things be polite!
it kept on crashing everytime, i wonder if the
same thing happened to others..
I hope they can find a solution to this, in the
mean time ill get back to my good ole ct8....
73's felipe
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Wed Jul 13 17:53:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 94 09:53:00 PDT
Subject: was: IARU Score - 9V1ARU (now W5WMU power)
Message-ID: <2E241E47 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
From: owner-cq-contest
To: cq-contest
Subject: Re: IARU Score - 9V1ARU
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 1994 12:32PM
On Tue, 12 Jul 1994, James Brooks wrote:
> OK, what kind of power was W5WMU running anyhow? He was so loud on
> 20m it was shocking, and so far above any other Stateside signal
> it was weird. Never heard anything like it. Ever.
Hmmmm.....2 reports now about how loud W5WMU was. One in the States from
KM9P and one from the other side of the globe. Hmmm....very
interesting. I guess propagation is truly the great equalizer. ;-)
-Dave KM3T
km3t at
In defense of W5WMU, whom I do not know personally, here's a short and true
story. Back in the 1980/1981 timeframe, I was tuning 20 m phone one
and I came across a signal that I thought was going to break the S meter on
TS530. Actually, it was only 40 dB over nine...and it was A71AD! He had a
large pileup going and working lots of Yeast Coasters.....I gave him a call
he simply stopped the pileup and said: "Good God WB4iUX, what are you
running? You have pinned my S meter and nobody has ever done that!"
I would like to have told him I was running a 6 over 6 stack and a 4cx5000
homebrew amp, but in reality I was only using a Gonset GSB201 amp (that
would barely put out 1 kw) and a 3 element 20m yagi at 75 feet.
Yes, propagation indeed..
73, Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.NCR.COM
>From fish at (Bill Fisher (KM9P) Concentric Systems, Inc.) Wed Jul 13 15:17:05 1994
From: fish at (Bill Fisher (KM9P) Concentric Systems, Inc.) (Bill Fisher KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 07:17:05 -0700
Subject: NAQP Writeup help
Message-ID: <199407131417.AA06944 at>
I am in the final stages of finishing the NAQP write-up from January. Sorry
so late.
I would like to replace the soapbox with some information on the high
scoring stations. Specifically, I would like to get antenna information and
number of rigs used from the following stations:
If you know what any of these guys is using, please email me with a short
description. I think it should show that for the most part, these guys
don't have huge stations and are still making the top ten in this contest.
Bill Fisher
Bill Fisher, KM9P
Concentric Systems, Inc. (CSI)
404-442-5821 Fax 404-667-1975
>From Dave Pascoe <pascoe at MathWorks.Com> Wed Jul 13 16:01:50 1994
From: Dave Pascoe <pascoe at MathWorks.Com> (Dave Pascoe)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 11:01:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: was: IARU Score - 9V1ARU (now W5WMU power)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407131017.E14738-0100000 at zippy>
On Wed, 13 Jul 1994, Skelton, Tom wrote:
> In defense of W5WMU, whom I do not know personally, here's a short and true
> story. Back in the 1980/1981 timeframe, I was tuning 20 m phone one afternoon
> and I came across a signal that I thought was going to break the S meter on
> the TS530. Actually, it was only 40 dB over nine...and it was A71AD! He
> had a
> large pileup going and working lots of Yeast Coasters.....I gave him a call
> and
> he simply stopped the pileup and said: "Good God WB4iUX, what are you
> running? You have pinned my S meter and nobody has ever done that!"
> I would like to have told him I was running a 6 over 6 stack and a 4cx5000
> homebrew amp, but in reality I was only using a Gonset GSB201 amp (that
> would barely put out 1 kw) and a 3 element 20m yagi at 75 feet.
> Yes, propagation indeed..
Tom, we believe you and I'm sure many of us could tell similar stories.
But the many reports of extremely loud backscatter signals really tell
the story. I've heard W5WMU on direct and scatter paths and I'm fairly
confident that he runs in excess of 1500W PEP. Maybe we're all wrong,
but I'll go out on the limb. We're not that stupid. But, to each his
-Dave KM3T
km3t at
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